2024 Partner Letters


Sunday - Worship & Word Service 10:30 AM and Discipleship/Training - Weekdays


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Let me begin this Teaching by saying, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!”  Dewayne and I and All Of The Ministry Bless You In JESUS NAME!  Our Prayer Is That This Entire Season Of The Light Of God Is Your Best So Far.  We Pray That You Have An Absolute Wonderful Time Praising God, Thanking God, Celebrating God, Pondering On and Having THE LOVE OF GOD FLOOD YOUR HEART As You See What Father God and Jesus and Holy Spirit Has Done For Us In This Season IN JESUS NAME!  The Love Of Our Lord Is Amazing!  GOD HIMSELF CAME TO EARTH TO SAVE US!  That Is How Much We Are Loved and Valued By Our Father and King!  Hallelujah!  Thank You Lord!

THANK YOU COVENANT PARTNERS AND FRIENDS OF JAMIE CARTE MINISTRIES!  We Have the BEST PARTNERS In The World!  THANK YOU SO MUCH For Your Faithfulness and Your Generosity To This Ministry!  Thank You For Your Service!  YOU Love Others With The Love Of God!  We Say It Again, You Unselfishly Give Of Yourselves Through Your Prayers and Financial Support To This Ministry and WE TOGETHER WITH YOU Are Reaching People, Teaching People and Giving Them The Uncompromised TRUTH!  God Has Divinely Put Us Together As A Family To Reach Out To Others In These LAST DAYS And Give Them Truth and Show Them The Love Of God.  WE ARE GRATEFUL TO YOU BEING A PART OF THIS MINISTRY and OUR LIVES!  We Dearly Love You and Are So Grateful For You!  THANK YOU LORD FOR OUR PARTNERS!  Merry Christmas Family!

“18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with LIGHT, so that you can know and understand THE HOPE to which He has called you, AND how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER in AND for us WHO BELIEVE, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty STRENGTH,”  



The Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul told us in Ephesians 1 that The Lord Himself had a great desire and that was that the Church would “know and understand” some things that were truly vital for them THEN and us NOW!  Especially as we are in the Last Days that The Bible speaks of!  The Lord, through Paul was telling us that HE WANTED US TO KNOW ABOUT OUR INHERITANCE THAT WE RECEIVED THROUGH OUR KING AND BIG BROTHER, KING JESUS!


The Word tells us that it is a “glorious inheritance” that we have been given by Jesus through the tremendous sacrifice HE fulfilled. SO MUCH has been given to us!  Salvation, Peace, Healing, Prosperity, Protection, Authority, Counseling, Teaching, The Mind of Christ, Joy and SO MUCH MORE! 


Yet, very specifically it is mentioned of one particular thing WITHIN THE INHERITANCE and that is the other thing in The Word that The Lord says He wants us to “know and understand” and that is about HIS POWER.  Why would it be important to The Lord for us to know about HIS POWER that HE USES and for us to “know” His Power and to “understand” His Power if that power was just for Him to use?  So that we would “know and understand” His Power and read about Him exercising His Power.


Bride of Christ HE wants us to “know and understand” about his Power because HE WANTS US TO USE HIS POWER THAT IS IN AND FOR US.”  HIS POWER IS IN US and FOR US!  The Lord wants His Children to “know and understand” about THE POWER that is inside of them that they receive when they become Born Again.  The SAME POWER that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you and I!  


And in Ephesians 1:19 we are told that THE POWER that is in us is, “immeasurable and  unlimited and surpassing greatness!”  The POWER that is in us has NO LIMITS and it’s UNLIMITED!  The POWER that is in us IS IMMEASURABLE!  So, as far as you can go in your imagination of how far THE POWER of God could reach . . . THE POWER can go beyond that!  THE POWER of God cannot be measured!  When you get to a place, THE POWER IS BEYOND THAT!  Think of another beyond that to what THE POWER could reach . . . THE POWER is beyond that . . . And beyond that . . . And beyond that . . .

“18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with LIGHT, so that you can know and understand THE HOPE to which He has called you, AND how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER in AND for us WHO BELIEVE, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty STRENGTH,”  



The Power Is In You & I

This is SO HUGE!  The Lord wants us to be FLOODED WITH LIGHT so that we will KNOW and UNDERSTAND about all of our Inheritance through Jesus AND He wants us to KNOW and UNDERSTAND about His Power that is IN US and FOR US . . . . Who Believe!


We have to be flooded with the Light of Truth, The Word and we have to BELIEVE what The Word says about us and what has been given to us, how to operate in THE POWER and we have to love others more than ourselves.  For, we have to USE THE POWER that WE HAVE IN US . . . FOR OTHERS.


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THE POWER OF GOD that is IN us is to flow from us to minister and help others.  And, THE POWER is FOR US also!  Again, the SAME SPIRIT, THE POWER of God that raised Christ from the dead lives IN US and is FOR US!  THE POWER Raised Jesus!  THE POWER HEALED Jesus!  THE POWER repaired Jesus’ Body!  

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” Romans 8:11 (NLT)


Really think of this; THE SAME SPIRIT “Will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living WITHIN YOU.”  The Lord wants us to KNOW and UNDERSTAND about THE  POWER that is in us and for us . . . WHO BELIEVE!  HE wants us TO BELIEVE!  Believe that THE POWER is IN US and Believe that THE POWER is FOR US!  Say it with me . . .















Genesis 1:3, “LIGHT Be, LIGHT Was!”  The LIGHT of verse 3 is VERY DIFFERENT than what we know to be the LIGHTS of the Sun and Moon and Stars on Day 4 that were spoken out of the Mouth of God and created by Him.  The LIGHT that was spoken into existence on Day 1 is a force, a creative power that was released into the atmosphere of this World By God Himself!  It is and was LIGHT-POWER!


“. . . Because As He Is, So Are We In This World!” 1 John 4:17


God released HIMSELF, HIS LIGHT, from HIS BELLY into the atmosphere of the Heavens, the Earth and to the cosmic places of the Galaxies!  The POWER of CREATION was released and SENT OUT OF GOD, HIMSELF and IT HAS NEVER STOPPED ITS POWER!  EVERYTHING that was created AFTER The LIGHT POWER Of God And Was Released Out Of Him In Verse 3, Was Done So By This LIGHT POWER Of God! When God released HIS LIGHT POWER everything began being created! The LIGHT of God which is His creative POWER was released and that is what the rest of creation was implemented with!


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How Do We Know That The LIGHT that was released in Genesis 1:3 by God is still in motion and occurring?  We know that it has been discovered by the scientists and math experts of this World that LIGHT is moving and traveling at the “speed” of 186,000 miles a second.  And where and when did the LIGHT POWER come from and start?  The LIGHT POWER came FROM the FAITH and MOUTH of The Lord and it is written to us about it in Genesis 1:3!  The Lord HAS NEVER TAKEN IT BACK OR STOPPED IT!  The LIGHT POWER is still operating!













Science and experts have also discovered that the Galaxy that is beyond what we can even see in the natural sense IS EXPANDING 45.55 MILES PER SECOND!  Really think about this!  The Galaxy is still being created at the expanse “speed” and entity of 45.55 MILES PER SECOND!  Science has caught up with the speed of the LIGHT POWER.  They are measuring LIGHT, and most don’t know that it is the LIGHT POWER of God!  Yet, they have discovered that this LIGHT is creating GALAXIES THAT ARE BEYOND US!


“LIGHT BE, LIGHT WAS!” was never stopped by God and therefore the LIGHT-POWER to create IS STILL DOING what it was meant to do; create in motion of the LIGHT POWER of God!  It’s the Endless Motion and POWER of God!  



And giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.” Colossians 1:12 (NIV)


We have been qualified by Father and have inherited our place in the Kingdom OF LIGHT!  We are now Children of The LIGHT!  We are Born of God, Who Is LIGHT HIMSELF!  We Are Born of LIGHT!  LIGHT HIMSELF!  We Are Born of LIGHT!  And are Children of The Kingdom of LIGHT.  This is The Father of Light . . . LIGHT POWER!  Therefore, we are Born of LIGHT POWER!  We are born into the Kingdom of LIGHT POWER!  We Have That LIGHT POWER living in us as Children of The Father of Lights!  The LIGHT POWER OF FATHER is IN US and FOR US!

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” James 1:17 (NKJV)


Now can we see so much more as to why The Lord wants us to “know and understand” and our eyes be flooded with light about the POWER?  THE  POWER that is UNLIMITED and IMMEASURABLE!  The POWER that is within us!  HE wants us to know about the POWER and KNOW how to operate the POWER SKILLFULLY!  

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“18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with LIGHT, so that you can know and understand THE HOPE to which He has called you, AND how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER in AND for us WHO BELIEVE, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty STRENGTH,”  



GOD wants us to know that the POWER is FOR US!  The POWER that RAISED Christ from the dead is IN and FOR us!  GOD wants us TO BELIEVE!  BELIEVE!  I Believe In The Power Of God In Me!


When LIGHT-POWER is spoken, the All THINGS Are Possible creation began!  



“. . . Because As He Is, So Are We In This World!” 1 John 4:17

Jesus made it clear that He was The Light and that we who are followers of Jesus, The Word will not be in the darkness but that we will have the LIGHT!  That is huge!  WE have the LIGHT!  We have the LIGHT of God which is the LIGHT-POWER of Him!  The Creative LIGHT-POWER of Genesis 1:3!


“Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.” John 8:12 (AMPC) 

The Joy, The Praise & Thanksgiving


In order to operate in the POWER, ONE HAS TO HAVE strength!  

19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER in AND for us WHO BELIEVE, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty STRENGTH,”  



“ . . . For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10


A Child of God has to be operating and choosing to live in the JOY of The Lord in order to have strength.  And Ephesians Chapter 1 tells us that for those who will BELIEVE the POWER that there is DEMONSTRATION of the POWER.  And, His Mighty Strength is what ushers the DEMONSTRATION!  JOY is what brings the STRENGTH, FOR the DEMONSTRATION of Power!  In order to operate in the POWER, ONE HAS TO HAVE strength!



“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57 


One of the greatest Revelations from The Lord HE has given me is that my Victory is connected to my Thanksgiving!


         “Thanks Be To God, Victory Follows!”        “Thanks Be To God, Victory Follows!”       “Thanks Be To God, Victory Follows!”


I have learned that no matter what is happening or just to continually remember to do this, throw up my hands and arms and start THANKING GOD . . . I Thank You Lord!  I Thank You Lord!  Hallelujah,  I Thank You Lord!  VICTORY WILL FOLLOW!  TRUSTING GOD that, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57  All of our victories come through and have come through our Lord Jesus Christ!  And giving Him Thanks . . . Victories come through HIM!  Oh, Just Thank Him With Me!  Thank You Lord!


Then we see that JOY and THANKSGIVING go together!  In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 TPT we see “Let joy be your continual feast. 17 Make your life a prayer. 18 And in the midst of  everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.”  The perfect plan of God for us is to continually feed on JOY and that means no matter what is happening or if we feel like it or not!  Then make PRAYER YOUR LIFE!  In addition we see that we’re to ALWAYS GIVE THANKS to God!  And we see the words, “ALWAYS” and “continual” in these forces of JOY and THANKS.  Thanks to God is A Force that accompanies THE POWER OF GOD!



The PRAISE of The Lord is Mighty!  Church, we are to be praising The Lord AT ALL TIMES!  PRAISE is to CONTINUALLY be in our mouths!  Giving Him a Sacrifice of Praise CONTINUALLY!  It is a Sacrifice that we bring to HIM!  It is putting Him before how we feel and before every other thing.  Praise Him!  We Have To Open Our Mouths To Praise and To Give Thanks to King Jesus!  And what we are seeing is that Praise and Thanksgiving are threaded into each other!  And if we practice Praise and Thanksgiving to our Lord,  we will find ourselves forming a CONTINUAL FLOW with The Lord!  I am willing to “practice” my Praise and Thanksgiving to HIM!  I WANT to TRAIN MYSELF to be living in that Flow of Praise with Him!

“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1

“By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.”  Hebrews 13:15 (KJV 21)



It is a good and delightful thing to give thanks to the Lord, To sing praises to Your name, O Most High, 2 To declare Your Lovingkindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night.”  Psalm 94:1-2 (AMP)



 The Shaking

 “A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. 23 They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn’t escape. 24 So the jailer put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks.” “25 Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, (WYC - worshipped, and praised God;) and the other prisoners were listening. 26 Suddenly, THERE WAS A MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE, and THE PRISON WAS SHAKEN TO ITS FOUNDATIONS. All the doors immediately flew open, and the CHAINS OF EVERY PRISONER FELL OFF! 27 The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open.”  “He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. 28 But Paul shouted to him, Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!” 29 The jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:22-30 (NLT)


Paul and Silas drove a demon out of girl and instead of the people rejoicing they turned on them and a mob formed against them.  Paul and Silas were stripped and “severely beaten.”  They were wrongly accused and thrown in the dungeon part of the jail and their feet put in stocks!  All of that happening to them and they did something GOOD not bad.  They were in pain for they had been severely beaten with rods!  They were in prison and in the hardest and deepest part of the prison and their feet were clamped in stocks, which would have also been painful.  This was a TERRIBLE SITUATION for these good men who did nothing wrong, but save a life of someone!  They HAD A CHOICE.  And we’re still talking about that CHOICE on that day and night.  Paul and Silas CHOSE to begin praying and singing to God; they began worshiping and praising God OUTLOUD!  They abandoned what they felt and the thoughts of how wrong they had been done and that they were innocent.  They chose to Go Into The Forces Of Praise, Worship, Prayer, Singing to God and Thanksgiving!  

They chose to do what THE BIBLE SAYS and Praise shall be continually in my mouth!


They chose, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57 


They chose, “By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.”  Hebrews 13:15 (KJV 21)


The Forces, of Joy, Praise & Thanksgiving

What Happened?  An Earthquake Happened?

Where Did The Earthquake Come From????


The Earthquake Came From The INSIDE OF THEM!  

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The LIGHT POWER That Was Within Them Shook ONLY the Prison Building to it’s foundation, Made Only the prisoners inside that Prison chains fall off and Paul and Silas stocks on their feet and made all the doors open, ONLY in that Prison!  The Shaking Came FROM INSIDE Of Paul and Silas!  The Forces of Praise and Thanksgiving and Joy gave the POWER that was in them STRENGTH . . . GOD’S LIGHT POWER IN THEM ACCOMPANIED WITH JOY and PRAISE and THANKSGIVING Shook what was all around them.  But, their Situation DID NOT shake them! 


“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,” Hebrews 12:28 


Paul and Silas used the Forces that accompanies THE POWER that was in them.  The POWER that is Unlimited and Immeasurable.  The POWER that raised Christ from the dead!  That POWER that is in you and I right now!  That POWER that will come out of you and shake a building, make chains fall off and doors to open and cause people to give their life to Jesus and ask how they can be saved.  It’s THE SAME POWER!  And it needs it’s “companions” that ARE ALSO INSIDE you and I!  JOY, PRAISE and THANKSGIVING!  WAS THERE VICTORY?  Oh, Yes! 


“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57 

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It’s Time For The Church To “Know and Understand” what The POWER IN US and that is FOR US CAN DO!  And combine with The POWER our Praise, Thanksgiving and Joy coming from us and our lips continually!  We Are Not Shaken Within Us . . . We Are      Shaking, Through The POWER OF GOD, The Things Around Us!  Glory To God!


The jailer asked a question.  How do I get saved?  He was away from The Lord and knew He needed The Lord.  If you need to be Born Again or need to Repent and Get Back With God, believe in your heart and speak with your mouth, 

“Lord Jesus, I am not where I need to be with You.  I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  I leave my past and my sins and I ask You to forgive me of them.  I believe that You died on a cross and rose from the dead for me.  Please come into my life and change it and do something with my life.  I am ready to follow Your Plan that You have for me.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  I will follow You all the days of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name!”

If you said that prayer, please let us know here at the Ministry.   We want to send you some Free Resources to get you started on your way with The Lord and if you need a Bible, please let us know and we will also get you one for Free too.  Welcome To The Family Of King Jesus!   WE LOVE YOU!  Until Next Year,  Keep Getting Ready,  Jesus Is Coming! - Pastor Jamie    

MERRY CHRISTMAS!  And, Happy Hanukkah!

Hanukkah Is The Feast Of God that Is About LIGHT, Miracles & END TIME PROPHECY!

Hanukkah Begins 25  December 2024!



The Shepherd's Corner


Hello Disciples,

What a year we have had and it’s not over yet.  We have had so much Word poured into us through our Discipleship Classes throughout the year.  We are so blessed that we have been enlightened about what an Incredible Inheritance that we have been given!  And that it comes because we are loved by God!  


Be sure to join us for our upcoming Classes this Month.  What a precious Season we are entering into as we will begin to peer into God’s Word and see that “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD” ALL THE MONTH OF DECEMBER!


Until then we will continue to teach and make Disciples as Jesus instructed us to do and YOU ARE INVITED to come along!  If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/


            You are Blessed and Highly Favored of The Lord!       

 Shepherd Donna, Shepherd Of Discipleship


                                  JANUARY 2025 Discipleship Schedule                          

           IN PERSON AND ON LINE   


                 Wednesday, 04 January 2025           

                    Wednesday, 11 January 2025               

                         Wednesday, 18 January 2025                   

    TUESDAY, 31 January 2025


                                  Special New Year’s Service & Hanukkah Teaching!                                           

The Feast Of Lights, Hanukkah Will Still Be Going On Through New Years!  This Important and Prophetic Feast Is About Our Past, Present & Future, Church!

               Refreshments Before Service!                

Contact JCM Through The Discipleship Page at https://jamiecarte.org/discipleship/  OR 

Shepherd Donna Legg would love to hear from you at donna@jamiecarte.org 

Contact Us For More Information!  


Hello Partners & Friends!

Can you believe we are already in the Month of December?  Time sure is flying by!  This is such a glorious time for us here at The Word of Life Center as we prepare throughout the Month for the  Celebration of our Savior’s Birth!  And we realize, as you do, that He certainly is the Reason for the Season!


We truly are believing for you and your family to have a very special time during this Christmas Season and pray that you will join us in person or online for our Services or Discipleship Meetings!   As we are going DEEP In His Word and as we Celebrate this Very Special Time of Year, we are finding ourselves walking even closer with our Savior, Jesus Christ!  Hallelujah!


May you and your family have a Blessed and Wonderful Christmas!  

Merry Christmas!  We Love You!

Shepherd Deborah

Shepherd of Administration




Sow Safely On Line


Year End Contributions!

If The Lord is leading you to help us in reaching out to others in these 

final days of 2024, your Donation will be greatly appreciated!               

Thank You and We Bless You in Jesus Name!



Pray about Partnering with us

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 

 If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You!  

Thank You!  In Advance!  





JCM’S Office Hours are Monday thru Thursday  

8:30 AM-4:30 PM (EST.)  

 Please Feel Free To Contact JCM at 


JCM’S Office Will Be Closed On Major Holidays.   


Also Reach Us


Email—contact@ jamiecarte.org






Type “GIVE” to 

(833) 605-7180 

Follow One Time 

Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

 Thank You Very Much!





Through JCM’S WebPage! @jamiecarte.org

Check Website For Services & Classes!



Join Us On Live Stream!

 Sundays & Discipleship Classes @jamiecarte.org 



The Word Of Life Center

19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854




 Need Prayer



        Write Us At Jamiecarte.org            

  Prayer @ 

Contact @

Call us! 304-658-4720 


The TRUTH, Our country, & Our Strength 

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I pray that this Teaching comes to you and blesses you and helps you in many ways and that the Love, Peace and JOY Of The Lord overtakes you in Jesus Name!  Thank you Covenant Partners and Friends of this Ministry for your sacrifices in giving to this Ministry to bless others.  God sees your giving and how you are Partnering with Him.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!


HISTORY Is Happening & Will Happen


Everyone is talking about it and everyone has something to say about it.  The Election that is about to happen and the State of the Union of our Country.  Everyone says that this IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR LIFETIME.  And I really believe that to be a True Statement.  EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING is hanging on this Election.  


