5785 & 2025 The BREATH, The RAM & The Father
Happy, Joyous, Favored of God & Blessed New Year, JCM Covenant Partners & Friends! Let Me FIRST SAY, What A Beautiful and Wonderful TIME Of God That We Have Entered! The Lord IS Doing and GOING TO DO Beautiful and Wonderful Things For His People, Who Believe In This Year of 2025! Prophetically, This Will Be A Very BIG Year! We Trust YOU LORD! We BELIEVE LORD! Let’s DIG IN Our FAITH HEELS and Get Things Done and Accomplish ALL That The King Wants and Let's Do It ALL TOGETHER As A Ministry Family! Praise King Jesus!
THANK YOU For Your Prayers and Financial Support To This Ministry! Together, To Keep Reaching Out In So Many Ways In These Last Days, Covenant Partners! We Are Very, Very Grateful For Your Love and Trust! We Love You!
There are some great things that The Lord wants us to SEE in this Hebraic Year of “5785” and of 2025. On the Hebraic Calendar we see that there is a Number of every Year that has been.
Isn’t that wonderful! So, we can SEE what God is communicating, what He has prophetically set and know what is on God’s Heart and still yet see in the Natural, God’s Calendar! The TIME of America goes by a calendar called the Gregorian calendar and this calendar is different than the Hebrew Calendar.
The Hebrew Calendar is the Calendar that The Lord and His People follow and have been “on” for hundreds and hundreds of years! The Hebrew Calendar does not begin on January 01, like the Gregorian Calendar that we follow here in the United States. The Hebrew Calendar began its New Year at the Feast Of God called Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets. We have been in the New Year of the Lord of “5785” since 02 October 2024 and this year it will extend to 2025’s Feast of Trumpets. We have, with God, already begun a New Prophetic Year in HIM!
There is a literal number that each year has been given and within that number there is a meaning and “identity” that has been given by The Lord! The Hebrew People have known this throughout History. See, the Hebraic People know that the numbering of the years have been going on for many years and that is how HISTORY, GOD’S HISTORY, IS MARKED. They also know something that we, The Church now know and will continue to grow in knowing and that is that, NUMBERS MEAN WORDS and WORDS MEAN NUMBERS. Numbers mean words TO GOD AND HIS PEOPLE! God speaks through Words and He also is communicating through Numbers also. And now we in The Church can have this prophetic insight too!
When you and I see Numbers in The Word of God we are also seeing WORDS. The example that I commonly and repeatedly use to explain this is when one looks at the Book of Revelation, for example you see the Number “12” many times, don’t you? Well, the Number “12” has many Word meanings to it; just some are Divine Government, Order, Divine Power, New Jerusalem and Apostle. Everything that is in The Word of God and when God is communicating to us is a part of HIM Communicating. He Communicates through dreams and visions and Rhema Words from Him; He uses numbers, “scenes,” and pictures.
Our Lord and King IS THE Communicator!
“After this, I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will have dreams, and your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28 (ERV)
He Is Amazing how He Communicates with His People! And, in the LAST DAYS, what we are living in, there is a Prophecy that says that in these LAST DAYS that He will have an especial amount (An Outpouring) of Communication, Visions, Dreams and Experiences of HIMSELF with His People! Dreams and Visions are to be interpreted! The symbols, the things in the Dreams and Visions, the Numbers . . . ALL that is within them will need interpreted and understanding and meaning taking place.
We are in the Prophetic Year of “5785” on the Hebraic Calendar. Let’s look at it in its first part. It’s TIME To Get Excited Bride of Christ!
We entered into a new “decade” of The Lord when we entered the “80’s” of God. The “80’s” of the Hebraic Time of God. And, as stated before, Numbers mean Words. So, what does the Number 80 have in store for us in this Time of God?
The Letter in the Hebrew Alphabet that represents the Number 80 is the 17th Letter which is “Pey.” Pey means MOUTH!
80 = “Pey” = MOUTH
Image by Unsplash
The TIME of God of “5785” is “calling out” to us Beloved! This prophetic decade of TIME has words and symbols to us, to which one of them is MOUTH. This is calling to us what this TIME of God can have for us! It is wise to hear and receive what God is telling us in His TIME. The TIMES of God Are Just That! His TIMES, His Meanings, His Will, His Words, His Direction for His People and His Prophetic Mission To Those Who have Ears to Hear and Eyes To See, To Those Who Believe! And The Present Year Of God Is “5785”.