There is SO MUCH that we are going to open up and put on display of the two PLATFORMS that the people will decide upon in the way our Country will go in this Election.  Some of the things that will be written about are things we don’t even want to think about, BUT we have to face what is happening in our Country and to WHOM is leading, promoting and is the driving force behind it.  Not that there is not corruption and evil on both sides.  Absolutely there is!  And that is WHY we are looking at the issues that have been going on and the Platforms to which the Parties are to communicate with us what they are STANDING ON and the Principles they will adhere to and DO for our Country and FOR YOU and I!  History, if we do not learn from it, we will surely repeat it!  If we DO NOT KNOW IT, we will surely walk through it, without knowing it.


Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people mourn.”


We were told by our Government under the Administration of 2023 that approximately 85,000 Children were LOST that came across our Borders unaccompanied!  They “LOST” Them?  The Government HAD THEM and then LOST THEM.  Then, on another account it was announced by Mr. Biden that 400,000 children WERE RELEASED into the Country!  Just let them go!  (This is a picture I took from my own TV as the News was being reported on Victory News on 19 June 2024!)  This Is Horrific!  The same Government that has the Borders of our Country completely open so millions of people have come in, has also been going in airplanes to other Countries and flying illegal aliens into our Country with tax payer money and CHILDREN with no one with them coming to the United States Daily!  


So, what do you think has happened to those approximately 485,000 children?  

How many are dead now

How may have been sexually trafficked

How many have been sold into slavery?


So, the Government that made it clear that everyone can come into the USA, the Government that is going and getting people in planes and bringing them in, that RECEIVED and RELEASED CHILDREN (and this is an approximate number) 400,000 children,  has no repercussions of them releasing CHILDREN out on their own and LOST 85,000 other children!  Again, with no accountability and no consequences!


And WHY are we speaking of these things in the midst of just days away from voting in our Country?  Because THE ONE SITTING IN THE SEAT OF THE VICE PRESIDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE ILLEGAL ACTIONS JUST AS THE ONE SITTING IN THE SEAT OF THE PRESIDENCY!

Standing On The Platforms Of Our Days!  


Some of the things that we’ve been sharing and will be sharing with you may be difficult to read.  Some of the things that you will read comes from other research and a Teaching that I did a few years ago and it must be repeated to really see what is happening and how it is magnifying right now! 


          The Green - Climate Change & ISRAEL           


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Last Month we revisited a Prophetic Teaching of “The Locusts Are Coming!”  The Lord gave me that Word and after much research in The Word and History I found who the Locusts were and how their past, theirs and our present and future is MUCH NEEDED to our knowing, Church!  I ask you to look at October’s Monthly Teaching and see what God Is Saying!  (Online on JCM’S Webpage and it can be mailed to you.)


One party is completely FOR and PUSHING the Power to make people follow their Plans of Power within this Cause.  The Democrats state on their Party Platform, “Climate Change is a global emergency . . . Believe we must embed environmental justice, economic justice and climate justice. . .”


Their plans are to make people pay the Government if people don’t change what they drive, cook with, heat with, etc. according to the Climate Laws they would establish.  We would be rated by our “Climate Score” and if we do not comply, the people pay or they could confiscate our Non-Climate possessions.  And the people could serve jail time for not complying and that is another form of Climate Justice.

“The Green Deal” is against THE FREEDOMS that we possess and have in America.  “The GREEN” wants to do away with oil, gas and coal.  That means these would be no longer used to drive our cars, heat our homes or use for forms of energy that we again use in our homes, businesses and our whole civilization.  Control of food and the meat you eat.  There are SO MANY areas that “The Green” will enable the people in charge to CONTROL THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA WITH!


The Republican Party’s stand on the Climate Change issue


“Will analyze hard data on climate change; sees UN efforts as Political , . . Supports the enactment of policies to increase domestic energy production in order to reduce vulnerability to foreign influence.”  “The environment is too important to be left to radical environmentalists . . . their approach is based on shoddy science, scare tactics, and centralized command-and-control regulation.” 


Yet we can see what they are calling Climate Change or GREEN is in The Word of God and a part of the antichrist’s “system” and of his power over the people.




Image by Unsplash

They were given their orders: “Don’t hurt he grass, don’t hurt anything green, don’t hurt a single tree—only men and  women,” Revelation 9:4 (MSG)


Why do you think it is called “The Green Deal?”  It is called “The Green Deal” because it has to do with Climate Change.  Climate Change is where there are people who value “the Earth” and “Mother Earth” more than they do the human beings that live on the Earth.  And in the Last Days The Lord lets us know in the Book of Revelation that there will be a PEOPLE, that The Bible tells us, will be given “orders” to not hurt anything GREEN, BUT HARM PEOPLE.  Read this again, 


They were given their orders: “Don’t hurt the grass, don’t hurt anything green, don’t hurt a single tree—only men and women,” Revelation 9:4 (MSG)






We have to VOTE AGAINST THIS FALLACY and PLAN OF THE DEVIL!  The Enemy wants to set this Nation on a Course of Destruction through this Green Deal!  




The Biden & Harris Administration presently in position Stands proudly with AND HAS GREATLY PROVIDED for Iran who is the enemy of Israel and the United States of America!  All or many of the weapons that were left by order of this US Administration in Afghanistan when the US withdrew, made their way into the hands of Iran and into the hands of the Hamas; which were used in the 07 October 2023 Israel Attack and Massacre!  The evil action of suddenly withdrawing, cost many innocent lives and American lives.  And it resulted in the Taliban rising and executing great violence to the people there! 


If one really wants to SEE who this present US Administration is “with,” look no further to when 6 BILLION DOLLARS WERE RELEASED TO Iran on the American sacred Day of September 11th!  Really SEE This Church!  Giving the enemy of Israel and of the People of the US all of this money and choosing the day of September 11 to which our tax payer money was released to Iran, who is associated with and coordinating this war AGAINST Israel, tells us who this Administration STANDS WITH! 


Giving that money on September 11th and what that communicated with Iran is enormous!  That money was used to fund the attack on Israel and what is happening in Israel right now!  On the Day (911) we were attacked, Biden & Harris gave 6 Billion American Dollars to the enemies that would attack Israel!  Between the money and weapons that were left behind in Afghanistan, the US basically funded the whole attack on Israel!


We can see very clearly what the Democratic Party is standing for and who they are standing with!  They may say that they are for Israel, but their actions and non-actions scream to us and display to us the TRUTH!


“See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end [of the age].” Matthew 24:6 (AMP)


When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes, but the godly will live to see their downfall.” Proverbs 29:16 (NLT)






 "Yeshua said, “I AM the Way — and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me.”  

John 14:6 (CJB)


 Jesus Is The LIFE!  So anything standing against LIFE, Any Stand Against LIFE . . . Is Standing Against Life, Himself!  HE, Himself Said HE Is LIFE.  Abortion is AGAINST LIFE.

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” John 10:10 (AMPC)


"In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. . . 14 And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; " 

John 1:1,14 (AMPC)


 Democratic Party Platform

“. . . Committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights and justice, so that every woman should be able to access, high-quality reproductive healthcare services INCLUDING safe and legal ABORTION.  We will . . . Restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood.”


Republican Party Platform

“We assert the sanctity of human life, and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life, which cannot be infringed. Will appoint judges who will support sanctity of life at all stages.  Opposes use of public funds to perform or promote abortions, or to fund Organizations like Planned Parenthood.” 


It is VERY CLEAR which Party Platform IS FOR LIFE and states that they are FOR the unborn child’s LIFE!


Image By Unsplash

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.” Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT)

 “For you created my  inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 (NIV)


ISN’T IT TIME FOR THE CITIZENS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND THE CITIZENS OF AMERICA, WHICH WAS FOUNDED ON THE WORD OF GOD, TO . . . VOTE and STAND FOR THE WORD OF GOD, WHO IS JESUS?  "In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.” 


"In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. . . 14 And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us; " 

John 1:1,14 (AMPC)


 Much of the Declaration of Independence Came From 

Messages That Were Preached By Ministers of The Gospel 

Image by Freepik

And those Messages Came From The Word of God!  So America’s Foundational Declaration and Documentation Came From The Word of God!  And Jesus—IS THE WORD!




“Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not [practice] what I tell you? 47 For everyone who comes to Me and listens to My words [in order to heed their teaching] and does them, I will show you what he is like:  48 He is like a man building a house, who dug and went down deep and laid a foundation upon the rock; and when a flood arose, the torrent broke against that house and could not shake or move it, because it had been  securely built or founded on a rock.  49 But he who merely hears and does not practice doing My words is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation, against which the torrent burst, and immediately it collapsed and fell, and the breaking and ruin of that house was great.”  Luke 6:46-49 (AMPC)


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are  endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”



Image by Unsplash





People of Jesus, The Word Himself, we must turn our lives back TO HIM, THE WORD!  Is HE YOUR LORD?  If HE Is Your Lord, if HE Is My LORD, then we MUST follow Him, The WORD!

Christians, This Nation and The Kingdom of God NEEDS YOU TO STAND WITH THE WORD OF GOD and NOT A “PARTY!”

Image by Freepik

Christians, if we VOTE by what the Bible says about the matters of this Life and matters and standards that are on the Ballot we will win back our Country!  If we VOTE for the Party Platform that stands for LIFE, for Jesus is Life!  


If we vote for the Party Platform who stands for Israel then WE will be Blessed!  For God said, that He would bless those who blesses Her!  Which means people who are NOT BLESSING Israel and/or is against or hurting Her, HE will be against! 


If we VOTE for the Party Platform that is for SECURING Our Country and Her Citizens by closing and securing The Border it will bring peace.  The Bible says that IT IS GOD WHO ESTABLISHES OUR BORDERS, not man. “God establishes your borders peacefully. .  .” Psalm 147:14.  All the border crossings by the people that have happened have been done illegally, not lawfully.  God has established the Borders of the USA.  The killings, rapings, trafficking of  humans and the children being sold for sex trafficking and/or making them slaves also has been completely EVIL and not of God!  Christians, PLEASE VOTE!  And, Please VOTE The Bible, The WORD!  Again, This Nation Needs You and The Kingdom of God Needs You!  America sends The WORD To The World!  We must have our Country again to do that!  Thank You!


In closing, we are believing for a Great Victory through the Election for our Country.  And yet there is something that we are in need of in our Country again.  With all the evil, the economy, the inflation, the pressure, the crime, the lawlessness and so much more,  



Yet, I’m not talking about natural strength.  We Need The Strength Of God, The Foundation Of This Country and The Rock Of His Church Strength!  


“. . . For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Church, we’ve got to see this!  This is Jesus’ JOY!  Just like He left us His PEACE. (John 14:27)  “Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.” Jesus gave us His JOY!  Hallelujah!

Say it with me,“ . . . For the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  If you are Born Again, you have Jesus’ JOY in you.  Jesus left us His JOY!  He used it all the time that He was here on Earth working and ministering and healing and walking everywhere.  So, how did HE do it?  He had much strength!  So to obtain the strength it took for Jesus to have, at times, a thousand or more people AROUND Him . . . He would use His JOY!  He had to use His JOY to get strong!  And now, we not only have joy, we have Jesus’ JOY!  Strength never has to be an issue in our lives when we are utilizing JOY!

Psalm 119:1-3 (NLT)  “Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. 2 Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths.”  

Lastly, we are seeing in The Word that when we follow the instructions of The Lord, obey His Word, don’t compromise, and search for Him with all of ourselves and walk ONLY ON GOD’S PATH that HE Has for me, not my own path in my own ways . . . There’s a PLACE, a STATE of JOY that we go into.  And That Is What Our Country Could Use!  The Place or State of Great Strength Again!

Are you needing to have STRENGTH and PEACE  in your life?  It starts with following The Lord & His Word and searching for Him with all your heart and walking in HIS Path that HE has for your life.  Surrender to Him.  Give HIM Your All.  Allow me to lead you to The One that Loves You SO MUCH!  Just say this prayer and mean it with all your heart.


"Lord, forgive me.  I am not where I need to be with You.  I have been living my own way on my own path.  Jesus, I believe You died on a cross and rose from the dead for me.  I confess, I am a sinner and I need a Savior.  Jesus, please come into my life and save me.  Please fill me with The Holy Spirit and Power and use my life, use me!  I make You, Jesus The Lord of my life.  I will follow You all the days of my life in Jesus Name!" 

If you said that prayer, please let us know here at the Ministry.  We want to send you some Free Resources to get you started on your way with The Lord and if you need a Bible, please let us know and we will also get you one for Free too.  Welcome To The Family! Welcome Home!  Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming! - Jamie


“ . . . For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10



The Shepherd's Corner


HELLO Disciples!


We have had a wonderful time celebrating God’s Feasts and learning about The Last Days.  I hope you have followed along with us in October.  


As we move into November 2024, we will be looking at the Power of Thanksgiving and as Pastor Jamie says, “FIRST THANKSGIVING AND THEN COMES THE VICTORY.”  1 Corinthians 15:57


Together, lets look at how much Power our Praise, Thanksgiving and Gratitude to The Lord will create.  If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us at 


God Bless! Shepherd Donna

                                           Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship                                         





                        NOVEMBER & DECEMBER DISCIPLESHIP SCHEDULE                         


                              Wednesday, 06 November 2024                               

               Wednesday, 13 November 2024                

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

                              Wednesday, 04 December 2024                               

                              Wednesday, 11 December 2024                               

Wednesday, 18 December 2024


Contact JCM Through The Discipleship Page at https://jamiecarte.org/discipleship/  OR  Shepherd Donna Legg would love to hear from you at donna@jamiecarte.org!  Contact Us For More Information!  


Hello Partners and Friends

Deborah Legg, 

Shepherd Of Administration


Hello Partners and Friends!  What a wonderful Month it has been here at Jamie Carte Ministries & The Word of Life Center, and what a beautiful thing it was to be a part of celebrating The Feast of Tabernacles this past Month.  We were blessed by those that came to celebrate with us as we had a wonderful time in The Lord! 


We are also encompassing THE JOY brought forth by the study of The Word in our Discipleship Classes and our Sunday Services!  I urge you to join us here at The Center in West Virginia and spend this very precious time with us!  


As we spend our time in the Ministry Office, we encourage you to reach out to us with your Prayer Requests, your Testimony, and your Praises to God so we can Minister to you, Encourage you in The Word and Celebrate with you what God is doing in your lives!


Have a Blessed Month!  You Are Loved!



Pastors Dewayne and Jamie Carte & Shepherds Deborah and Donna Legg 

On Leland, NC Ministry Property Taping For TV!  Hallelujah!

It’s Harvest and The Feast of Tabernacles Time!

There Are GREAT Promises Within The Feast of Tabernacles!


“Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are the people who know the joyful sound [who understand and  appreciate the spiritual blessings symbolized by the feasts]; they walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!’  16  In Your name they rejoice all the day, and in Your Righteousness they are exalted. 17 For You are the glory of their strength [their proud adornment], and by Your favor our horn is exalted and we walk with uplifted faces!”  Psalm 89:15-17 (AMPC)

“Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles. No man should appear before the LORD empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you” (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)


You Can Still Give Your Tabernacles Offering


Mail Your Tabernacles Offering To:

JCM, PO Box 120, Hico, WV 25854


Sow Safely At:


 OR Text To Give 

(833) 605-7180


Over The Phone Giving:

Office Hours: M-Th 8:30-4:30

1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NLT)

 16 Always be joyful!”


We Love You and Are Praying For You!

Pastors Dewayne and Jamie




The Direction Of Our Country Is Truly At Hand!





“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Romans 12:2 (NKJV)



Join Us In Reading Your Bible

Go to the Webpage to “Daily Scripture Reading”  at


                            Find the date and JUMP ON WITH US!                            




JCM Office Hours

JCM’S Office Hours are Monday thru Thursday

8:30 AM-4:30 PM 


Please Feel Free To Contact JCM at 1-304-658-4720.  

JCM’s Office Will Be Closed On Major Holidays.  




Has God Called you To Be An Intercessor?

JCM is asking The Lord to send people who are called to Intercessory Prayer!  People who walk in Integrity and The Word who would be committed to praying for JCM, all Her Ministries, for Dewayne and Jamie and all the Prayer Needs/Requests that come into JCM.  If God is calling you to be a Prayer Warrior for JCM, please contact the Ministry!  And, THANK YOU!




Type “GIVE” to (833) 605-7180 

 Follow One Time Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!



                                        JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  


 Watch Us On

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM


Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”






Go To The Webpage For Times and 

Dates of Services & Classes!


Join Us Online & On Facebook Sundays on JCM’S Page!



The Word Of Life Center

19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854



Early Voting in the United States has already  begun in many States.  And we here at the Ministry and Dewayne and I encourage you to vote.  And if you are not registered yet, please do so before your State’s final day which is very soon.  God has given us all the Responsibility of this Nation and to put righteous people in place to lead.  





Listen To Podcasts, Watch JCM TV & Discipleship Classes, Read Prophetic 

and Right Now Word Teachings All From The Webpage!  

It’s Our Gift To You and For You!  We Love You!


WOULD YOU Pray about Partnering with us

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  

And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 

 If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You! 

Thank You!  In Advance!  


Is Your Destiny Tied To This Mission?  


We Invite You To Pray About This Path Of Ministry.  Is The Lord Leading You To Assist In The Mahanaim Mission?  Are You To Be A Part Of One Of The Campuses In WV Or NC? Discipleship, Construction, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama, Ministry, Serving, Media & Editing, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding and Distribution – There are many areas to serve & be a part of! Ask The Lord His Will and Your Part Of The Mission!  We Are Praying For You!










Inside of The Word Of Life Center

The Lord has said TO ANNOUNCE that it is time for “The Offering OF The Lord!”  


Whenever there was a Place of God that was to be built for Him AN ANNOUNCEMENT was made to God’s People that the opportunity to GIVE was at hand.  Exodus tells us that, “Whoever is of a willing and generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s offering.”  The Word of Life Center is being built for The King and His People and He is Announcing that it is time for His People who have a willing and generous heart to Give for His House!


“And they came, each one whose heart stirred him up and whose spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the [new] Tent of  Meeting, for all its service, . . .” Exodus 35:21 (AMPC)


Thank You So Much For Praying & Giving! 

The Holidays, The Return & The Locusts!

To BEGIN, Thank you Partners and Friends of this Ministry for your Financial and Prayer Support to us and others as we all reach out TOGETHER to others.  Great is your reward Covenant Partners and Friends of JCM!  You Put Your Hands To The Plow Along Side Ours and It’s Seen By The Lord!

Holy Days Ahead This Month

At the writing of this Teaching the Feast of Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets which is also known as The Day of Remembrance or The Day of Sounding The Shofar and is the Feast of God that is found in Leviticus 23:24-25 will be taking place.  Rosh Hashanah literally means “the beginning of the year.”  Rosh Hashanah is when God’s “Civil” New Year with us begins!  On Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets many shofars are blown.  Many believe that this Feast could be fulfilled with Christ’s coming and the Rapture of The Church!  For there will be a “Trumpet Call of God” at The Rapture of The Church! (1 Thessalonians 4).  Another Goodness of God at the beginning of His New Year is to Believe The Lord for a plentiful and Sweet New Year with Him and to repent before Him!  JCM has Teachings on all of The Holidays of God on His Calendar.  We encourage you to seek out these AMAZING DEEP Times of God!  Please go to JCM’S Webpage and view Teachings on these and many other God Times!  On His Calendar BIG THINGS Happen on God’s Feasts!  Just look at The Feasts of Passover and Pentecost!  And Speaking of . . . 


The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are known as The Days of Awe, or Teshuvah which means to RETURN.  When an even more serious Time of self reflection and an urgency to repent are to happen by God’s people.  These 10 Days of Return have been set aside for us to truly Repent and Return To God!  We then move onto Yom Kippur which is the Highest and Holiest Day to God!  Oh Beloved, if you have never heard a Teaching on This Day of God, you truly must!  The Lord completely paid for this for us!  It’s MARVELOUS and BEAUTIFUL!  Please go to  https://www.jamiecarte.org/the-word/tv-youtube-programs/ and Go To The Deepness of the Lord in Yom Kippur and seek Him in it!