Image by Unsplash
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Proverbs 18:21 (AMP)
“So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 (AMPC)
Now that we have shortly looked at the “Pey” or 80 of this “5785” Year of The Lord, what follows next is the “5” of “5785”.
5 = “Hey” = BREATH
The number that changed when the Year of The Lord changed to “5785” is “5” and also the number of the Year we are now in here in America is 2025. The “5” changed in both year identities. And the Hebrew identity for the number (five) “5” is the WORD, “Hey.”
If one looks at the “85” that we are now in you would see the Hebrew WORDS, “Pey” and “Hey,” both sounding very similar. This is what “Hey” looks like in Hebrew.
Upon thinking and praying about one of the meanings of “Hey” which is BREATH, one of the Places that came to my heart was within the Temple of God. When one leaves the Outer Court outside the Temple where the brazen altar of sacrifice was and would go into the doors of the Temple, this entering could only be done by priests, only priests could “go in.” Yet, only one man, on one day of the year could go behind the “Veil” or “Curtain” inside the Temple where THE PRESENCE OF GOD RESIDED on The Ark Of The Covenant. And that Place was called The Holy of Holies. And the ONLY DAY that the HIGH PRIEST, not a priest, it had to be the HIGH PRIEST, could go behind that “Veil” or “Curtain” was on The Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur.
While in the Presence and Glory of God the High Priest repents on behalf of the people of God. He is literally in the astounding and marvelous Presence of God, Himself! Remember, only one man at one time a year could even do this! And it is taught by Hebrew scholars that while he is standing in the Presence of God when he spoke and prayed and Repented in the Holy of Holies . . . that another language would come out of his MOUTH (Pey-80) that he did not understand! And when he left The Holy of Holies the language stopped! (Like when we speak in tongues! When we pray in tongues!)
But NOW, we can go behind that Curtain any time (THAT Veil or Curtain was torn from top to bottom and WE CAN ENTER IN GOD’S PRESENCE!) And NOW we can use our MOUTHS (Pey-80) and pray in our PRAYER LANGUAGE ANY TIME with our voices applied with our BREATH (Hey-5)!
Image by Unsplash
And another HUGE thing that would happen on this one day, with this one man, The High Priest is that when he would enter into the Holy Place he would begin to hear a SOUND and it was the sound of a man BREATHING! (Hey-5) As he would walk toward the Curtain or Veil it would begin to move forward and back! The Curtain would have motion as if to inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. All while the sound of a man breathing was happening!
It Was The BREATH Of God The Man, The Priest, Was Hearing!
The Lungs Of God Inhaling Was That Curtain!
The Face Of God, The Presence Of God Was Behind That Curtain!
The Unknown Tongue/Language Of God Was Being Spoken By The High Priest By His MOUTH!
It Was A TIME Of The MOUTH, The WORDS and The BREATH All Happening At The Same Time!
80 = “Pey” = MOUTH
5 = “Hey” = BREATH
It’s TIME Again!
It’s “85"
The Presence of God, The Breath of God, The Words of God! All For The Child Of God! IT IS TIME!
On 24 June 2020, The Lord woke me up and said sternly to me, “Change is Coming, Change Is Here!” The Lord gave me no visual, only His Words. And, He was very stern, adamant and I felt very much warned and somewhat alarmed. And, very much hard and evil things were being uncovered in our Nation since this Word from The Lord. The evilness to children and women has been “uncovered” for us all to see. And how our Leaders have always been a part of it!
THEN, The Lord Gave Me ANOTHER Dream on 26 August 2023.
I dreamt I was standing behind a White RAM Pick Up Truck. I could see the RAM Emblem that was on the back of the truck. The Emblem was CHROME. To the left side was written IN ALL CHROME or SILVER the following: The words/numbers, “2020“ (this was on the top) and “Change” under it. This seemed to be glistening and shining in the dream when I was looking at it. I then woke up. It was a peaceful dream with nothing fearful at all.
Since 2020 when this WORD was given to us, in Church Services we have deeply and frequently preached on this CHANGE! We have looked at it in the Hebrew and in the Greek and in the Prophetic. And Yet, The Lord is still expounding on it and it is MARVELOUS!
When the Lord gave me that dream on 26 August 2023, it was the symbol that is important. He showed me a RAM that was made of chrome like the word/number message (2020 - CHANGE) that was also in the dream. AND, that it was all on the back of a White RAM Pick Up Truck. In The Bible we find a TIME when a RAM was used.