                        Tabernacles Is Coming!  2 Nights - You're Invited!                   

       16 & 17 October 2024 - “The Time Of Our Joy!”

We will then be moving to The Feast of Tabernacles!  Some of the things that are done on The Feast of Tabernacles are that you rest and are outside and have meals outside.  You just have a good time during Tabernacles!  We will be having a 2 Night Celebration of Tabernacles at the Ministry this Year and you are invited!  Here are just a few photos of last Year’s Celebration!


The Feast Of Tabernacles that will soon be here is known as The Feast of The Harvest!  Tabernacles is throughout The Word and is entitled as, The Feast of Booths or Tents (Leviticus 23:34, Deuteronomy 16:13-17, Zechariah14:16-19, Ezra 3:4, 2 Chronicles 8:13), The Feast Of Ingathering (Exodus 23:16, Exodus 34:22),  The Feast or The Festival (1 Kings 8:2, 1 Kings 12:32, 2 Chronicles 5:3),  The Feast Of The Lord (Leviticus 23:39, Judges 21:19), The Festival Of The Seventh Month (Nehemiah 8:14),  A Holy Convocation or a Sacred Occasion (Numbers 29:12).  


When I am teaching about The Feasts of God I always remind everyone that The Lord Jesus took on and paid for all of the hard parts that were within The Feasts and left us with all the good parts and benefits of them all.  The Feast of Tabernacles will soon be upon us and it is truly a Great Feast of The Lord!  


Some of the things that are done on The Feast of Tabernacles are that you rest and are outside and have meals outside.  You just have a good time during Tabernacles!  You also THANK GOD for THE HARVEST and Good that has come to you the past Year and you tell Him how much you are in EXPECTANCE of THE HARVEST TO COME in the New Year!  Tents or a Sukkot can be put up by yourself to sit in and to celebrate Tabernacles under the Stars!  During Tabernacles, you are THANKFUL to The Lord and you give Him Praise!  You are also IN FAITH during The Feast of Tabernacles believing God for His Harvest to you in the New Year!  It is a TIME OF YOUR JOY!  


We Are Also Asked To Bring God An Offering During The Feast Of Tabernacles!

Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles.  No man should appear before the LORD empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.” (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)


So, Dewayne and I bring a Special Offering to The Lord at the Feast of Passover, The Feast of Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles that is not our Tithes and normal Offerings.  We do this thanking Him for ALL that He has done in the past Year and thanking Him of all that He will do in the Year to come!  


We come before Him in prayer, in praise, thanksgiving and in giving.  We meet Him on His Appointed Times and He is always present!  If “the place He will choose” is JCM for you to give your Tabernacles Offering, we Thank You in advance and will bring your Offering before The Lord at Tabernacles.  These are His Times on His Calendar.  They are HIS AWESOME TIMES!  Will You Be Attending, Beloved Of The Lord?  


Sow Safely At



Text To Give

(833) 605-7180

Call JCM Mon. - Thurs. To Give Over The Phone 

Or You Can Leave A Message For A Return Call At (304) 658-4720.

Mail Your Tabernacles Offering To:

JCM, PO Box 120, Hico, WV 25854

 Thank You Very Much!



I Was A Little Surprised!

As I was seeking The Lord and praying about this Month’s Teaching, of course, I knew that we would have to talk in part about The Wonderful Holidays of The Lord.  And then He began speaking and giving me many witnesses on what else He wanted us all to look at and even begin to study . . . AGAIN!  I write that word, “Again” for a big reason.  The Lord had me to study and research a subject that now has been a few Years ago.  And upon His direction we will go back and look at what The Lord is saying to us.  And it has surprised me, to a point.  He had me to begin speaking and teaching on this subject again in our Wednesday Night Service and Discipleship a few weeks ago.


And yet, I am now seeing prophetically WHY He wants to talk to His People about this.  It is because IT IS TIME TO.  The TIME has come back around in History and MANY OF HIS PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA OF THIS.  This is not to bring ANY FEAR to you Beloved.  This is to Prophetically INFORM YOU!  


Just like when Jesus told us in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13 prophetically what would be taken place at that time, the near future and still yet IN OUR TIME.  Jesus was speaking to them then and to us now to prophetically “inform” His People.  He was not telling us the “signs” because He was behind the “signs” or causing the “signs” of Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.  He was telling us what it would look like in these Days that we are living in.  And we would know by what we saw around us and read in The Bible to what Time we were living in.  Jesus told us in the midst of the “signs” of these End Times something that we all have to keep before our hearts, our minds and our eyes and that is DO NOT FEAR!


“See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end [of the age].”  Matthew 24:6 (AMP)


You and I are going to read something together that I did much research about.  We are going to look into what The Lord Spoke and Directed to be told to His People in 2011.  And He is now Directing that this be given and taught and to prophetically tell His People again.  And as we are just days away from the 07 October 2023 Israel Attack and Massacre Anniversary, The Lord is telling us again,

  “The Locusts Are Coming!”

On the day of 16 August 2011, I was  reading my Bible and doing research while I was writing a Monthly Teaching Letter.  At that point the Lord began ministering to me something that, to be perfectly frank, I was not expecting.  The Lord spoke to my spirit, “The Locusts Are Coming.”  I began to ask Him what He was talking about.  I wondered if this was about some sort of pestilence or about something else that He was saying to me.  And then the word, “locusts” was what He kept saying to me all this evening on 16 August 2011.  Then I looked out my bedroom window on the top floor of our home and a grasshopper’s hind legs were attached to my window screen!  This may seem funny to most, but for the almost twelve years I had lived in this house, I’ve  never seen a grasshopper upstairs in my window!  I knew to stop and just pray, for I knew that God was putting His finger on something that I and you needed to know.  He then led me to Chapters 1 and 2 of Joel.  Let’s pick it up in Joel 1:6-7 (AMPC) it reads, 

“For a [heathen and hostile] nation [of locusts, illustrative of a human foe] has invaded My land, mighty and without number; its teeth are the teeth of a lion, and it has the jaw teeth of a lioness. 7 It has laid waste My vine [symbol of God's people] and barked and broken My fig tree; it has made them completely bare and thrown them down; their branches are made white.”

When you are looking at The Bible, you will normally find cross references when you are reading some verses that tell you the parallel verses that go with the verse you are reading.  When one is reading in Joel 1:6 the cross reference that it tells you to go to is   Revelation 9:7-8.  The Book of Revelation came to us in the Bible through The Holy Spirit in a Heavenly experience that was given to the Apostle John. 


When you turn to Revelation Chapter 9 we find that The Apostle John was describing what The Lord showed him when the fifth angel blew his trumpet (verse one.)  We see in verse three that, “Then out of the smoke locusts came forth on the earth, and such power was granted them as the power the earth's scorpions have. . . .  (Verse 7)  “The  locusts resembled horses equipped for battle.  On their heads was something like golden crowns.  Their faces resembled the faces of people.”  

Free Image By Unsplash

Ok, are we starting to see WHO these “locusts” are that God is telling us about both in Joel and in Revelation?  God IS NOT TALKING ABOUT AN INSECT COMING AGAINST HIS PEOPLE God is describing A PEOPLE that will rise against His Children and He describes them as locusts!  Remember, God told us in Joel 1:6-7 (AMPC) it reads, “For a [heathen and hostile] nation [of locusts, illustrative of a human foe] has invaded My land, mighty and without number; its teeth are the teeth of a lion, and it has the jaw teeth of a lioness. 7 It has laid waste My vine [symbol of God's people] and barked and broken My fig tree; it has made them  completely bare and thrown them down; their branches are made white.”  And in Revelation 9:3,7 we clearly see, “Then out of the smoke locusts came forth on the earth, and such power was granted them as the power the earth's scorpions have. . . .   7 “The locusts  resembled horses equipped for battle.  On their heads was something like golden crowns.  Their faces resembled the faces of people.”  The locusts are PEOPLE!  Not insects or a pestilence formed to come against God’s People  . . . No!  It’s a PEOPLE, it’s a “[heathen and hostile] nation [of locusts, illustrative of a human foe].”  And who are they coming against?  They are invading “My land,” that would be God’s Land!  He tells us, “It has laid waste My vine [symbol of God's people] and barked and broken My fig tree;”  


When you look up “grasshopper” in Hebrew in Strong’s #0697 you find “arbeh” which translates to locusts both meaning of the same, grasshopper means locusts (0697).  Then when you continue looking deeper into this word, you find Strong’s #7235 rabah, which means to increase in number.  And then on to #7232 which means rabab – to shoot an arrow, then #7231 – to cast together and increase in number


Now that we know that the locusts are not insects that God is warning us about and that it is a People, we must now answer the question,  So, WHO are the locusts?  Let’s look together at some History and Scriptures and see if we can uncover this People of locusts.  First we must begin with Ishmael.  Ishmael is recognized as an important prophet and patriarch of Islam.  He came from Hagar, the handmaiden of Sarah and Abraham.  Ishmael is recognized by Muslims as the ancestor of several prominent Arab tribes and being the  forefather of Muhammad. the Muslim prophet.  


We do know that The Bible tells us that in Genesis 21:17-21, “God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. 18 Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation. 19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. 20 God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer21 While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt.”  


Through Ishmael the Islamic religion began and developed.  Keep in mind that when we looked and researched the word grasshopper we found that it means locusts, to increase in number and to shoot an arrow!  Ishmael was an archer.  Then in Judges 7:12 we find that, “And the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the children of the east lay along in the valley like grasshoppers for multitude; and their camels were without number, as the sand by the sea side for multitude.” 


We are seeing from The Word that there are specific people that The Bible identifies as “like grasshoppers.”  They are the Midianites, the Amalekites and the children of the east.  The Midianites come from Abraham’s other wife, Keturah that he took after Sarah died.  Keturah and Abraham had six sons, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah.  The Amalekites are descendants of Esau, the twin of Jacob, who later was named Israel!  They were the twins of Isaac, Abraham’s son.  Amalek is a son of Esau's first-born son Eliphaz, from where the Amalekites come from.  And the children of the east, is just that, the people living in the Eastern part of the World.  And the Bible says that they are like “grasshoppers” which also means LOCUSTS.


So, let’s put this together. Ishmael, the Midianites and the Amalekites are all descendants of Abraham.  God said Ishmael would be a great Nation and he was an archer.  The Midianites and the Amalekites came through Abraham too!  The Bible says that these two are “like grasshoppers for multitude!”  And all the descendants from these three are related and a part of the Religion of Islam!  


Many branches of “the children of the east” that come from places like Ishmael, the Midianites, the Amalekites and others are all associated with the Muslim religion.  In Judges 7:12 we find that, “And the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the children of the east lay along in the valley like grasshoppers for multitude; and their camels were without number, as the sand by the sea side for multitude.” 


“For a [heathen and hostile] nation [of locusts, illustrative of a human foe] has invaded My land, mighty and without number; its teeth are the teeth of a  lion, and it has the jaw teeth of a lioness. 7 It has laid waste My vine [symbol of God's people] and barked and broken My fig tree;” Joel 1:6-7  

This tells us so plainly that LOCUSTS ARE OF A HUMAN FOE.  A PEOPLE.  And they have an objective and that is EXACTLY what the Locusts on October 7th did!  God Is Telling Us!  THE LOCUSTS ARE COMING!  Again, this Message is NOT to frighten you; it is for you and I to get some things in order!  And to LISTEN TO WHAT IS Being said by The Lord.  When He spoke this Message to me in 2011, there was much going on with ISIS and their attacks.  Now, as The Lord is speaking to us again about these people that are being identified as Locusts or Grasshoppers we must hear Him again, in this Time.


Of course, we must realize the Time that we all were made aware of the horrible things that the Locusts did to Israel on 07 October 2023.  Yes, these were of the Islam and all of the “branches” of the Locust.  In Revelation 9:3-4 (AMPC) we see even more about what God describes this heathen and hostile people to be like. “Then out of the smoke locusts came forth on the earth, and such power was granted them as the power the earth's scorpions have. 4 They were told not to injure the herbage of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but  only [to attack] such human beings as do not have the seal (mark) of God on their foreheads.”  


Really see this!  Touch nothing that IS GREEN (GREEN DEAL IN WASHINGTON)!  Touch nothing GREEN!  Kill ONLY HUMANS!  The Lord has given this to us to Announce Again!


“The Locusts Are Coming!”


Again, we are to have No fear!  Fear is a spirit!  

So What Do We Do?  

We Do What The Word Says!


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

“Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and we can see that the Lord is wanting us all to know that, petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.And God’s peace shall be yours,” Philippians 4:6-7 (AMPC)


Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].” Philippians 4:8 (AMP)


Begin today to go ahead and think on a few thoughts or use your memory and get you a few thoughts that are pure, that are wholesome, that are a Promise in God’s Word and you can imagine it happening to you or for you and what it will be like.  Think on something that just brings you peace or something worthy of praise and just ponder for a few minutes on those images and thoughts.   Now, here is what you do after you have those thoughts chosen.  Think on them.  Don’t forget them.  If it’s a picture that you have or a memory that you have, keep them before your heart.


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Romans 12:2 (NKJV)


“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)


The renewing of the mind process that The Bible speaks to us about involves us paying attention to our thoughts and what we are allowing and replacing those thoughts with what God says we are to, “think continually on.”  Really ponder on this.  Jesus has given us the answer of what we are to be thinking on.  These are what The Mind of Christ thinks on.  This is what He would think on.  And The Bible is telling us, “think continually on these things.”  


Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it, and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.”  Philippians 4:9 (AMPC)   


Like everything in the Earth and in Heavenly Principles, TO MASTER SOMETHING IN OUR LIVES it takes PRACTICE.  We are to PRACTICE what we see and have learned and received from The Lord and His Word and PUT IT INTO PRACTICE!  Doing it and then keep doing it over and over and over again.  Not giving up when it gets hard or pulling back when it has gotten easy for us.  And look again!  There is another benefit to putting THIS into PRACTICE in our lives!  “. . . and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you.”  I could use that kind!  “Untroubled, undisturbed, well being . . . PEACE!  Hallelujah!  I Receive Lord!  Let’s PRACTICE THIS TOGETHER and receive this from The Lord in Jesus Name!


As Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 and the Message of “The Locusts Are Coming” are not to frighten us, it is to inform us!  The Bible says that My People are Destroyed for lack of Knowledge.  Jesus wants to talk to His People and tell them what to prepare for.  He’s A Good Father!  In continuing to do THE WORD, The Word says to, 


“Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the Enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.” Luke 10:19 (AMPC)


In Joel 1:14 we are told to, “Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly, , . . and cry to the Lord [in penitent pleadings].”  We are taking Mondays and Tuesdays up to and including 05 November 2024 to pray and fast for our Nation!  That She is protected in all of Her ways and that our Nation has people who are righteous sitting in the Seats of Authority again!  So, how do we defeat the devil and his cohorts, his Locusts and all that The Bible tells us about?  We use ALL THE WEAPONS that The Lord gave us to use!  Praying in The Spirit, use The Full Armor of God!  Use The Sword and Shield given to us!  Use our mouths and speak THE WORD OF GOD and     defeat the enemy!  Tell the devil to leave NOW IN JESUS NAME!  USE The Blood of Jesus!  USE The Name of The Lord!  Use The Power of God!  And we get ourselves where we need to be with God!


It’s TIME to RETURN To God!  Through The Feasts we are NOW IN!  It’s TIME to RETURN To God!  Hosea 12:6 (AMPC) SAYS, “Therefore return to your God! Hold fast to love and mercy, to righteousness and justice, and wait [expectantly] for your God continually!”


Are you where you need to be with The Lord?  Are you needing to have peace in your life and you know it has to begin with getting your life right with God?  Allow me to lead you to The One that Loves You SO MUCH!  Just say this prayer and mean it with all your heart.


"Lord, forgive me.  I am not where I need to be with You.  I have been living my own way.  Jesus, I believe You died on a cross and rose from the dead for me.  I  confess, I am a sinner and I need a Savior.  Jesus, please come into my life and save me.  Please fill me with The Holy Spirit and Power and use my life, use me!  I make You, Jesus The Lord of my life.  I will follow You all the days of my life in Jesus Name!" 

If you said that prayer, please let us know here at the Ministry.  We want to send you some Free Resources to get you started on your way with The Lord and if you need a Bible, please let us know and we will also get you one for Free too.  Welcome To The Family!Welcome Home!  Keep Getting Ready,  Jesus Is Coming! - Jamie


Inside The Word of Life Center


Hello all!  This is Pastor Dew.  Just wanted to update you on the  construction of TWLC in Hico, WV!  We are still framing walls inside in the Entry Hall.  Things are going well.  It’s just a lot of heavy lifting as we install the ceiling joists and the plywood ceiling.  We Praise The Lord for HIS STRENGTH as we move forward!

 The next part to look forward to doing will be plumbing and electrical and HVAC.  We ask you to keep praying for us as we continue to build and fulfill HIS WILL in this Mission.  Thank you!  Pastor Dewayne Carte  


If The Lord is calling you to be a part of the construction or to sow financially into the building of The Word of Life Centers, we Praise The Lord for that and are so grateful!  And Thank You for praying for all of those who are working and for all of the financial needs.  Thank You Very, Very Much For Your Prayers and Support!


We Love You & Are Praying For You!

Pastors Dewayne and Jamie




Greetings Disciples!


This Month we are doing a study of the End Times.  As we unfold the Mystery of the End Times it is being revealed to us that Extreme Times Require Extreme Measures.  From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God’s Word is packed with information on how we are to navigate through this all-important Time in History.  And God needs all His Children to Know and Understand and Trust in Him!


These are exciting Times God has chosen to place us all in.  Come and learn. 

God Bless!

Shepherd Donna

Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship

If you are not a part of our Discipleship Classes, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/




                                            OCTOBER & NOVEMBER DISCIPLESHIP SCHEDULE                        

                                            IN PERSON AND ON LIVESTREAM On JCM’S Webpage!                                                                  

                                      Tuesday, 01 October 2024                               

                                       Wednesday, 09 October 2024                                

                            Wednesday, 23 October 2024                      

                                          Wednesday, 06 November 2024                               

                          Wednesday, 13 November 2024                

         Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Contact JCM Through The Discipleship Page @ https://jamiecarte.org/discipleship/ 

OR Shepherd Donna Legg would love to hear from you

 at donna@jamiecarte.org!  Contact Us For More Information!  


Know Someone Who Would Like To Receive The FREE Monthly Teaching? 

Contact JCM!  https://www.jamiecarte.org/contact-us/free-teaching-letter/

Also in Spanish! https://www.jamiecarte.org/contact-us/spanish-mtl/


Hello Partners and Friends! 

 Deborah Legg, Shepherd Of Administration


This is an exciting time of Year for JCM & The Word of Life Center!  Not only do we get to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us here in the hills of West Virginia at this time of Year, we also get to celebrate the Feasts of God which are happening within this Month! 


I urge you to join us here at the Center in West Virginia and celebrate this very special time with us.  And if you can’t attend in person, search out our Website at www.jamiecarte.org where you will find all the details about the times and dates of those Services or you can Live Stream as well!


And as always, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need Prayer!  We are here to serve!  We Bless you Partners and Friends!


     Feast Of Tabernacles  Service & Dinner

                                            Join Us In The Ministry Tent & Under The Stars!                                            

Wednesday, 16 October 2024  




             Then On Thursday, 17 October 2024 At 6PM        

         Join Us For A Free Tabernacles Dinner In The Ministry Tent!    



It’s Harvest and The Feast of Tabernacles Time!

There Are GREAT Promises Within The Feast of Tabernacles!


Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are the people who know the joyful sound [who understand and appreciate the spiritual blessings symbolized by the feasts]; they walk, O Lord, in the light and  favor of Your  countenance!’  16  In Your name they rejoice all the day, and in Your righteousness they are exalted. 17 For You are the glory of their strength [their proud adornment], and by Your favor our horn is exalted and we walk with uplifted faces!”  Psalm 89:15-17 (AMPC)


                                                                        Need Prayer?                                                                                     


or prayer@jamiecarte.org 


The Direction Of Our Country Is Truly At Hand!


When the wicked are in authority, sin flourishes, but the godly will 

live to see their downfall.” Proverbs 29:16



“Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles.  No man should appear before the LORD empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you” (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)


Sow Safely On Line



If You Desire To Send Your Tabernacles Offering to JCM, Please Mark Your Offering By Writing “TABERNACLES” On It. Or, give securely Online at www.jamiecarte.org.  


We’ll Bring Your Offering Before The Lord and Pray Over You And Your Family and Put Ourselves in AGREEMENT With You Expecting YOUR Harvest at this Wonderful Time of God—that HE CALLS HARVEST!  Thank you!  

Happy and Blessed Tabernacles Season!




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(833) 605-7180 

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Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

 Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!

                                           JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  

  Watch Us On: 

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM

 Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”




Join Us Online & On Facebook Sundays on JCM’S Page



The Word Of Life Center

19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854


Early Voting in the United States has already begun in many States.  And we here at the Ministry and Dewayne and I encourage you to vote.  And if you are not registered yet, please do so before your States final day which is very soon.  God has given us all the responsibility of this Nation and to put righteous people in place to lead.  







Listen To Podcasts, Watch JCM TV & Discipleship Classes, Read Prophetic and 

Right Now Word Teachings All From The Webpage!  

It’s Our Gift To You and For You!  We Love You!



WOULD YOU Pray about Partnering with us

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  

And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 

 If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You! 

Thank You!  In Advance!  


Is Your Destiny Tied To This Mission?  


We Invite You To Pray About This Path Of Ministry.  Is The Lord Leading You To Assist In The Mahanaim Mission?  Are You To Be A Part Of One Of The Campuses In WV Or NC? Discipleship, Construction, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama, Ministry, Serving, Media & Editing, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding and Distribution – There are many areas to serve & be a part of!  Ask The Lord His Will and Your Part Of The Mission!  

We Are Praying For You!




                 WE ARE GRATEFUL!                    

 We Love You!




The Lord has said TO ANNOUNCE that it is time for “The Offering OF The Lord!”  


Whenever there was a Place of God that was to be built for Him AN ANNOUNCEMENT was made to God’s People that the opportunity to GIVE was at hand.  Exodus tells us that, “Whoever is of a willing and generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s offering.”  The Word of Life Center is being built for The King and His People and He is Announcing that it is time for His People who have a willing and generous heart to Give for His House!


“And they came, each one whose heart stirred him up and whose spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the [new] Tent of  Meeting, for all its service, . . .” Exodus 35:21 AMPC


Thank You So Much For Praying & Giving! 

The Inheritance Of The GLORY!

"For this is what love for God is: to keep his commands. And his commands are not a burden, 4 because everyone who has been born of God conquers the world.  This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.”  1 John 5:3-5 (CSB)

                                         Hello To Some Victorious, Conquering the world by their Faith,  Children Of God!  Living in The Last Days, as we are, we ALL NEED TO BE REMINDED that 

                                                                           WE ARE VICTORIOUS!                                                                                


                                                                WE ARE BORN OF LOVE, HIMSELF!                                                                      


                                        WE BELIEVE BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT!          
Your Faith and YOU are here for such A TIME AS THIS!

The Redeemed      

Last Month’s Teaching took us way back in Bible History to The Garden.  And in the midst of it, we really SAW what happened at the fall of man and what changed everything that God had put in place for Mankind.  The TRUE GOODNESS OF GOD MANIFESTED!  LOVE, HIMSELF Lost So Much That Day!  LOVE, GOD, HIMSELF WOULD STILL REDEEM MANKIND and GIVE OF HIMSELF in the Most    Extraordinary Way!  Let’s look at some of what we learned and build on Truth to GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL In Our Inheritance.

1 John 4:16 (NIV) “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.”

“Also we have come to know and trust the love that God has for us. God is love; and those who remain in this love remain united with God, and God remains united with them.” 1 John 4:16 (CJB) 


For GOD (LOVE) so loved the world that He (LOVE) gave His (LOVE’S) only Son.  GOD (LOVE) walked and talked with Adam and Eve in that Garden.  This man and woman WORE GLORY!  The GLORY OF GOD on them!  They spoke with God and He spoke with them.  They all loved each other and had great communion with each other.  GOD (LOVE) gave them a command and that was to NOT eat of a specific Tree in the Garden.  Of course they obeyed that command of GOD (LOVE) for a period of Time.  And they continued enjoying PERFECTION, GOODNESS and THE GLORY Of GOD!

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what 1 John 4:16 tells us to do.  They KNEW The LOVE of God.  They TRUSTED The LOVE of God and His WORD to them.  And, they  RELIED on The LOVE Of God and His WORD to them.  We have to remember this  Church.  Adam and Eve could eat of ALL the other trees in the Garden and partake of ALL that God had and was continually providing for them.  The decision that they would eventually make in eating of the specific tree God told them not to WAS NOT A DECISION BASED ON HUNGER OR NEED OF FOOD!  THEY STOPPED TRUSTING WHAT GOD, WHO IS LOVE, HIMSELF SAID, AND BEGAN TRUSTING WHAT THE DEVIL SAID.  They  began listening to the wrong voice, that of the enemy, the devil.

Adam and Eve began listening and trusting the WORDS of  another instead of the WORDS of GOD (LOVE).  And they began to do THE OPPOSITE of 1 John 4:16.  They made the choice to STOP trusting and relying on GOD (LOVE) and what GOD (LOVE) had Said to them.  They BELIEVED another.  They RELIED on another.  They TRUSTED another.  As I write these words I just want to weep.

We as a Church Body and Ministry read a Chapter, out loud (faith comes by hearing) every day.  We are currently reading The Book of Hosea.  In this Book and many before it, we read over and over how God’s People are loved, provided for and wooed by GOD (LOVE) Himself.  And then we see how the People then leave Him or pursue another.  How much He has not been believed, trusted and relied on even though HE HAS  ALWAYS BEEN FAITHFUL.  The Long Suffering of Our LORD is amazing!  We have all at one time or point not LOVED HIM, TRUSTED HIM or RELIED UPON HIM like we are to!

              And yet, God (LOVE) Still LOVES US!               

Thank You LOVE!  Thank You God!

 Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)




When Adam and Eve followed the words of the devil instead of the WORDS of GOD (LOVE) they committed high treason against Father God (LOVE) and The Kingdom of God and THE BLESSING that Adam and Eve carried left and THE CURSE entered them. EVERYTHING GOT CURSED!  Adam, Eve, the ground and this whole World was now operating in and by THE CURSE.  THE CURSE ENTERED THE WORLD, RIGHT THEN!


THE BLESSING OF GOD was the operating FORCE and Spiritual Law that was in God’s Man, Adam at that time.  The BLESSING was INSIDE OF HIM.  Everything was flowing from Adam by The Blessing.  And that ALL CHANGED when he sinned and followed the devil.   The BLESSING turned into the CURSE.  Mankind that GOD (LOVE) BLESSED traded it all to follow the words of the enemy of God and them!


The CURSE Entered the World through ONE MAN, Adam.


When the curse came through Adam, who was once carrying The Blessing, GOD (LOVE) had to find another man in the Earth to GET THE BLESSING BACK into the Earth by.  And, Father did.  Abraham is who God used to get THE BLESSING back into the Earth and back to God’s People.  The LORD LOVES US SO MUCH!  Really SEE this!  He NEVER wanted His People, starting with Adam and Eve to ever have experienced the curse!  And Father would trust another to carry THE BLESSING and to have it to continue for His People, His Family.


Father Abraham became The Father of our Faith in the Earth.  Abraham and  Sarah came to the place in their lives where they TRUSTED, RELIED ON and KNEW The Love Of God and His WORD.  They TRUSTED GOD’S WORD TO THEM even when it was in the natural and in their own bodies, impossible.

“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”  GALATIANS 3:13-14 (ASV)

When you see this all together in Galatians 3:13-14 it is so clear that Jesus paying for our Ransom and Redeeming us by becoming a curse for us IS CONNECTED TO Abraham and THE BLESSING coming on us as New Testament Believers!


Jesus being put on the cross, a tree, and hanging on it MADE THE WAY for us to have The BLESSING, through Abraham, to come on us!  This is all connected to Adam and The Blessing being lost by him in the Garden.  The Blessing left Adam and everything followed what happened to him!  


Jesus BECAME the curse!  Jesus didn’t just carry the curse, HE BECAME THE CURSE!  Jesus redeemed us, FREED US from the curse, the law of the curse that was birthed by Adam.  THE ONLY WAY that we could be FREE was by Jesus once and for all dealing with the curse by becoming the curse!  And it all happened when He was on the cross.   The GREAT EXCHANGE was taking place!  Jesus, by His Faith, RECEIVED and TOOK THE CURSE!  He TOOK IT INTO HIMSELF!  And WHAT CAME FROM OUT OF HIM?  The BLESSING!


Jesus was carrying The BLESSING IN HIM when He walked the Earth!  The Blessing that came on Abraham after the fall of man in the Garden was now IN Jesus as He ministered.  The BLESSING was on DISPLAY for ALL TO SEE as Jesus was here!  

The GOODNESS Of God!  

The HEALING of God!  

The FAITH of God!  

The PROVISION of God!  



Then the TIME of God came when The BLESSING could come on us the Gentiles and the payment would need to be done by The ONLY ONE Who could give it to us that are Born Again.  And The ONE, Jesus, Who knew no sin would be hung on a tree and with that HE BECAME THE CURSE!  And what Jesus was carrying IN HIM would then be available for the Gentiles to receive!  And what left HIM to come to us was The BLESSING.  The same Blessing that Adam had carried in the Earth!  The LAST ADAM, Jesus, Would Get ALL BACK For Us What Was Lost In The Garden!


We have for over 30 Weeks been on, as The Holy Spirit leads us, a JOURNEY!  The LORD has had us JOURNEY with Him in discovering what our Birth Rights are which is our Inheritance.  What we have SEEN and learned has been just MARVELOUS!  We are so grateful for The Lord “uncovering” so many things to us!  Please join us on Wednesday’s and learn with us!  The various levels of what we have been taught by The Holy Spirit in God’s Word has shown us MANY things that we received when we got Born Again in our Inheritance.


In writing about what happened in the Garden with God’s first man and woman, one thing that we know is that they were clothed with The Glory.   Adam and Eve had never even seen their bodies!  Think about that.  The Glory was what they had on them and it was so bright that they never had seen their physical bodies!  It wasn’t until the fall came, when they followed the enemy and the curse came, that The Glory left them and they saw themselves.


Where did The Glory come from?  The Glory was in the same place that The BLESSING and The LIGHT and The POWER of God was.  INSIDE OF  ADAM!  The LIGHT Of God, The POWER Of God and The Blessing of God was ALL INSIDE of Adam.  And these were flowing out of him from WITHIN him.  

Photo By Unsplash

“18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with LIGHT, so that you can know and understand THE HOPE to which He has called you, AND how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER in AND for us WHO BELIEVE, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,”  EPHESIANS 1:18-19 (AMPC)


Genesis 1:3, “LIGHT Be, LIGHT Was!” 

The LIGHT that was spoke into existence on Day 1 of CREATION is a force, an energy, a creative power that was released into the atmosphere of this World, the Heavens, Time and every thing that we have any knowledge of now and forever!  It began with this called LIGHT by God!  God released HIS CREATIVE SELF, HIS LIGHT POWER from HIS BELLY into the atmosphere of the Heavens, the Earth and to the cosmic places of the Galaxies!  The POWER of CREATION was released and SENT OUT OF GOD, HIMSELF and IT HAS NEVER STOPPED ITS POWER!


And, WHAT DOES GOD CALL THIS CREATED POWER?  LIGHT!  When God released “LIGHT,” HIS LIGHT, that is when everything began being created!  The LIGHT of God which is His creative POWER was released and that is what the rest of creation was implemented with!  This same LIGHT POWER was in Adam and Eve!  The LIGHT OF GOD and The POWER OF GOD and The GLORY OF GOD was within them and COMING OUT OF THEM and CLOTHING THEM!  They were CLOTHED In GLORY!  The Glory was THE LIGHT and THE POWER Of God coming through them and encompassing their entire beings!  So that they only saw the Glory from within them!


So, when The Blessing left and the curse came to Adam and Eve the LIGHT, POWER and GLORY left them.  Oh yes Beloved of The Lord, Something wonderful happened for you and I!  When Jesus went to the cross and hung on that tree we got REDEEMED and SET FREE!  And part of our Inheritance through this redemption is that we got everything back that we lost in the Garden!  And one of those things is that we GOT THE GLORY BACK!

“18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with LIGHT, so that you can know and understand THE HOPE to which He has called you, AND how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER in AND for us WHO BELIEVE, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,”   EPHESIANS 1:18-19 (AMPC)


The Holy Spirit is telling us here in Ephesians 1:18-19 that God desires for the eyes of our hearts (that’s within us) to be FLOODED WITH LIGHT!  God wants us to KNOW and UNDERSTAND about our GLORY INHERITANCE!  And, what is within this “Glorious  Inheritance?”  Within it, “is the IMMEASURABLE and UNLIMITED and SURPASSING  GREATNESS of HIS POWER IN AND FOR US who believe.”  





God Wants Us To KNOW and UNDERSTAND About This POWER That Is In Us!  The part of our Inheritance that is GLORIOUS!


The Glory, the Power, the Light that was inside of Adam and Eve coming through them and affecting everything on the outside of them, even clothing them HAS BEEN REDEEMED by King Jesus for us too!  Christ redeemed us of the curse!  And what did mankind have before the curse?  The BLESSING, The POWER, The LIGHT and The GLORY!  Hallelujah!

“In the past you were full of darkness, but now you are full of light in the Lord. So live like children who belong to the light.” Ephesians 5:8 (NCV)



When Adam and Eve were here on Earth they displayed The Glory and Power and Light of God from within them.  They were covered, truly covered with all of what was going on from within them.  They were so close to Father.  His LIGHT, His POWER, The BLESSING and His GLORY is what Adam and Eve were FULL OF!

Now today, We Are FULL OF LIGHT, POWER and The GLORY!  And although we don’t “see” The Glory like Adam and Eve did as it clothed them, The GLORY CAN BE SEEN IN THE SPIRIT REALM ON US CHURCH!  The Glory is encompassing God’s People AGAIN!


“Yet more and more people believed and were brought to the Lord—crowds of both men and women. 15 As a result of the apostles’ work, sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter’s shadow might fall across some of them as he went by. Acts 5:14-15 (NLT)

The Glory, The Power, The Light and The Blessing of God that we are carrying within us IS STILL FLOWING OUT FROM WITHIN!  Peter’s “shadow” that would be seen around him as he walked by was healing people!   What was INSIDE OF HIM was COMING OUT OF HIM and IT WAS  HEALING PEOPLE!


The word, “shadow” here in Acts 5:15 is Strong’s Greek #4639.  It is the word, skia.  It means a spiritual reality relating to God's Light.  


God’s LIGHT POWER and GLORY was coming OUT OF Peter and changing the atmosphere around him and the POWER and GLORY WITHIN HIM was COMING OUT and FLOWING TO THE PEOPLE on the OUTSIDE OF HIM!  Glory To God!  The clothing of Glory that was in The Garden has been redeemed by King Jesus and God’s People have it again!  THIS IS HUGE, CHURCH!  Hallelujah!


Now read Ephesians 1:18-19 again and we can see why God is wanting us so much to KNOW and UNDERSTAND about this POWER and GLORY that is IN US!


“18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with LIGHT, so that you can know and understand THE HOPE to which He has called you, AND how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of HIS POWER in AND for us WHO BELIEVE, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,”   EPHESIANS 1:18-19 (AMPC)


This whole World is waiting for the Sons and Daughters to manifest The GLORY Of God!  We MUST UNDERSTAND who we are in Christ, The Anointed One!

 Everything God made is waiting with excitement for God to show HIS CHILDREN’S GLORY COMPLETELY.” Romans 8:19 (NCV)

The GLORY INHERITANCE - It’s Ours and It’s Ours NOW!  It Was Redeemed For Us By King Jesus!  Glory Manifest NOW!

It’s the Last Days.  It’s Your Time To Give Your All!  Jesus Loves You So Much!  Believe with your heart and confess with your mouth,


“Jesus, I am making the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  Please forgive me of my sins.  I believe that You rose from the dead for me. I receive Your free gift Jesus!  Please come into my life and do something with it.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power!  Thank You for Loving me in Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  We want to send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your New Life in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know!  We will send you one FREE and Postage Paid.  It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry.  We and They Love You Very Much


Remember, We Love You & Bless You & Are Praying For You!  Until Next Time, 

                                                                                                                                  Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming!                                                                                                                                                                               Pastor Jamie 


“Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:13 (KJV)

“Engage in business until I come back.” (CSB) 

 “Occupy The Kingdom! Engage In King Jesus’ “Business” Till He Comes!

The Shepherd's Corner

                                 September 2024  Discipleship Schedule                                       

           SCHEDULE IS ONLINE &  IN PERSON CLASSES              

Wednesday, 11 September 2024—7:00 PM 

Wednesday, 18 September 2024—7:00 PM 

Wednesday, 25 September 2024—7:00 PM

Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/


Dear Disciples!


Here at The Word of Life Center Discipleship we are always listening for what The Lord is saying to us about where He wants us to go in the Months that lies ahead.  He is always faithful to give us an answer.

His Word is so vast.  A never-ending wealth of valuable information that as Disciples of Jesus is vital for us to know and understand so we can fulfill the Great
Commission in Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”  And what an honor it is for us.

We invite you to come along this Month as see the Mysteries that The Lord will reveal for us this Month.  If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/  

                                                              God Bless!  Shepherd Donna                                                                Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship


The Word Of Life Center In Hico Is Getting DONE!  


If The Lord is calling you to be a part of the construction
or to sow financially into the building of The Word of Life Centers,
we Praise The Lord for that and are so grateful!


And Thank You for praying for all of those who are working and for all of the financial needs.  

  Thank You Very, Very Much For Your Prayers!




 Through JCM’S WebPage


 Go To The Webpage For 

Times and Dates of 

Services & Classes!

If You Need Prayer, Please Contact Us! 

Deborah Legg, Shepherd Of Administration


Hello Partners and Friends!

Can you believe we have already sailed through another Month!  Lots of activity going on here with the  building of the Word of Life Center; lots of fruitfulness in the Offices and in all areas of the Ministry as we’re witnessing what God is doing here in this Campus in the hills of West Virginia!


As we continue to pray over you and your families, we are so thankful to be an intercessor for you and your needs!  So don’t hesitate, if you need prayer, please contact us!  

As always, we are here to serve!  And until next Month, we call you blessed!  We love you Partners and Friends!



Know Someone Who Would Like  

To Receive The FREE Monthly Teaching?  

Contact JCM @ www.jamiecarte.org


BUILDING UPDATES From Pastor Dewayne!

 Hello from Pastor Dew.  Just wanted to send out an update on the Construction work going on. We will be completing the wood framing on the dividing wall between the Sanctuary and Entry Hall this Month. And we will be finishing up the last of the floor joists and the subfloor on the second level that will act as the ceiling for the first level. The second level is our 3rd Phase of Construction that will happen after we are using the building for Services. Lots going on at the WV Mahanaim Campus in Hico, WV!

We are going to the other Ministry Property in North Carolina this Month and we have a planned time of working on the Property there.

Join your prayers with us as we continue to work on the WV Campus and get to start work on the NC Campus in Leland, NC. Pray that we have an Overflow of Finances to Build both Campuses at the same time. These ARK’s Need Completed so we can Help, Serve and Make Disciples Of HIS PEOPLE!



Covenant Partners & Friends, THANK YOU for ALL that you do in this Ministry!  THANK YOU for praying, giving and covering us and the Ministry!  YOU ARE WORKING RIGHT ALONG WITH US!  WE DO THIS TOGETHER! We are praying for you and declaring The Word of God over you daily!  WE LOVE YOU! 


The Mission Of Mahanaim! "2 Camps, 2 Armies"

  Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission


Discipleship, Building, Construction, Ministering, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama Ministry, Serving, Media, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding & Distribution. 

Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim

Is This Part Of Your Future?


Join Us On Live Stream!

 Sundays & Discipleship Classes @ jamiecarte.org 


The Word Of Life Center

19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854


Type “GIVE” to (833) 605-7180 

 Follow One Time Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!



Pray about Partnering with us

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If  You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 


If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You!  Thank You In Advance!  https://www.jamiecarte.org/contact-us/why-be-a-partner/

                                          JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  

  Watch Us On

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM

 Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”


Sow Safely On Line At 




What a TIME!  What a TIME!  What a TIME! 

Beloved of The Lord what a TIME that we are living in!  The Prophetic Last Days Scriptures are happening right before our very eyes!  WOW!  What a PRIVILEGE that we have living in these TIMES.  You may be thinking, Sister Jamie, these are hard times, how is that a privilege?  ONLY THE TIME OF JESUS was more prophesied about than the Days that we are living in!  Church, you’re living IN THOSE TIMES!  God placed you and I in this TIME that is such a Huge Deal to The Kingdom of God!  The last “Moments” of the Last Days!  God CHOSE US to do this for HIM!  He chose us to be the ones in our Generation to Run the Race and bring it IN VICTORY across the finish line!  How do we do that?  How do we overcome and win in this War?

“For this is what love for God is: to keep his commands. And his commands are not a burden, 4 because everyone who has been born of God conquers the world.  This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.”  1 John 5:3-5 (CSB)

Your Faith conquers the world!  FAITH is not where you go to Church and the name on the Building!  You receive a portion of faith when you are Born Again.  Without Faith it is impossible to please God.  Faith is believing in what you cannot see.  “Faith is being sure about what we hope for, being convinced about things we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)  Faith is believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth! (Romans 10:9)  Faith comes by hearing The Word of God. (Romans 10:17)  Faith Overcomes The World, Our Faith!  Build your Faith!  Believe and Speak The Word By Your Faith!  Your Faith and YOU are here for such A TIME AS THIS!  

In This TIME . . . Build Arks

The Lord has spoke and mandated what this Ministry is to do in these Times that we are living in and that is to fulfill The Mahanaim Mission.  “Mahanaim” means in Hebrew Two Camps, Two Armies.  One Camp is here in West Virginia and one in North Carolina.  We have been given Property in NC in Leland, NC which is right outside of Wilmington, NC.  Hallelujah!  Here in Hico, WV we have already started and are well advanced in The Word Of Life Center here in the Mountains of WV.  I asked The Lord why He wanted us to build so much (Two Camps) when we are so close to the Rapture of The Church and He responded, “Well, I built AN ARK to be used for a short amount of TIME.”  I immediately understood that He wanted us to build these Places that He referred to as an Ark.  Places for people, the sons and daughters of Father God and the ones that need to surrender their lives to King Jesus.  PLACES for people to come to hear TRUTH, COMPLETE TRUTH and be rescued and saved from the violence, lies and evil and Non Truth that is out there.  PLACES that STAND for the Uncompromising TRUTH, for The Word of God, for AMERICA and for ISRAEL.

Truly, PLACES that are Forts and Arks for the Last Days that we are in for people to RUN IN TO!  How Special These PLACES are!  This is NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT.  It is a QUESTION.  Is The Lord calling you to this Mission of Mahanaim, “Two Camps, Two Armies?”  Is your heart maybe beating faster right now for you are sensing that The Lord is speaking to you?  Ask The Lord.  He will tell you and confirm to you what and where He wants you.  Contact the Ministry Office if you have any questions.  We are praying for the ones that are called to this Ministry.


Last Month we talked about the Garden of Eden and why Jesus died on a cross and not some other “way” of final execution.  Jesus was paying for, getting back and redeeming us from EVERYTHING that Adam and Eve had in The Garden and LOST IN THE GARDEN.  King Jesus, Our Hero did it ALL for us!  And so many other things that were given to the devil and LOST in The Garden of Eden.  The Blessing, Power, Authority, Peace, Perfection of  literally Everything and so much more was lost when Adam and Eve trusted the devil that day!  All changed that day!

The GOOD PLAN God had put in place was operating for all of Mankind before His first man and woman and God’s Creation became twisted, altered and cursed that day.

 But Now In Christ, we’ve been SET FREE from sin. (Romans 6:18)  

We’re now SET FREE from the curse of the Law. (Galatians 3:13)  

We are Free from the yoke of slavery of the enemy. (Galatians 5:1) 




“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law,  having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”  GALATIANS 3:13-14 (ASV)


Image by Freepik

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we may be delivered from sin and live in righteousness; by his stripes you were healed.”  1 Peter 2:24 (NMB)


“He made the One who knew no sin to become a sin offering on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 (TLV)

So, What Happened In That Perfect Place of The Garden?  Why Would Someone Want To Give All Of That Up?  What Happened In God’s Man And Woman?


Trust The Love


1 John 4:16 (NIV)  

“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”

“Also we have come to know and trust the love that God has for us. God is love; and those who remain in this love remain united with God, and God remains united with them.” 1 John 4:16 (CJB)



Church, this is SIMPLE but PROFOUND!  Whenever we are reading our Bible’s, we can put LOVE in when we are reading about GOD.  For, GOD . . . IS . . . LOVE!  For GOD (LOVE) so loved the world that He (LOVE) gave His (LOVE’S) only Son.  See, GOD (LOVE) walked and talked with Adam and Eve in that Garden.  This man and woman WORE GLORY!  The GLORY OF GOD on them!  They spoke with God and He spoke with them.  They all loved each other and had great communion with each other.

GOD (LOVE) gave them a command and that was to NOT eat of a specific Tree in the Garden.  Of course they obeyed that command of GOD (LOVE) for a period of Time.  And they continued enjoying PERFECTION, GOODNESS and THE GLORY Of GOD!  No worries or   struggles, or sickness or pain, no toil or having to make their own way and provision.  


They knew, they trusted and relied on The Love (God.) 1 John 4:16 

EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT and PROVIDED FOR.  Then something happened. 

Adam and Eve could eat of ALL the other trees in the Garden and partake of ALL that God had and was continually providing for them.  So the decision that they would eventually make in eating of the specific tree God told them not to WAS NOT A DECISION BASED ON HUNGER OR NEED OF FOOD!

THEY STOPPED TRUSTING WHAT GOD, WHO IS LOVE, HIMSELF, SAID AND BEGAN TRUSTING WHAT THE DEVIL SAID.  We don’t know how long they TRUSTED THE LOVE (GOD), it could have been many years.  They RELIED on and KNEW The LOVE (GOD) and had no issues or drawing back on TRUSTING THE LOVE of GOD, for we know that they walked WITH LOVE (GOD) and talked and fellowshipped with LOVE (GOD).


Wrong Voice,  Wrong Words

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7


To begin, WE MUST KNOW!  FEAR IS A SPIRIT!  WHO is the spirit of fear?  That would be God’s and our arch enemy, the devil.  The devil is the spirit of fear and is behind FEAR.  


Adam and Eve had been living in the Place of Trusting The Love of God and WHAT HE HAD SAID.  They were in a Place of constantly thinking and relying on The Words of God and never gave a place of thought of doubting what God, LOVE, said to them.  And then, a spirit entered into the serpent.  And that spirit was the devil.  Look at 2 Timothy 1:7 again, “For God (LOVE) has not given us a spirit of fear.”

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7


Look at 2 Timothy 1:7 again, “For God (LOVE) has not given us a spirit of fear.”  What or who is the opposite of LOVE, Who Is God?  THE ANSWER AGAIN: the devil.  The devil was using his words to  convince Eve that she was missing out on something and question what God (LOVE) had already Said.  The devil was using his words in speaking to Eve to question THE GOODNESS OF GOD and The WORD OF GOD.  Adam and Eve had A WORD from God (LOVE), they DID NOT NEED ANOTHER WORD!


But they listened to what the spirit of fear had to say through that serpent!  The first thing the devil, the spirit of fear starts is using his words and suggesting things to you.  And just like Adam and Eve had a choice of listening to the devil’s words or not, so do we!  They could have stopped giving their attention to the devil’s words and started thinking, “That is not what God (LOVE) told us!  His WORDS has kept us all this Time and has preserved us and provided for us and kept us!  Look at this beautiful Garden that we are in!  We can eat from every other thing The LORD has provided us with.  Get out of here devil!  You are speaking AGAINST what our GOOD GOD has already Said to us!”


“Adam and Eve had A WORD from God (LOVE), 



And had they done that, the devil would have had to flee!  For they would have resisted him and USED THEIR WORDS of POWER, LOVE (GOD) and a SOUND MIND; not a twisted mind and words from the devil, and we’d have seen a VICTORY in The Garden!  Adam and Eve STOPPED  Believing The Love of God!  Oh Beloved, this is HUGE!  Trusting The LOVE of God, Who Is LOVE is what we as The Children of LOVE (GOD) are called to do!  We Are BORN OF GOD, We are BORN OF LOVE!  And know this,  FEAR, the devil, IS THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE (GOD)!  What VOICE, what WORDS you and I are listening to is listening to The Word of LIFE (GOD, LOVE) or the words of death (the words of the devil)!


“Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.” Genesis 3:4

1 John 4:17-19  “In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.”


Really read this, “There is no fear in love.”  Adam and Eve began a thought process that they were never to even touch with their thoughts.  They LIVED IN the Trust of The Love of God.  





“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God.”  John 1:1 (KJV)


Adam and Eve Believed The Love (GOD, THE WORD)!  They stayed on THE WORD, THE LOVE of God and what God (LOVE) had SAID!  But, at some point they started believing the spirit of fear that was speaking through that serpent and instead of casting out and resisting the spirit of fear, the devil, they allowed those words from fear to become something that they would THINK ABOUT.  How did the devil get to them?  With his words.  The devil is still using his words on God’s People.


                                                                        Trust The Love!”

This is something that you hear now quite often through this Ministry and at The Word of Life Center in West Virginia and playing on TV Programs that are going out in North Carolina these days.  We have got Seeds of The Word in us and we are being watered with The Word on these very things I write to you about today.  There’s no fear in Love.  There’s no fear in GOD.  Fear is the opposite of LOVE (GOD).  Perfected (Mature) LOVE DRIVES OUT FEAR!  If we have fear in our lives we are still needing to work on our Love Walk and Trusting The Love!

“In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:17-19


God (LOVE) HAS PROVEN HIMSELF!  Jesus died and suffered MUCH to PAY FOR EVERYTHING that we would ever need in this life to live successful LIFE LIVES!  He paid for our Ransom and Redeemed Us from all that we lost in the Garden and set us free from the curse that came through what happened in the Garden!  Father God, King Jesus and Holy Spirit’s LOVE FOR US HAS BEEN PROVEN!  Our Part?  “We LOVE  Because He First Loved Us.” (Verse 19)


The spirit of fear; the devil began his deception by his words and suggestions.  See, the kingdom of darkness that the devil has and The Kingdom Of Light and The Love of God, BOTH USE WORDS.  God (LOVE) has given us His Word.  Yet we all have A CHOICE.  A choice to believe LOVE (GOD) and surrender our lives and all.  Choices to TRUST THE LOVE that whatever LOVE (GOD) tells us to do that it is and will be THE GOODNESS OF GOD in our lives now and in the future.  LOVE (GOD) may tell you to do some things that are hard.  Things that to you and I look so hard.  Things and situations that He knows that is the BEST for you and I, He asks us to obey in.  And, at the initial time of following Him and what LOVE (GOD) says it may be hard, it may take a while but you will see why He told you to do that act and Word of obedience.  Now, will other people understand and be maybe upset?  Yes.  I have to answer you, Yes.  But, there will also be those that WILL understand as Time passes.  Yet, even if no one “is with you” in you following what God Says, I encourage you Beloved . . . TRUST THE LOVE (GOD)!  TRUST THE WORD (GOD)!  TRUST GOD (LOVE)!


Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)


Adam and Eve STARTED THINKING ABOUT WHAT THEY DID NOT HAVE OR COULD NOT DO INSTEAD OF THINKING OF ALL THAT THEY HAD AND COULD DO!  Adam and Eve started thinking in their OWN UNDERSTANDING!  They started reasoning.  The very first thought that they started thinking in the wrong direction, away from what God Said, brought them to their destruction.  Because the spirit of fear leads to destruction.  That is the GOAL of the devil (spirit of fear) is to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10)  


What is the OPPOSITE of TRUSTING THE LOVE, “Trusting In The Lord” (LOVE)?  The answer is found in Proverbs 3:5-6 leaning on your own understanding.  Thinking in your own ways.  Thinking and reasoning on your own.  Trusting In LOVE (GOD), Trusting In LOVE (THE WORD) IS What Living The Garden Life is All About!


Adam and Eve BEGAN Trusting The LOVE (GOD, HIS WORD) TO THEM.  Their Provision, Protection, Peace, Joy, Glory, Health was all wrapped up in them Trusting The LOVE of God!  We have to remember before the fall, they were living in the midst of animals, what is today called wild animals!  EVERYTHING was WITHIN THE WORD GIVEN TO THEM!  And when they started listening, considering, thinking and reasoning TO ANOTHER’S WORDS (the devil, the spirit of fear), “THEIR TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THEIR HEARTS” LEFT!


Church, what are you thinking about?

 What and How Much are you leaning on your own understanding?

 What areas of the most private part of you, your thinking, are you thinking in the wrong direction?

 The LORD would have us to answer these questions.


The Lord (LOVE) WANTS US to GET OUR THINKING IN ORDER WITH HIM (LOVE, THE WORD)!  LOVE (GOD) wants us to TRUST HIM!  And, the ONLY WAY to Trust The Love of God is to, “lean not on your own understanding, in ALL YOUR WAYS SUBMIT To HIM (LOVE)!” Proverbs 3:5-6.  Adam and Eve left THE LOVE of God.  They left their Place and Position of Trusting The Love.  They left the life of “Trusting The Lord with All your heart.”  


But, WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY to NOT DO THAT in our lives, Church!  We have the ability to LEARN from what happened in THAT GARDEN!  We have the Time and Grace that has been given us through The Word (LOVE) to get this right and in order in our lives!  Thank You Jesus!  Our King did everything we would ever need to be done in order for us to be redeemed, be filled with The Holy Spirit, have The Word of God, and have a renewing of our minds with the LOVE (Word of God) and the watering of it to get us all to a Place that we can “Trust In The Lord With All Our Hearts and Lean Not On Or Own Understanding!”  And, when the devil begins to speak his words to us, we  immediately KNOW that is NOT what God (LOVE) has Said!  We immediately then answer the devil’s words and lies, “Get Out Of Here devil!  I am choosing to Trust The Love, My God and His Word!  I Trust The Love!”


Give LOVE All Of You!


“Jesus, I am making the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  Please forgive me of my sins. I  believe that You rose from the dead for me. I receive Your free gift Jesus!  Please come into my life and do something with it.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power!  Thank You for Loving me in Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  We want to send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your New Life in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know!  We will send you one FREE and Postage Paid.  It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry.  We and They Love You Very Much! 

Remember, Trust The LOVE! 

 We Love You & Bless You & Are Praying For You!  Until Next Time, Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming!  

Pastor Jamie 


“Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:13 (KJV)

“Engage in business until I come back.” (CSB)

The Shepherd's Corner

                                    August  & September  2024                                         

                                    Discipleship Schedules                                        

         SCHEDULE IS ONLINE &  IN PERSON CLASSES              

      Wednesday, 14 August2024—7:00 PM         

       Wednesday, 21 August 2024—7:00 PM        

Wednesday, 28 August 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 11 September 2024—7:00 PM Wednesday, 18 

September 2024—7:00 PM Wednesday, 25 September 2024—7:00 PM

Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/



Hello Disciples Of Jesus!

 July has been an exciting Month for our Discipleship Class.  We have been finding out about how we have freedom in Christ.  He has set us free, and we are not to be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.  God has done His part, and we have our part.  That is a real eye opener for me.  Discipleship Class is so enlightening.  So, we pray that you are receiving all that has been taught in this Month of July.  God’s freedom is wonderful, and we want you to know about these wonderful blessings.

 As we continue into the next Months, we have more Good News that we will be sending your way.  The benefits of knowing and understanding the Word of God is priceless and in the times we are living in His Word will help us navigate through them.  The Lord needs us to be victorious and bring others with us.

If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/

 God Bless!  Shepherd Donna

Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship


Speaking The Word & Praying Over You Partners

 Deborah Legg, Shepherd Of Administration

 Hello Partners and Friends!

Psalm 84:11(AMP)

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord bestows grace and favor and honor;
 No good thing will He withhold from those who walk   uprightly.”

 I felt compelled to speak this Word over you Partners and Friends!  You are precious to us here at Jamie Carte Ministries/The Word of Life Centers!  As we continue to pray over you and your families, we are so thankful to be connected to you!  And we enjoy serving God and doing what He has called us to do, along with you, here within this Mission!  May you be continually Blessed and Highly Favored as we walk into another Month of 2024 in Jesus’ Name!



BUILDING UPDATE From Pastor Dewayne!


Hey all, this is Pastor Dew.  Just wanted to send out an update on the Construction work going on. We have completed most of the wood framing on the ground level and we are now finishing up putting in floor joists and the subfloor on the second level that will act as the ceiling for the first level.  The second level is our 3rd Phase of Construction that will happen after we are using the building for Services.  We will be completing the wall that divides the Sanctuary from the Entry Hall!!  Lots going on at the WV Mahanaim Campus in Hico, WV!

Join your prayers with us as we continue to work on the WV Campus and get to start work on the NC Campus in Leland, NC. Pray that we have an Overflow of Finances to Build both Campuses at the same time. These ARK’S Need Completed so we can Help, Serve and Make Disciples Of HIS PEOPLE!


Pastor Dewayne Carte 




Blessings To You Family Of God!  

We are praying for you Precious Partners and Friends of this Ministry and we are declaring The Word of God over you daily!  THANK YOU for your love, prayers and support of this Outreach to minister in many ways the Uncompromising Word of God!  Thank You For Your Love!



The Mission Of Mahanaim! "2 Camps, 2 Armies"

  Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission


Discipleship, Building, Construction, Ministering, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama Ministry, Serving, Media, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding & Distribution. 

Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim? 

Is This Part Of Your Future?


Join Us On Live Stream!

 Sundays & Discipleship Classes @ jamiecarte.org 


The Word Of Life Center

19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854


Type “GIVE” to (833) 605-7180 

 Follow One Time Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!



Pray about Partnering with us

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If  You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 


If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You!  Thank You In Advance!  https://www.jamiecarte.org/contact-us/why-be-a-partner/

                                          JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  

  Watch Us On

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM

 Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”


Sow Safely On Line At 



Hello FAMILY Of God!  We are thrilled to be coming to you in this Month of JULY!  This is when we in America really take some TIME and remember our FREEDOMS and remember Just How Truly Special Our Country Is!  There is not another Country like it!  Our Country’s  Foundation is The Word of God and having a Covenant with God.  General and President George Washington on the day that he was  inaugurated, on bended knee told God, “We will be Your People and You will be our God!”  Our HISTORY IS SO PRECIOUS.  IF WE DO NOT KNOW OUR HISTORY we live in the dark.  If WE DO NOT KNOW OUR HISTORY, WE LOSE ALL THE WISDOM THAT WE HAVE GAINED THROUGHOUT ALL OF THE YEARS!  