“2 [God] said, Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah; and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I will tell you. 3 So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him and his son Isaac; and he split the wood for the burnt offering, and then began the trip to the place of which God had told him . . . 5 And Abraham said to his servants, Settle down and stay here with the donkey, and I and the young man will go yonder and worship and come again to you. 6 Then Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and laid it on [the shoulders of] Isaac his son, and he took the fire (the firepot) in his own hand, and a knife; and the two of them went on together. 7. . . [Isaac] said, See, here are the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt sacrifice? 8 Abraham said, My son, God Himself will provide a lamb for the burnt offering. So the two went on together. 9 When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there; then he laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar on the wood. 10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took hold of the knife to slay his son.” Genesis 22:2-3, 5-10 (AMPC)
There was great OBEDIENCE that took place by Abraham and Isaac! Isaac was not a little boy, for after this we see in The Word that he was ready to be married. So, Isaac was a man. Both men obeyed The Lord entirely, even until what they thought would be death. Yet Abraham BELIEVED what God had promised and that is that more descendants (stars) than he could count would be coming from Isaac. And, Isaac believed it too and he trusted God and his father, Abraham.
In a TIME in their lives when IT GOT VERY HARD, they trusted The Lord with all their hearts and they didn’t lean on their own understandings. They both heard from The Lord and quickly obeyed.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Then what happened?
Image by Unsplash
“Then Abraham looked up and glanced around, and behold, behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering and an ascending sacrifice instead of his son! 14 So Abraham called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide. And it is said to this day, On the mount of the Lord it will be provided.
Genesis 22:13-14 (AMPC)
And in the TIME Of “5785,” the TIME OF “85” The TIME of The RAM, we shall experience, GET PROVISION from Jehovah Jireh!
The Lord Will Provide
Yahweh Will Provide
Jehovah Will See To It
The God Who Makes Me See
The God Who Presents
The God of Provision
The God of Provision
The RAM was God’s PROVISION for Abraham and Isaac! The RAM would be the PROVISION that would be given to meet a need. The RAM was the SUPPLY that was needed. The RAM was given and Abraham IMMEDIATELY gave the Name of Jehovah Jireh to The Lord from mankind on earth!
As we have discussed earlier of the “5” that’s in the “85” of this new Hebraic Year of “5785” is that 5 = “Hey” = BREATH. Also, Hey means BEHOLD and REVEAL. The PROVISION of the RAM was brought to Abraham to LOOK, BEHOLD what had been PROVIDED! God REVEALED what was already PROVIDED FOR! And the WORD/NAME JIREH also means:
Which is very similar to what Hey means also!
Hey means BEHOLD and REVEAL.
We know that great rejoicing and praise come forth from Abraham and Isaac! When their PROVISION, the RAM was REVEALED . . . Oh the JOY that their GOD had Revealed and PRESENTED! THEIR PROVISION! THE RAM! And Always THE RAM would be A SIGN to them, a remembrance to them of THE PROVISION OF GOD, THE RAM!
What IS The Witness That The TIME Of THE RAM, The PROVISION Has Come?
The Hebraic STRONG’S NUMBER Of #85 Is Abraham!
The TIME Of The BLESSING Of Abraham Is Here!
The Sign Of Provision That Is The RAM Is HERE!
Hebrew Strong’s Number “85” is ABRAHAM!
“Change is Coming,
Change Is Here!”
The Lord has put us in a big TIME that is primed for BLESSINGS, The Blessing of Abraham! 2020 may have come in VERY HARD and GOD told and gave us the Word that, “Change Is Coming, Change is Here” in 2020. Yet, I believe that in this TIME of “85” we have now entered the TIME of The RAM and ABRAHAM! PROVISION & FAITH! RAMS Are Planted and Waiting To Be Revealed EVERYWHERE ON OUR PATH!
So, are you ready for your CHANGE? Begin this year by totally surrendering your all to King Jesus! Your BEST LIFE IS IN HIM . . . And IN HIM COMPLETELY! HOLDING NOTHING OF YOU BACK FROM HIM! Believe with all your heart and confess with your mouth these words, and say out loud,
“Lord Jesus, You and I both know that I am away from You. I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely. I surrender to You Lord! I leave my past and my sins and I ask You to forgive me of them. I believe that You rose from the dead for me. I receive Your free gift Jesus! Please come into my life and CHANGE it and do something with it. I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name!”
If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God! Welcome To The Family! We want to celebrate with you and send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your new life in The Lord Jesus! And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know! We would also send you one FREE and Postage Paid. It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry. Just Contact Us and Let Us Know What God Has Done In Your Life! Praise The Lord!