Our United States of America was birthed by The Word of God and His Ways, His Life and His Truths.  If we DO NOT KNOW our History, the good and the bad in our Country, again, we will have lost what we had gained.  We are TO BUILD UPON what we know, NOT TEAR IT DOWN.  And, if others try to tear down our History, it is because they do not want OTHERS to see what they truly see.  They want to be the author of what someone else will see or read, instead of allowing others to see or read and decide on their own.  When people try to destroy History, it is due to people wanting to CONTROL OTHERS and what they believe.  So, Church I must say to you in the TIME that we are living in, when there are ones that want to CONTROL people, beliefs and this Country, this is what we must do.  Pray and Intercede, Take Your Place and KNOW YOUR HISTORY.  KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.  KNOW YOUR BIBLE & KNOW YOUR BIBLE HISTORY.


There is an American History and there is a Bible History.  We have mentioned above of how there are those who want to make History in our Country to be what they want it to be and NOT WHAT IT TRULY IS.  They want you and I to BELIEVE what they want and not The TRUTH.  And there is an entity that DOES NOT WANT YOU AND I TO KNOW OUR BIBLE HISTORY.  And that is the enemy’s domain, the devil’s realm.  The enemy does NOT want us to know The TRUTH of our History in The Word Of God.  He does NOT want us to know WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE  ALREADY POSSESS and the REDEEMED THINGS THAT WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN!  For, IF WE KNOW ALL these things, we can damage him, the devil and his “kingdom.”  


You and I are Heirs and Joint Heirs with Jesus, The Christ.  And this Inheritance Package was PAID FOR MANY YEARS AGO, which is part of our History.  We MUST LOOK, LEARN & KNOW the HUGE things that happened many years ago and ALL WE RECEIVED IN OUR INHERITANCE!  Our FATHER HAS SUPPLIED A MARVELOUS INHERITANCE FOR US!  Father made sure that HE WENT BACK IN HISTORY, BIBLE HISTORY, and GOT BACK EVERYTHING THAT WAS HIS and WHAT WOULD BE OURS AS HEIRS OF HIM!  He sent His only BEGOTTEN (Born of Him Son) to pay for everything in Our INHERITANCE Package and then it was gifted to us!  


If you have given your life to Jesus and are a follower of Him, and you have made Him The LORD of your life, there is an Inheritance that comes with your Salvation!  Making Him The Lord, (One in charge) of your life is when we surrender all of our lives to Him.

“If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 (CSB)


Jesus died for us and inside of that which He died for was SALVATION, HEALING, PROVISION, PROTECTION, FAVOR, AND SO, SO, SO MUCH MORE!  When someone surrenders their life to Jesus and makes Him the Lord of their lives and follows Him, they are Born Again, they’re Born Again in the spirit and all is made BRAND NEW!  It is time to live their lives for King Jesus.  Being Born Again is HUGE!  You are literally Born Again into a FAMILY to which God is The Father!   


As I have written before, you still have the family that you were born into this Earth through.  Everyone has to have an Earth family that you are born into.  But, the Family of Father God is the Family that you choose to BELIEVE and CONFESS through the First Born and that Jesus died and rose from the dead for you and TOOK YOUR PLACE.  And when you MAKE HIM THE LORD OF YOUR LIFE, EVERYTHING that He Purchased comes  IMMEDIATELY TO YOU AND I.  And what I call, and will keep calling over and over what happens, which is THE GREAT EXCHANGE, you then receive everything that Jesus has and did for you while you’re here on Earth and still all the benefits of Heaven.


What do I mean by the GREAT EXCHANGE?  


Image by Freepic

* We got Jesus’ Life, and He got ours. 

Jesus BECAME SIN, our sin.  He got that, we got His Righteousness.  

Other things that were EXCHANGED From Jesus To Us Were . . . . . 

* Jesus got all of our SICKNESSES, we got His Healing.  


· Jesus paid for DEATH, HELL and the GRAVE, we received, LIFE, HEAVEN and absent from the body, IS PRESENT WITH THE LORD!

* Jesus TOOK ALL POVERTY, we got His Richness. 

* Jesus was hung on a cross and paid for all the curses, and we Received The Blessing.  


What we have looked at is JUST THE BEGINNING!  


“He made the One who knew no sin to become a sin offering on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”  2 Cor. 5:21 (TLV)


“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.”  2 Corinthians 8:9 (KJV)


“I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen, and have the keys of hell and of death.”  
Revelation 1:18 (KJ21)


“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”  “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:55, 57 (KJV)


“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we may be  delivered from sin and live in righteousness; by his stripes you were healed.”  1 Peter 2:24 (NMB)


NOTHING COMPARES TO WHAT WE HAVE IN THE LIFE OF JESUS!  Nothing in this Earth or what this Earth has to offer your life is comparable to what Jesus will give to anyone who comes to Him and gives their life to Him.  So, Are You Ready?  We don’t have to wait till the end of this Teaching letter to do THE MOST IMPORTANT THING and that is for YOU to surrender your life to The ONE Who Loves You The Most, King Jesus!


It is YOUR TIME to give your all to The Lord.  No more holding back.  He Loves You and has done EVERYTHING He can for you to live a life with Him and the life that He has for you.  The only thing left is for you to just surrender.  No matter where you are in your life and how far you may think you are from God, He will forgive you and begin positioning you and if you are willing, train you and get you equipped for all things in this life.  Yet, it first begins with your surrender. 


Believe with all your heart and confess with your mouth this prayer and say to Jesus,


“Lord Jesus, You and I both know that I am away from You.  I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  I leave my past and my sins and I ask You to forgive me of them.  I believe that You rose from the dead for me.  I receive Your free gift Jesus!  Please come into my life and change it and do something with my life.  I am ready to follow Your Plan that You have for me.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  Welcome To The Family!  Let us know here at JCM.  We want to celebrate with you and send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your new life in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know!  We would also send you one FREE and Postage Paid.  It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry. 


What Is Redemption?


When you give your life to Jesus as we stated earlier there is SO MUCH that one receives!  EVERYTHING that we need here on this Earth is provided FREELY!  We received our Salvation and Healing at the SAME TIME!  If you are SAVED, then YOU ARE HEALED!


Church there is another Beautiful “Strand” that came to us in our Salvation!  We also received the entire FREEDOM from the Curse.  Let’s begin this beautiful journey of what this really means and how do we love in this amazing Benefit of our Salvation!


What Does It Mean To Be Redeemed?  

These are just SOME of the things that Redeemed means.  

When someone provides money or other compensation for a person to be set free from slavery or kidnapping.  

Redeemed means when a person has compensation paid and that person regains ownership.

To atone for someone else’s mistake.

  Redemption can mean to save someone from a state or place of sinfulness and from consequences. 


Our Beautiful, King Jesus!  Let’s look at some specifics Church.



Have you ever wondered WHY Jesus died on a Cross?  You know, History tells us that many people when they took the stripes, scourging on their bodies from the Roman Soldiers, that many died from this.  Jesus went through that horrible abuse of the stripes on His back as an innocent man.  And it was to PAY FOR SOMETHING FOR US.  Jesus was PAYING FOR OUR HEALING when those stripes were painfully coming across Him!  We are Healed when we are Saved!  BOTH PAYMENTS of Salvation and Healing were made by King Jesus on the same day!  Thank You Lord!

“ . . . by his stripes you were healed.”  1 Peter 2:24 

 “If anyone is found guilty of an offense deserving the death penalty and is executed, and you hang his body on a tree, 23 you are not to leave his corpse on the tree overnight but are to bury him that day, for anyone hung on a tree is under God’s curse. You must not defile the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.” Deuteronomy 21:21-23 (CSB)


Now, back to that question asked above.  Have you ever wondered WHY Jesus died on a Cross?  Not questioning why HE DIED.  Why was it on a cross and not another form of execution?  And it WAS an execution!  THE ANSWER.  HE Was PAYING For SOMETHING!  Jesus was found “guilty” by many ILLEGAL “TRIALS” by His People, the RELIGIOUS LEADERS of His Time.  The ones who were called to lead The People of God and to teach and prepare them for their Messiah, made horrible sinful and illegal decisions to execute Jesus, their True King!


These Scriptures in Deuteronomy tell us that the Law Required that anyone executed “on a tree” (CROSS) was to be taken down off it and buried that day.  Now the Romans were known to LEAVE BODIES on the crosses to be examples that you do not come against Rome.  But, due to Jesus being a Jew and the Jewish Leaders using their authority to kill Him AND it being The Feast of Passover, they made sure to follow this Law and in their own eyes to not be defiled and break this Law at The Feast.


Please look with me at SOMETHING HUGE in Deuteronomy 21:23,

   “. . . for anyone hung on a tree is under God’s curse.”


Jesus was executed IN OUR PLACE on a “Tree” (Cross)!  WE WERE THE ONES WHO COMMITTED SIN, “DESERVING THE DEATH PENALTY” BUT JESUS PAID OUR PENALTY!  AND . . . Jesus BECAME not “A” curse.  Jesus Became THE CURSE!  This is HUGE!  Jesus, by His Faith, BECAME The Curse that was on Mankind and on this Earth!  And, the only way to have done this was by HIM being executed on A TREE, A CROSS and BECOMING The Curse for us!  Jesus, Who had THE BLESSING on Him and being demonstrated by Him in His Ministry, HAD NO CURSE . . . IN ANY WAY!  He had to BECOME The Curse so that it would be PAID FOR and WE WOULD BE REDEEMED FROM THE CURSE!  Glory To God!


Let’s look at ANOTHER thing that Jesus paid for that had TO BECOME!


“He made the One who knew no sin to become a sin offering on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21 (TLV)


HE WHO KNEW NO SIN, BECAME SIN!  Really think about this Bride!  Jesus ONLY DID WHAT The Father told Him to SAY and DO.  Jesus speaks of in The Word that He did Only The Father’s Will, not His Own Will.  Why is this so important?  Because Jesus CHOSE to do Father’s Will.  Jesus always WALKED IN LOVE.  HE Chose to Walk In Love.  HE Chose to only GO where God told Him to go.  Jesus CHOSE to SAY ONLY what God Said.  TOTAL OBEDIENCE in His Life!  He Knew NO SIN!  WE WERE THE ONES WHO KNEW SIN!  And, We Got HIS LIFE, His SINLESS Life. 


Jesus, by His Faith, TOOK and BECAME SIN.  Jesus, by His Faith, TOOK and  BECAME THE CURSE while He was hanging on that Cross.  Same day, He was  paying and REDEEMING US FROM SO MUCH!


The Curse


So, why is the curse being PAID FOR and us being REDEEMED from so HUGE?

“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”  GALATIANS 3:13-14 (ASV)


When one looks in the Word we see that we’ve been REDEEMED from the curse of the Law.  In the Word we see that MANY YEARS AGO, God’s People were told by God, Himself that IF they obey HIM that it would result to them that they would BE BLESSED and WOULD LIVE in THE BLESSING.  See, THE BLESSING was not just a “feel good” option for The People of God.  THE BLESSING is A Covenant “FORCE” that is The Glory and Goodness OF GOD, HIMSELF!  THE BLESSING making EVERYTHING GOOD, EVERYTHING PROTECTED, EVERYTHING PROSPEROUS, EVERYTHING MULTIPLYING . . . ALL MANIFESTATIONS OF GOD!


OR, God’s People had the CHOICE to NOT DO WHAT GOD SAID and that decision would make THE OPPOSITE of THE BLESSING come into their lives.  And, that would be the curse.  The curse WAS ALREADY in the Earth operating.  And the DECISION that God’s People would make and continue to make in their lives would make either the curse or THE BLESSING manifest!




THE ANSWER.  In The Garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve lived in the COMPLETENESS of THE BLESSING.  They were clothed in The Glory of God.  They KNEW NO SIN!  Really see this!  They lived in THE BLESSING!  They  walked with God.  They talked with Him.  They didn’t KNOW fear, dread, unbelief, sickness or shame.  They didn’t KNOW the curse of the Earth!  They didn’t KNOW terrible heat or terrible cold or storms.  They lived in the COMPLETENESS of THE BLESSING.  Until they CHOSE TO not do what kept THE BLESSING operating.  


They chose to do their own will and listen to what the enemy said to them INSTEAD OF WHAT GOD SAID to them.  And when God’s man and woman ate of the tree they were not to, THE BLESSING that was IN them and FOR them, became twisted and became the curse.  And that day, the curse was released by them into everything that was about them and the Earth.  And that FORCE of the curse was released.  And so, many years later, Father told the Israelites, God’s People, if you choose to, you can live in THE BLESSING.  Or, you can choose to live in and by THE CURSE. (SEE DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 28)


Jesus MADE A WAY that we could live in THE BLESSING AGAIN and be REDEEMED OF THE CURSE OF THE LAW!  Look at it again!


“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”  GALATIANS 3:13-14 (ASV)


 When Jesus was hanging on that “tree” He was PAYING FOR SO MUCH!  He was REDEEMING US from THE CURSE and the curse of the Law.  Oh, Let Us PRAISE HIM for ALL THAT HE HAS DONE!  Let’s look at another MARVELOUS thing that WE were a part of!


“I have been put up on the cross to die with Christ. I no longer live. Christ lives in me. The life I now live in this body, I live by putting my trust in the Son of God. He was the One Who loved me and gave Himself for me.”  GALATIANS 2:20 (NLV)


We were crucified with Christ!  We were PUT UP ON THE CROSS (TREE) to die with Christ!  The LORD pulled US Into Him by HIS FAITH and WE WERE CRUCIFIED .  .  . WITH HIM and IN HIM!  Glory To God!  We’ve already experienced and it has ALL been paid for . . . 

Death = PAID

Hell = PAID

the grave = PAID 

the curse = PAID

 healing = PAID

It Has All Been PAID FOR


Jesus, The Christ, The King!

 Jesus Got The GARDEN Back For Us!


We Can Live The GARDEN LIFE AGAIN through Jesus and what He has done!  It’s ALREADY BEEN PURCHASED and JUST WAITING ON US!  Renew your minds Church to WHO YOU ARE and WHAT WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN Through King Jesus!  It Really Is HUGE!  If you made a decision to surrender your life to Jesus, again, please let us know!  We want to celebrate with you and send you Resources for FREE to help you on your Way with King Jesus!  Remember, THE GARDEN LIFE IS BACK!

“Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:13 (KJV)

“Engage in business until I come back.” (CSB)

We Love You & Bless You & Are Praying For You!  Until Next Time, Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming! - Pastor Jamie                                                                                                                       



The Shepherd's Corner

                                     July & August 2024  Discipleship Schedules                                        

            SCHEDULE IS ONLINE &  IN PERSON CLASSES              

Wed., 10 JULY 2024—7:00 PM - ONLINE ONLY  

      Wednesday, 17 JULY 2024—7:00 PM            

   Wednesday, 24 JULY 2024—7:00 PM         

Wednesday, 31 JULY 2024—6:00 PM

       Wednesday, 07 August 2024—7:00 PM            

Wednesday, 14 August2024—7:00 PM         

Wednesday, 21 August 2024—7:00 PM        

Wednesday, 28 August 2024—7:00 PM

Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/


BUILDING UPDATE From Pastor Dewayne!

Hello Everyone!  Just another quick Construction Update on The Word Of Life Center here in Hico, WV.  Things are still moving FORWARD!  We are continuing to work on the  interior walls and THE FIRST FLOOR WALLS ARE NOW  COMPLETE!  Hallelujah!

We are still meeting with Architects to help us obtain drawings we need, to share with the WV State Fire Marshal. We recently met with the County Building Inspector and all was approved! And he said we could start on plumbing and electrical and the HVAC.

 We are asking the LORD for HIS WISDOM as we continue building.  Please pray for us as we continue building in Hico WV and asking HIM for the plans for starting in Leland NC on our property there.  MOVING FORWARD!!! THROUGH THE DOORS IN 2024.  


Thank You To All Again For Praying and Sowing To Help Build These PLACES For God and His People!  We Love You and Are So Grateful For You!  Pastor Dewayne Carte 




 Go To The Webpage For Times and Dates of Services & Classes!


We Are Praying Over You Partners

 Deborah Legg, Shepherd Of Administration


Hello Partners and Friends!

Reaching out to you this Month as we are halfway through the year of 2024!  And as we continue through this year, there has been lots of excitement and fruitfulness happening here at The Word of Life Center.  God has certainly blessed us as we continue moving forward and seeing the changes He is bringing forth for The Center here!

   We continue to pray over you  Partners and Friends and we pray He is doing something wonderful in your lives as well!  And as He does, reach out and share with us!  We would love to rejoice with you!  Looking forward to hearing from you!  Be blessed!  

You Give Because You Love.  You give to this Ministry because YOU LOVE OTHERS.  People you have yet to meet on this side of Heaven.  You Give, Because You Love.  “For God So Loved The World That He GAVE.”   You Love, So You Give.  Thank You Covenant Partners and Friends of this Ministry.  We Love You and Are Praying Over You Daily! - Dewayne and Jamie


Sow Safely On Line At 





Type “GIVE” to (833) 605-7180 

 Follow One Time Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!


Pray about Partnering with us! 

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If  You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 


If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You! 

Thank You In Advance!  


                                          JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  


 Watch Us On

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM


Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”



Partners & Friends Of JCM, THANK YOU!  THANK YOU For Giving & Praying and Being A Part Of This Ministry!  God’s Children Partnering With Each Other To Get HIS WORK DONE, Is His Idea!  YOU BEING IN THE MINISTRY WITH US, MEANS SO MUCH TO US!  For God So Loved The World That He GAVE.  You Love Others, So You Give.   We Appreciate You So Much!   We Love You and Are Praying Over  and Speaking the Word Over You Daily!  Dewayne & Jamie


HELLO!  We want to begin this Teaching with an Invitation!  We will be having The Feast of Pentecost Service here in Hico, WV on the Ministry Property on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 At 7PM and also this Outdoor Service will be Live Streaming on the JCM Webpage and on JCM’S Groups and Pages on Face Book.

You may be wondering why we are having this Service when we are.  Well, THIS IS THE TIME OF THE FEAST OF PENTECOST according to the Hebrew Calendar.  This IS THE TIME that The Lord has SCHEDULED and APPOINTED The Feast of Pentecost.  It is not on the date that the Universal Church schedules it in accordance with the Gregorian Calendar that the World goes by. 


The Feast of Pentecost begins at Sundown on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 and ends at Sundown on Thursday, 13 June 2024.  One Of The Important Things That GOD Says To Do At PENTECOST Is To Bring Him An Offering.

“Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place He will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the Feast of Tabernacles. No man should appear before the LORD empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.”  (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)


The Lord GIVES to us CONTINUOUSLY.  There are three (3) Times A Year When He Has Said To Bring Him An Offering On Specific Holidays Of HIM.  What An Opportunity To Bless HIM!


God gave us a prophetic and specific Word that He wants His Church to know and we’ve spoke of it at length.  Just to begin this Month with again a very short watering or reminder to keep it before our hearts. On 24 June 2020, The Lord woke me up and said, “Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  When this Word was given, The Lord was  communicating to us Church that WE ENTERED INTO A NEW ERA OF TIME THAT GOD CALLS, “CHANGE.”  This TIME God calls, “CHANGE” is NOT LIKE ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY!  It’s A Set TIME Of His!


The Word “CHANGE” that The Lord has given us is A TIME that The Lord MARKED in OUR TIME Of History!   We are within this block of TIME!  And we are heading for that one moment, that one that is so fast it is described in The Word of God as fast as a “twinkling of an eye!”  “CHANGE” will then turn into  CHANGED!”  And yet, God Said, “Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  The TIME PERIOD Of CHANGE Has Begun Church!  

“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (NIV)


Change Means

*To become different, The act or instance to become different  

*For a Thing or Person to undergo a Transformation or Transition

TRANSITION means to move from place, location or position to another.  

Webster’s Dictionary defines TRANSITION as a “passage from one place or state to another:”  

Webster’s Thesaurus explains to us that TRANSITION is Alteration, change, changeover, convert, conversion, development, metamorphosis, passage, passing, progress, progression, shift, transformation, transit.