We Love You and We Are Praying For You! Until Next Time . . . Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming! - Pastor Jamie
Pastors Dewayne and Jamie
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Thank You! In Advance!
Happy, Joyous, Favored of God & Blessed New Year,
JCM Covenant Partners & Friends!
The Shepherd's Corner
Hello Disciples!
We pray that all have had a wonderful and blessed New Year! As we reflect on 2024 with a grateful heart, let’s look ahead and be inspired by the blessings ahead and refocus and renew our outlook on what God has for us in 2025.
We are looking forward with great excitement for what God has for us in our Discipleship Classes this year. We will diligently pray and ask God to give us The Word that will unlock the Mysteries of His Word to each one of us.
As we continue in the Great Commission of Jesus, we invite you to join us and hope that you will encourage others to join us.
If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us. Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/
God Loves You and We Love You!
Shepherd Donna
Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship
January's Discipleship Schedule
Wednesday, 08 JANUARY 2025—7:00 PM
Wednesday, 15 JANUARY 2025—7:00 PM
Wednesday, 29 JANUARY 2025—7:00 PM
Contact JCM or Shepherd Donna Legg At donna@jamiecarte.org For More Information! And When You Have Watched A Class, To Get Credit, Please Contact Shepherd Donna!
HELLO Partners & Friends!
Wow! What a year it has been for us here at TWLC! God has so richly blessed us with the support and encouragement of our Partners and Friends this year and for that we are so very thankful!
As we finalize another year of Administration and Blessings within the Office, we are excited to see what The Lord has in store for us here on the Hico Campus and in seeing what He will do on the Leland, NC Campus as well As in the upcoming year.
As we took the time to celebrate Our Savior’s birth, let’s also reflect on what all He has done for us and what He will do for us in this New Year! And we look forward to you reaching out to us so that we can celebrate what He is doing and has done in your lives as well!
We wish you and your family the Best of the forthcoming New Year!
Shepherd Deborah
Shepherd of Administration
Thank You For Giving In 2024!
Thank You To All of JCM’S Partners and Friends Who Gave in 2024! You Provided FREE Ministry Resources, TV Programs Preaching Truth, Monthly Teaching Letters, CD’S, DVD’S, Bibles, Discipleship and Internet Ministry! ALL FREE To So Many People! You, Partnering With Us & Other JCM Partners and Friends Are Providing A Way For Others To Receive Freedom For Themselves and Their Families! Thank You SO MUCH For Your Precious Sowing and Praying in 2024!
Listen To Podcasts, Watch JCM TV & Discipleship Classes, Read Prophetic and Right Now Word Teachings, SIGN UP For Daily Teachings and the Monthly
Teaching Letter! Send In Prayer Requests and Contact the Ministry All From The Webpage! It’s Our Gift To You and For You! We Love You!
NEW YEAR! Join Us In Reading Your Bible!
Go to https://www.jamiecarte.org/the-word/daily-scripture-reading/ and go to the “Daily Scripture Reading” Page, scroll down and find the date and jump on in with us! Remember to read The Bible out loud so you can hear it when you read! Increase your FAITH with us!
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
Romans 10:17 (NKJV)
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at https://www.jamiecarte.org/contact-us/prayer-request/
or simply email us at Prayer@jamiecarte.org!
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Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!
Per The Lord, ANNOUNCING Again!
The Lord has said TO ANNOUNCE that it is TIME
for “The Offering OF The Lord!”
Whenever there was a Place of God that was to be built for Him AN ANNOUNCEMENT was made to God’s People that the Opportunity to GIVE was at hand. Exodus tells us that, “Whoever is of a willing and generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s offering.” The Word of Life Centers are being built for The King and His People and He is Announcing that it is TIME for His People, who have a willing and generous heart to Give for His Houses!
“And they came, each one whose heart stirred him up and whose spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the [new] Tent of Meeting, for all its service, . . .” Exodus 35:21 (AMPC)
Thank You So Much For Praying & Giving!
Sow Safely On Line
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Sunday’s 10:30 AM, Wednesday’s 7PM
The Word Of Life Center
19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854
The Mission Of Mahanaim!
Mahanaim means "Two Camps, Two Armies"
Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission?
Discipleship, Building, Construction, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama Ministry, Serving, Media, TV Ministry, Funding, Helps, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding and Distribution.
Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim?
Is This Part Of Your Future?