We needed to visit again what God had told us about the TIME that we are in.  We, as The Church need to have an UNDERSTANDING of what TIME we are in!  You and I have been placed by God, HIMSELF in a TIME that He has now told us that HE CALLS, CHANGE.  There is SO MUCH to say about this!  I invite you to tune into our Sunday Morning Services where many times we are deeply uncovering the more and more deepness and expansion of this WORD and this TIME that God calls CHANGE.  This is MASSIVE to The Church!  If we do not have a knowing of what TIME we are in, we will not do, have, start, finish or behave as one that is in a CERTAIN TIME of God! 


When Jesus was walking this Earth, the ones around Him when entering Jerusalem DID NOT KNOW THE TIME of their visitation OF GOD!  They had the Messiah, Himself in their midst and They DID NOT KNOW THE TIME.  They DID NOT KNOW GOD IN THAT TIME.  They DID NOT KNOW THEIR TIME OF VISITATION!

“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” Luke 3:16 (NLT) 


The word CHANGE is strongly connected to the word TRANSITION.  Yet, it is the CHANGE that happens first and then the TRANSITION is within the CHANGE AND STILL YET FOLLOWS the CHANGE.  When there is a CHANGE that happens in a person’s life, the TRANSITION that one has to go through after the CHANGE that happens is next.  


The Transition period to get a person from Point A to Point B is not only about the “travel time” in between.  It’s mostly about what HAS TO HAPPEN IN THE PERSON while walking through and living out the TRANSITION!  There’s the alteration, change, changeover, convert, conversion, development, metamorphosis, progress, progression, shift, and transformation that will have to take place INSIDE of you and I For you can have a TIME Of CHANGE or BE IN a TIME OF CHANGE yet, the TRANSITION of YOU and I is crucial! 


If WE Don’t TRANSITION and have Transition IN OURSELVES – the DEVELOPMENT, the METAMORPHOSIS, the ALTERATION, the CHANGE that Father God, King Jesus and Holy Spirit is wanting in our lives to happen, won’t The most important thing we must remember through the Transition is we must allow God to transform, alter and CHANGE us!


And our faces are not covered. We all show the Lord’s glory, and we are BEING CHANGED to be like Him. This CHANGE IN US brings more and more glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”  2 Corinthians 3:18 (ERV)


Now look at it in the Amplified Classic Translation.


“And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (AMPC)


The "transfiguring" or Transition THAT CHANGES us according to The Word of God IS THE WORD OF GOD!   Us being in The Word of God and DOING The Word of God!  If One Stands Against What The Word of God Says, They Are Standing Against Jesus WHO IS THE WORD OF GOD!  We have to ALLOW God to CHANGE US!  And that CHANGE will require us to surrender to what The “Mirror,” The Bible Says!  We don’t try to make The Bible fit within our culture and ways of this World.  WE CHANGE Ourselves to what The Bible SAYS! 

In This TIME Of CHANGE That We Are In Church, WE MUST CHANGE.  We Must Passionately CHANGE and ABANDON What Is Holding Us Back!  And, The WORD Will Show Us What That Is!


“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 (NKJV)


“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 (NIV)




We are coming upon the TME of the Feast of Pentecost.  And in this TIME of This Feast of God that He asks us to partake of with Him, FIRE and the FIRE of God is greatly seen in The Word of God.  Our God is an all consuming FIRE.  Think of that.  Don’t let that get past you, Church.  Our God IS FIRE.  And there is a Baptism OF FIRE, a Baptism of God, of Fire, of HIM!


The Fire, Himself saw fit to not just have us know Him in one or two ways.  No, He wants us to KNOW Him intimately and to KNOW HIM AS FIRE.  Jesus Is The Baptizer of The Holy Spirit!  And He Is The Baptizer OF FIRE!  Let’s really think on this Church!  Jesus IS THE WORD.  God IS FIRE!  Hebrews 12:29 (CJB) “For indeed, “Our God is a consuming fire!”  The Lord is A FIRE from the loins up and from the loins down.  AND THERE IS A BAPTISM OF FIRE!  A BAPTISM OF HIM = FIRE!  The Lord is wanting to SUBMERGE YOU AND I . . . IN HIM!  There is a submerging of FIRE!  There is a submerging OF GOD!  SUBMERGE in His WORD, in HIS PRESENCE, in THE HOLY SPIRIT, in PRAYER, in SURRENDER and in FIRE! 


“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” Luke 3:16 (NLT) 

Hebrews 12:29 (CJB)  “For indeed, “Our God is a consuming  fire!”


ALL of this is to bring us to THE Place OF BURNING ALL that is needed to be burnt off of us and in us or in our lives.  Man’s Tradition, Religion, Culture, the devil, relationships, wrong teachings and wrong influences and just the World that has DRENCHED us!  We have been placed in (submerged) into a World where we are surrounded by all of this!  And, God in His Love and Brilliance made a Way that we could be in this World, but NOT OF THIS WORLD.

It’s NOW TIME to be SUBMERGED with RIGHTeousness, THE WORD, The FIRE and The Holy Spirit!  PERFECT FIRE!  All Consuming FIRE!  Where the World does NOT CONSUME YOU . . . THE FIRE, OUR GOD CONSUMES US!  The Lord would Baptize us in HIM and in THE FIRE OF HIM!  The World can’t stand up to The Fire of God!  It will consume all that the World has!


“I baptize with water those of you who have changed your hearts and lives.  The one who is coming after me is stronger than I am.  I’m not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with The Holy Spirit and with fire.” MATTHEW 3:11 (CEB)


“He has with him his winnowing fork; and he will clear out his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn but burning up the straw with unquenchable fire!” MATTHEW 3:12 (CJB)


“Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 1:5 (NIV)


THE FIRE OF GOD, THE GIFT OF GOD!  John The Baptist was sent to Earth approximately 6 months before Jesus.  He would have a Ministry BAPTIZING PEOPLE after they “CHANGED” their “hearts and lives.”  IT WAS A TIME OF CHANGE TOO! 


The Fire And The Flooding!




And when the people surrendered their will and repented they were then ready to be CHANGED even more because the Messiah, The Baptizer would be coming!  John was even the one who would prophesy about The One Who would submerge His People in FIRE!  Let’s look at it again, 

“I baptize with water those of you who have changed your hearts and lives.  The one who is coming after me is stronger than I am.  I’m not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with The Holy Spirit and with fire.” MATTHEW 3:11 (CEB)  


While John was ministering in his TIME of History that THE TITLE TO HIS MESSAGES WAS “CHANGE” he would have been demonstrating “submerging” or “baptizing.”  What a demonstration of a WORD from God!  John was preaching CHANGE!  He was SUBMERGING/BAPTIZING people in Water after they CHANGED and then telling everyone that there is ANOTHER SUBMERGING that is going to happen and it will be IN FIRE . . . IN FIRE, HIMSELF!  Glory To God!  


So, the one that is already preaching The Word, CHANGE (John) to the people is doing this Message in Water and Submerging people and Prophesying the Submerging of FIRE while in Water and The One Who will do this comes to one of his Meetings!  John then baptizes THE FIRE In WATER!  (Let’s read that again.)  John then baptizes THE FIRE In WATER!  The FIRE, Himself was baptized in WATER.  For when one is speaking of The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit it is a Baptism of The Living WATER and FIRE!  Hallelujah!


What is THE ULTIMATE that The Lord wants to do for us Church?  He wants to be so amazingly close, so intimate, so ONE with us!  He SUBMERGES US IN HIM, in HIS FIRE!  His Desire Is To . . . 


“. . . that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!” Ephesians 3:19 (AMPC)


WOWWWWW!  This is HOW MUCH THE LORD WANTS TO BE WITH US!  If the cross and all of the horrible sacrifice was not enough!  LOOK at HOW MUCH Father God, King Jesus and Holy Spirit wants us!  There is NOT ONE FIBER OF YOUR VERY BEING that He does not want to fill and touch in you and I!  Yet, let’s SEE it from His very Word!  He wants to FILL and FLOOD US with HIM!  With HIM, with FIRE, with The LIVING WATER!


Don't you feel His Presence as you are reading this?  The FULLNESS OF GOD IN US!  FILLING US!  Him even WANTING to FILL US WITH HIMSELF IS EXTRAORDINARY!  Yet we must not lay aside this TRUTH.  OUR INTIMACY WITH Holy Spirit is measured by OUR OWN WILL.  “WILL” I pay attention to Holy Spirit and do what He says?  Or, not even ask Him what He wants me to do in my every day life?  Will I just lean on my own understanding and think I know.  Just think, “I don’t have to ask Him.”  “WILL” I spend more time in The Word of God and listening to The Word?  Or will I keep filling myself with what this World has to offer MY INNER SELF?

There are SO MANY DISTRACTIONS in this World.  YET, WE ARE IN CHARGE OF WHAT WE ARE ALLOWING TO COME INTO OUR “INNER SELF.”  Remember, this is an INTIMATE LOVE RELATIONSHIP with Father God, King Jesus and Holy Spirit.  If your “fruit” is more Worldly than The Fruit of The Holy  Spirit which is His Presence and Fruit and Power . . . Then Beloved of God, you are allowing the World and what it has to offer to be your INTIMACY and not the filling of Holy Spirit.  He is Who you are to be intimate with.  



 Are we asking Him about everything?  Are we  spending time with Him, paying attention to what He has said to do and not to do, yielding to His Leading, His Love, reading the Word, Praying in Tongues of Fire, spending time on being rooted and grounded in LOVE?  These are ways of INTIMACY with Him!  Us and Him working TOGETHER and DOING OUR LIVES . . . EVERYTHING IN OUR LIVES . . . Allowing Him to Fill and Flood Our Lives, WITH HIM, TOGETHER! 

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.” Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)


HE wants to engage in the deepness and closeness of filling you at all times!  That is one of the “ways” of Praying in The Spirit AT ALL TIMES!  This is AN ALL TIME PLACE with The Lord!  He wants to KEEP US FILLED and FLOODED!  And when we realize again what TIME we are in, being the Last Days, I believe that this is really a NEED for us!


John the Baptist was in a TIME of CHANGE, just like us.  Jesus was coming on the scene for the first TIME in the TIME OF CHANGE.  And now, we are in the TIME of CHANGE AGAIN!  And, Jesus is coming back!  There’s nothing this World has to offer us, like the filling and flooding of God’s Presence!  It is HEAVEN ON EARTH IN YOU and ON YOU!  Remember, The FIRE OF GOD came from Heaven that Day of The Pentecost Feast!  



Are you Ready?  Believe with all your heart and confess with your mouth this prayer and say to Jesus,


“Lord Jesus, I know that I am not where I need to be with You.  I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  I leave my past, my sins and my way of doing things the way I want to and I ask You to forgive me of them all.  I believe that You were raised from the dead for me and took my place.  Please come into my life and change it and do something with my life.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me and flood me with Your Holy Spirit and Power!  In Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  Welcome To The Family!  Let us know here at JCM; we want to celebrate with you and send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your new life in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know!  We would also send you one FREE and Postage Paid.  It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry.  We Love You & Bless You & Are Praying For You!  

                                                                                                               Until Next Time, Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming!  

                                                                                                               Pastor Jamie



The Shepherd's Corner

  Hello Disciples!

We are so glad you are a part of our Discipleship and we want you to know how much we appreciate each one of you.  It is an honor to be in Partnership with you.


As usual we have had a busy May and look forward to continuing to make Disciples that are Hungry, Teachable and Faithful.  Our goal is to Equip you Disciples with more of God’s Word so you, as a Disciple, will transform into doers of The Word as James 1:22 tells us.


Come and grow with us and soon you will be doing the Mission of Jesus and making More Disciples!  If you are not a part of our Discipleship Classes, we would love to have you join us!  


Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/

God Bless!  Shepherd Donna, 

Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship




Hello Partners & Friends!   

We Pray You Are Blessed!  

Just a quick note to let you know we are moving forward with The Word of Life Center Construction!  And as we get to see the inside beginning to take shape, we get that much more excited!  

We here in the Office of Jamie Carte Ministries and The Word of Life Center are so privileged to watch, even behind the scenes, the progress that The Lord is allowing to happen here on the Property.  And it is His Provision through You, Partners and Friends that  allows that to be!

That’s why we want to encourage you this Month, that if The Lord has put a desire in your heart to be a part of this Mission, please contact us!  We would love to share with you the ways that you can be a part and it would be our honor to Partner With You in doing so!

Until Next Month, Be Blessed!  We will be looking forward to hearing from you!                                        

               Shepherd Deborah Legg                     

Shepherd of Administration




        June 2024 & July 2024  Discipleship Schedules 



Wednesday, 05 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 12 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM - The Feast Of Pentecost Service

Wednesday, 18 JUNE 2024—Braxton County

Wednesday, 19 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 26 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM

ONLINE ONLY - Wednesday, 10 JULY 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 17 JULY 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 24 JULY 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 31 JULY 2024—7:00 PM



Sow Safely On Line



“Thank You So Much Partners & Friends!”  

We Are Praying For You & Love You! - Dewayne & Jamie



BUILDING UPDATE From Pastor Dewayne!

Hey folks.  It’s great to be able to give you a Construction Update On The Word Of Life Center here in Hico, WV.  Why?  Because that means things are moving!  We are continuing to work on the interior walls and hopefully will have all the first floor walls completed shortly.

We are meeting with Architects to help us obtain drawings we need to share with the WV State Fire Marshal. And, we will soon start on plumbing and electrical and the HVAC.

 We are asking the LORD for HIS WISDOM as we continue building.  Please pray for us as we continue building in Hico WV and asking HIM for the plans for starting in Leland, NC on our property there.  MOVING FORWARD!!!  THROUGH THE DOORS IN 2024.  


Thank You To All Again For Praying and Sowing To Help Build These PLACES For God and His People!  We Love You and Are So Grateful For You!

Pastor Dewayne Carte 



Be Baptized!  Be Submerged IN HIM!  

Give HIM Your ALL!  

Allow HIM To Fill And Flood You WITH HIM!  

“. . . that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God  Himself]!” Eph. 3:19 (AMPC)

JCM Daily Teachings Sent To You Online!  

JCM Sends Daily Teachings Out Online!  

You Can Receive These Teachings By E-Mail or on JCM’S FaceBook!  

You’ll Receive DAILY TEACHINGS For You, Your Family & Friends!  






Go To The Webpage For Times and Dates of Services & Classes!



It’s Harvest Time!  The Feast of PENTECOST!

 It’s GOD’S APPOINTMENT Of HIS FEAST!  It’s HIS TIME that HE Has SET For Us To COME BEFORE HIM IN Surrender, Thanksgiving & Receiving! 

Thanking HIM For All That He Has Done!  Thank Him For The Harvest and Provision He Has Sent You AND To Believe Him For The Harvest To Come! 


"Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord your God at the place He will choose; at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the Feast of Tabernacles. No man should appear before the LORD empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you."  (Deuteronomy 15:16-17)


We’ll Bring Your Pentecost Offering Before The Lord and Pray Over You And Your Family During This Very Special Time Of The Feast Of Pentecost!  




        The Offering Of The LORD!

                                Whenever there was a Place of God that was to be built for Him an Announcement was made to God’s People that the opportunity to GIVE was at hand.  The Word of Life Centers are being built for The King and His People!  


“And they came, each one whose heart stirred him up and whose spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the [new] Tent of  Meeting, for all its service, . . .” Exodus 35:21 (AMPC)  


The Lord Has Asked Us to Build For Him and For His People 2 Places.  One in West Virginia & One In North Carolina.  We already are building The Word of Life Center (TWLC) in WV and the Property has been given and now the Ministry owns the Property to be built on in NC.


We are Announcing that there is a God Opportunity to Bless Him and Give Him what The Bible Calls “The Lord’s Offering.”  It was an Offering to Build HIM a Place for Service to His People.  Dewayne and I ask you to pray and see if The Lord is leading you to be a part of these Wonderful End Times Places to TRAIN, EQUIP and PREPARE the WARRIORS, CHILDREN OF GOD for this Last Days WAR we are in.  The Invitation To Partner With These Projects Is Given To You and With Very Grateful Hearts We Thank You!

 Please Designate Your, “The Lord’s Offering” Seeds By Just Writing On Your Checks “For The Lord’s Offering.”   

 If Giving Online, Please Make Note In The Provided Area Online, “For The Lord’s Offering.”  


And To Be Sure Of Designating Your Offering, Please Email Or Call The Ministry and Let us Know That You Have Given Your, “For The Lord’s Offering.”   

Thank You So Much For Giving! 




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 The Word Of Life Center

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https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/ for more information!

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We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If  You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 


If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You!
Thank You! In Advance!  


“Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:13 (KJV)

“Engage in business until I come back.” (CSB)



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JUNE 2024 Monthly Teaching Letter

The GATES Will Not Prevail!

Partners & Friends Of This Ministry, THANK YOU!

THANK YOU for all of your Prayers and  Financial Giving into this Work of Ministry!  We are VERY GRATEFUL!  We Love You and Are Praying and Professing The Word over you Daily.  Partners, you are covered in Prayer!  TOGETHER, we will keep taking The Uncompromising Word to the People in these Last Days before Jesus Comes!

A Patriot’s Prayer

As many of you, Pastor Dewayne and I are moved to much Prayer about what we are seeing in our Country.  We speak and minister very often on the lawlessness of people coming across the Borders of the US, the human trafficking, the sexual abuse, physical abuse and buying and selling of children, women and young men.  The transportation of deadly drugs and the rapings of people on a daily basis!  The modern day slavery of people is breathtaking when you truly see, hear and read the Truth!  And to know that is our own Government that is handling, allowing and in areas facilitating it is incredible!

I believe MANY OF US have awakened!  It took us a bit of Time, but layer by layer we saw the corruption that had been going on for a very long time within many Leaders and National Entities.  The wickedness that we have found out through much research has truly been shocking.  And especially in this Month of May we must also pray for this!  Many Countries across the Globe have been involved for quite some time in the World Health Organization (WHO); America has been one of them.  Many have been negotiating an International Plan that is called The Pandemic Accord or/and The Pandemic Treaty.  This International Treaty is supposed to be voted upon this Month, May 2024.  The Biden Administration has been involved with negotiations and shown support for this.


In any situation that would happen in the World, the WHO and their Legislative Body would have the power to deem it to be an emergency; they would then be the Governing Authority for ALL!  The WHO would be the one to make decisions and put all rules and regulations that THEY would deem to be in motion for the World.  This would include the USA, unless, Mr. Biden doesn’t sign this “Treaty.”

 Let’s pray together, Patriots!


“Lord, we see prophecy coming to pass before our very eyes!  We see the VIOLENCE,” (Genesis 6:11) of Noah’s Day which is the Hebrew word, “hamas” that YOU said would be in the Last Days, manifesting not only in the Eastern parts of the World, but NOW being yelled in the streets of The United States of America!  This evil Sign is truly on display for us that we are in the days of Noah again! 


We see people’s hearts turning Cold toward YOU and Your Word, Lord.  We see people claiming to be Believers yet, coming against what YOU Say in Your Word.  People who say that they are Believers in YOU and yet are standing for and with what YOU have said is sin.  They are supporting sin and not standing against it.  For, YOU have called us to be HOLY as YOU are HOLY!  

“But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living. 16 For it is written, You shall be holy, for I am holy.”  1 Peter 1:15-16 (AMPC)


YOU ARE THE WORD, KING JESUS!  When one stands with, supports and does not stand against sin, they have positioned themselves against what You say in The Word.  Again, YOU ARE THE WORD, their stand is against YOU!  The Church is to be Set Apart and have No Compromise!


We see wars and chatter of more wars.  We see what is RIGHT being told that it’s WRONG.  And what is WRONG being told that it is RIGHT.  We see the horrendous acts of human trafficking, sexual slavery of children and women in the United States of America!  We see the brutality and torture of people, through what is known as the Cartel and entities of our day.  We see the Government of this great land in her many levels supporting and funding and orchestrating an alliance with these evils!


Our eyes have been opened to the evil and corruption that is threaded throughout our land in various ranks, and various Agencies of our Leaders!  And yet, we also see the ranking of those called “coyotes” who hide in the bushes and escort through the deserts, and lead across our borders.  These rankings of people are all connected for the purpose of money collected through human slavery, power and to destroy our Great Country!


Never has there been a day with the largeness of influence of evil across the United States of America and the World!  Evil is flowing through and from the evil spirits of Heavenly Places, from the evil rulers of the Unseen Realm, and the mighty powers in this Dark World. 


“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12


“Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.” Luke 10:19 (AMPC) 


So today we take our Seats of Authority and we come together in one accord, and in the AUTHORITY, POWER, and in THE NAME OF JESUS that we have been given to use . . . We BIND in THE NAME OF JESUS the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world!  We bind in THE NAME OF JESUS the mighty powers in this dark world!  We BIND in THE NAME OF JESUS the evil spirits in the heavenly places!  And we cast you down, we cast you out of the United States of America, and we tear you down by FAITH in all of the places that you are manifesting IN JESUS NAME!


And, We LOOSE . . . LIGHT!








We Thank YOU, Lord!  We Praise YOU, King Jesus!  We Believe, We Receive When We Pray!  We Place Ourselves In Agreement With You As You Have Decreed and Prayed With Us!”











The Hebraic Year on God’s Calendar that we are in is 5784.  Just looking at the “4” that changed is the Hebrew number that has the identity of “dalet.”  And the letter of “dalet” looks like this.  And the meaning of this number “4” and letter is “DOOR.”  The Greek Strong’s Number for the Word, “DOOR” is S.N.#2374 which is thura which means a Door, a Gate, an Entrance, a Passage Through, a PORTAL, the Door of The Kingdom of Heaven.  


How we are believing and professing by Faith for the Doors of The Lord to open and for us to walk through them here at The Ministry in this Prophetic Time!  The TIME that we are in has been SET UP for us to walk through . . . DOORS!  Isn’t that wonderful?!


Yet, there is another Place that is prepared in this TIME of God for His Children and they are called THE GATES.  Let’s look at this Scripture and see GATES within it!  We see here in these Scriptures that there came a day when Jesus being led by Father asks a question of His Disciples.  And the question was, “Who do men say that I Am?”  And finally Peter utters from Father and tells Jesus the True Answer. 


“And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus  answered and said unto him, “Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but My Father who is in Heaven. 18 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not  prevail against it.”  Matthew 16:16-18

Now let’s look at this.  Jesus is saying that “on this rock I will build My Church.”  What is “the rock?”  The Rock is The Truth, The Word of God, The Rhema Word given through Peter from Father God, that Jesus Is The Christ, The Anointed One, The Messiah, The Son of The Living God!  Jesus Says that on This Rock, on This Word, I will build My Church.


And, then there is still yet more and it is the word, “and.”  Thought the word was going to be more impressive, huh?  That “and” is connecting us to something really BIG!  The rest of that Scripture is, “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  What is the “it?”  The “IT” is The Church!  The Gates of Hell will not prevail against The Church!  Hallelujah!


Now really think of this.  Gates don’t move.  Gates are on the outside of Places.  In this case it’s The Gates of Hell.  This is about Hell’s Gates.  Hell’s Gates that are Hell’s Boundaries.  And the Word says that Hell’s Gates WON’T PREVAIL AGAINST IT (The Church).


So The Church would have to be AT THE GATES OF HELL fighting against these Gates!  And the Gates WON’T PREVAIL!  Really think about this!  

A. The Church Has To Be FIGHTING AT THE GATES OF HELL  . . . For The Gates “not to prevail against “IT” (The Church!)  This is MARVELOUS!  We see an “action” and a “position” that The Church finds Herself in!  

B. And that “act” is FIGHTING AT The Gates of Her enemy! 

C. We see The Church, The Bride IN A POSITION and that is the LOCATION AT Hell’s GATES!

D. And we also see THE OUTCOME!  The Bride WINS OVER the Gates of Hell!  The Gates DO NOT PREVAIL!



Prevail means to prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious.to win against opposition: be successful. our team 

prevailed. Truth will prevail over error. believed injustice should not prevail.  In these Last Days we are seeing our Place Church!  We were never to SIT, just STARE, REMAIN QUIET and DO NOTHING!  The Church was told in the past and in many places today, that we are not to be involved and say anything that is deemed to be in “politics.”


“And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  Matthew 16:18


It’s never been or is it now about “politics!”  It’s about GOOD and EVIL, LIGHT and DARKNESS, SIN and HOLINESS, RIGHT and WRONG!  The devil has convinced Ministers to believe that they or their Church were not to be involved.  Well, that’s EXACTLY what the devil wants!  He wants The Church TO DO NOTHING!  And The Church let some things pass Her.  Taking Prayer out of School.  The Bible out of Teaching in Schools and the Abortion to become Legal are just some of the few that got through when The Church was sleeping.


“The Church would have to be AT THE GATES OF HELL fighting against these Gates!” - Pastor Jamie


The Answer

What should The Church be doing to come against The Days of Evil that we are all walking through?  THE POSITION for those Disciples of Jesus that Day and in the Day that we are in TODAY in this TIME is Come Against The Gates Of Hell!


Remember the Gates DO NOT MOVE.  They stay in place as a protective “Barrier.”  The Church is the Entity that is ON THE MOVE!  And Jesus is letting us know that these are not just ANY GATES!  These are THE GATES OF HIS ENEMY and OUR ENEMY!  The GATES Of Hell!  Yet, we are shown here that The Church was not intimidated or afraid or reserved TO GO UP TO THE GATES OF HELL . . . And PREVAIL OVER those Gates!


No wonder the devil has told The Church that they are not to be involved with the “politics” or evil acts of our World or Government!  The EASIEST way to stop The Church would be FOR HER NOT TO SHOW UP!  And the other result of this is that The Church would not be even thinking about showing up at the Gates,  The Gates of Hell to over come them!  For She’s been conditioned to believe that The Church is to NOT raise Her Voice or do what The Word told Her to do!  To fight the Fight of Faith, To Pray in The Spirit at ALL TIMES, to Pray, Fast and Sow, to put on the Whole Armor Of God and WAR for The Kingdom of God!  And many in the Church ARE STILL BEING TOLD to say nothing and do nothing!


Read again what Matthew 16:18 says.  

“And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  Matthew 16:18

Now read verses 18-19 in the Passion Translation (TPT).  

Matthew 16:18-19 (TPT)

  “18 . . . will be the bedrock  foundation on which I will build my church—my  legislative assembly, [e] and the power of death will not be able to overpower it 19 I will give you the keys of heaven’s kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.”


We go from the Gates of Hell not prevailing against The Church and then we arrive at that The Church is described as a LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.  In the TPT there is a FOOTNOTE there by that phrase LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.  I want to tell you what that very important footnote explains.


[e]  - The Greek word for “church” is ekklesia and means “legislative assembly” or “selected ones.”  This is not a  religious term at all, but a political and governmental term that is used many times in classical Greek for a group of  people who have been summoned and gathered together to govern the affairs of a city.  For Jesus to use this term means He is giving the keys of Governmental Authority in His Kingdom to the Church.

Church, the devil (the enemy) has always known this about us, The Church.  WE JUST DID NOT KNOW THIS ABOUT OURSELVES!  Do you see what a lie has been fed to The Church to STAY OUT of the affairs of our Nation and World outside of The Church?  It has been one of the most effective tactics from the enemy’s side of this War!  Defeat your  adversary by convincing the Pastors that doing nothing is not a proper action for a Christian and therefore is telling those, should be soldiers, WRONG INFORMATION.  This is called Psychological Warfare in War and boy has the enemy used it on the Church!


We are learning WHO WE ARE In Christ Jesus, we are learning WHAT WE POSSESS In Christ Jesus and we are learning HOW TO USE WHAT WE HAVE In Christ Jesus!  Hallelujah!  At those Gates of Hell The Church is not just standing there!  No!  She is fighting against that place of the devil!  We know this for there is nothing for the Gates to try to prevail against if there was not opposition!  And that opposition is coming from The Church!  The Bride of Christ is doing Her given abilities that Her Bridegroom, King Jesus has given Her!  SHE, WE ARE WARRIORS . . . JUST LIKE HIM!  And, this WAR already has been CALLED By The Kingdom of God!  This WAR Is VICTORIOUS!


Now, there will be many “Churches” that will not fight and take their place.  There will be some places, and are right now, that are going AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD and CHOOSING TO SIDE WITH THE WORLD and what it is saying is RIGHT and TRUTH, instead of looking into The Word of God and seeing what HE SAYS ABOUT IT.  Whole Denominations are siding with the Culture instead of The Bible.  That WILL NOT be the case in this Ministry.  We are and will stand for The Word of God and His Truth!  The Word IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY! 


I can say that it has been a surprise at all of the people who are protesting and calling for the END of Israel and Her People in The United States of America!  I did not know that People from America was like this!  Truly this is another thing that is shouting to us what TIME it is! The Days Of Noah are here.  And, The Word tells us that when The Son of Man returns it will be like The Days of Noah again. “Violence” was over all the Earth in Genesis 6:11.  Violence was what it was like in Noah’s Days.  The word, “violence” there is the word, “hamas.”  SO MUCH VIOLENCE in SO MANY WAYS are happening all over this Earth!   


These rankings of demonic forces have been around a long time and they USE PEOPLE to get their War Mission done!  This is the enemy's ranks in his War Cabinet! 

 “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”  Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)


These beings in these Realms have hated Israel for MANY, MANY YEARS and have tried their very best to destroy Israel!  We can read throughout The Word how many times they have tried to kill her over and over again!  But there are MANY in the USA who are FOR ISRAEL and Her People!  We are WITH ISRAEL!  

“The Portion of Jacob [the true God on Whom Israel has a claim] is not like these, for He is the Fashioner and Maker of all things, and Israel is the tribe of His  inheritance—the Lord of hosts is His name.” Jeremiah 10:16 (AMPC)

YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THIS!  Israel Is God’s, The Lord of Hosts (Angels), INHERITANCE!  Israel Is His Wife, HE Is In Covenant With Israel!  These people that are being paid off to STAND and SPEAK and VIOLENCE (hamas) against Israelis and Police, ALL of them are on the WRONG SIDE.  Everyone rising against Israel, whether they are being paid to do so or are the ones doing the paying of them or whatever place they are in, they are coming against The LORD when they are coming against Israel!  Keep Praying for Israel Church!


“Keep not silence, O God; hold not Your peace or be still, O God. 2 For, behold, Your enemies are in TUMULT (HAMAS), and those who hate You have raised their heads. 3 They lay crafty schemes against Your people and consult together against Your hidden and precious ones. 4 They have said, Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be in remembrance no more. 5 For they have consulted together with one accord and one heart; against You they make a covenant—6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, . . .” Psalm 83:1-6 (AMP) 




Remember, the devil is the spirit of fear and is behind FEAR.  And 2 Timothy tells us that God DOES NOT give us a spirit of FEAR.  God gives us a SPIRIT OF POWER, of LOVE and a SOUND MIND.  That is The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of God, God Himself.  The Spirit that is inside of a Born Again Son or Daughter of God and they have THE GREATER SPIRIT INSIDE OF THEM!  The Holy Spirit is GREATER than the spirit of fear every day! 

“. . . because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (KJV)


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)


We that are living in the Last Days must keep WATERING OURSELVES WITH THE WORD OF GOD and KEEP OUR FAITH BUILT UP to fight with the Weapons that we have been given by King Jesus!  Here is some WATERING OF THE WORD FOR US!


The Holy Spirit, Who Is God, lives in us.  We are given THE SPIRIT OF POWER!  And, we are told that we are to be “strong in the Lord AND in His Mighty Power.”  We get STRONG in The Lord by reading, studying and doing The Word of God!  You CANNOT be strong in The Lord and not be strong in The Word!  For The Lord IS THE WORD! 


Faith COMES when I am Full of The Word!  And HOW I increase in Faith is by hearing The Word of God and hearing and hearing and hearing and still yet, hearing The Word!

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (KJV) 


Next we see that ANOTHER strategy to fight against the spirit of fear is found also in Ephesians 6.  There is Warfare Apparel that has been provided for us to wear and carry as we are living on this Earth.  We will not need this Warfare Apparel when we are in Heaven.  It is only for here.  We know it to be by The Word as the “Full Armor Of God.”  


“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God.” Ephesians 6:13-17 (NLT)


“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)  

The Spirit that lives inside of us is The Spirit of Power and Love and The Mind of Christ.  And Greater Is HE That Is In Us, than he (the devil) that is in the world.  The devil is the spirit of fear!  The Spirit inside of us KNOWS HOW TO UTILIZE every piece of God’s Armor . . . BECAUSE IT IS JESUS’ ARMOR!  It Is HIS WARFARE APPAREL!


So, Not Only Is God IN US . . . He Is On Us Too,  When We Put On His Full Armor!  The Spirit that is LIVING  INSIDE OF YOU uses The Word of God to fight and do Warfare with the devil and his dominion WITH The Sword of The Spirit which is The Word of God. 


The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND that is within you and I uses His Own Sword (Sword of The Spirit) which is The Word to fight the enemy through us!  In defeating the spirit of fear, the devil, we also see a HUGE WEAPON for the Believer and that is found in verse 18 following the directions of what is and how to wear the Warfare Apparel of God.


“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

Eph. 6:18 (NLT)

Praying in The Spirit.  So, not only do we have The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and THE MIND OF CHRIST, SOUND MIND we also have God’s, The Spirit’s Armor AND we are TO PRAY IN THE SPIRIT of Power, Love and His Sound Mind!  This is not praying in our OWN mental capacity.  No, this is praying IN THE SPIRIT that is living inside of us!  Praying In The Spirit IS ANOTHER  WEAPON and true PRIVILEGE of God!  We LET HIM PRAY THROUGH US!


We pray IN The Spirit, not in our own UNDERSTANDING.  We pray in The Spirit, not in the Soul Realm.  The Soul Realm is your MIND, your WILL and your EMOTIONS.  The Word is telling us TO PRAY IN THE SPIRIT and not only to PRAY IN THE SPIRIT . . . The Word is telling us to PRAY IN THE SPIRIT AT ALL TIMES!  All the time, Pray in The Spirit.  Why would this be so important?  The Spirit in you KNOWS what to pray; truly knows what is needed for EVERY  SITUATION and TIME and PERSON!  The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and God’s Mind KNOWS EVERYTHING!  And He can GET IT DONE!  Whatever it is . . . Or things you and I don’t even know that is going on or is urgently needing a voice applied to His Prayers.  HE Needs Us!  Yes!  Holy Spirit needs YOUR VOICE TO PRAY!  And praying for the World’s behalf!  And this Warfare of Praying In The Spirit in Tongues is a language that the spirit of fear cannot understand!  It is a GOD LANGUAGE and the devil is not privileged to it!  It is the Language Of Warfare Against the devil.  It is the Warfare Language FOR YOU and AGAINST THE DEVIL!  It is OUR TIME CHURCH to do WARFARE which will bring us to the Gates of Hell!  

Remember, THEY CAN’T PREVAIL AGAINST . . . YOU!  MIGHTY, YOU CHURCH!  GIVE YOUR ALL TO KING JESUS!  Give Him Your Life!  Surrender!  Believe with all your heart and confess with your mouth this prayer and say to Jesus,


“Lord Jesus, You and I both know that I am away from You.  I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  I ask You to forgive me of my sins.  I believe that You rose from the dead for me.  Please come into my life and change it and do something with my life.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  Let us know here at JCM; we want to celebrate with you and send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your new life and destiny in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible we’ll send it to you for FREE. Welcome to the Family!  Welcome HOME!


God LOVES YOU!  We Love You and Bless You and Are Praying For You!  Until Next Time . . . Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming! Pastor Jamie


Thank You Very Much!  We Love You!

Dewayne & Jamie

The Shepherd's Corner


We have had such an exciting April.  We celebrated the Feast of Passover and what a special time it was.  There is so much of Jesus in the Passover Feast, this Disciple learns something new each time. 


Now that we are in the Month of May we look expectantly at what The Lord has to show us with both the watering of The Word and new insights into His Word.  He is ever ready for us to receive revelation about Him which brings us closer in our relationship with Him.  In His Word is the only place we can become a true Disciple.  


So, come along with us this Month as we seek out The Truth of what God wants to reveal to us all.


If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us at

https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/ for more information!


You are Chosen and Loved by God!

Shepherd Donna

Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship


"Listen, I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed - 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye,  at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. "

1 Corinthians 15:51-51 (NIV) 

       May 2024  & JUNE 2024  Discipleship Schedules  


Wednesday, 08 MAY 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 15 MAY 2024—7:00 PM

 Wednesday, 22 MAY 2024—7:00 PM

  Wednesday, 05 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM

  Wednesday, 12 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM

  Wednesday, 19 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM

  Wednesday, 26 JUNE 2024—7:00 PM

Contact JCM or Shepherd Donna Legg at  donna@jamiecarte.org For More Information!  And When You Have Watched A Class, To Get Credit, Please Contact Shepherd Donna!


Daily Devotions, Prayer, Sending Out Free Resources and Ministering To You


Hello, our Wonderful Partners & Friends!  What a beautiful privilege it is for us to be able to reach out to all of you each Month from us here at Jamie Carte Ministries!  We have had some exciting things happening that we want to share!

We just finished celebrating Passover here at the Center and what a wonderful time in the Lord it was to have the opportunity to share with you the Feast of Passover and how important that Feast is to us, the Church as we remember ALL that Jesus did for us on the Cross!  Remember this Feast is all about Jesus!

As we begin our next phase of construction here at the Issachar Campus, we are excited to see what God has in store for us as we move forward.  And of course, the operation of the Office is   always ongoing and exciting as we again have had opportunities to serve the people through Daily Devotions, Prayer, sending out Free Resources and ministering to you by phone, hearing your testimonies and praying with you for your prayer needs.  We continue looking forward to serving you!  As always, we pray you have a blessed Month and we look forward to serving you! 

                            Shepherd Deborah                              

Shepherd of Administration


                                                                         Need Prayer?                                                                                     

Write Us At




Call us!  304-658-4720

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            The Offering Of The LORD


Whenever there was a Place of God that was to be built for Him an Announcement was made to God’s People that the opportunity to GIVE was at hand.  The Word of Life Centers are being built for The King and His People!  “And they came, each one whose heart stirred him up and whose spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the [new] Tent of  Meeting, for all its service, . . .”  

Ex. 35:21 (AMPC)  Thank You So Much For Giving! 



You Show God’s LOVE Every Day, Every Month! 

For God So Loved The World That He GAVE.  

You Love, So You Give. 

Thank You Covenant Partners and Friends of this Ministry.  

We Love You and Are Praying Over You Daily! - Dewayne & Jamie



Type “GIVE” to (833) 605-7180 


Follow One Time Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!



                                        JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  


 Watch Us On

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM


Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”



Through JCM’S WebPage! 



Go To The Webpage For Times and Dates of 

Services & Classes!



Pray about Partnering with us

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If  You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 


If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You! 

Thank You! In Advance!  



Listen To Podcasts, Watch JCM TV & Discipleship Classes, Read Prophetic and Right Now Word Teachings, SIGN UP For Daily Teachings and the Monthly 

Teaching Letter!  Send In Prayer Requests and Contact the Ministry All From The Webpage!  It’s Our Gift To You and For You!  We Love You!




Join Us On Live Stream!  Sundays & Discipleship Classes @jamiecarte.org 



The Word Of Life Center

19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854




The Mission Of Mahanaim! "2 Camps, 2 Armies"

  Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission


Discipleship, Building, Construction, Ministering, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama Ministry, Serving, Media, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding & Distribution. 

Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim? 

Is This Part Of Your Future? 


Signs, Passover, Time Of Prepare

Picture by Freepik

Hello & We Bless You!  We pray that this Teaching is a great Blessing and Truth in your life.  There is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH going on in the Earth and in the Spirit Realm that is all around us.  There is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH going on in the Prophetic TIME that we are living in. 


The LORD is speaking to His People and The WORD of God is speaking and revealing to The Church of the TIME we are in.  Be In your Bible, Beloved Of The Lord.  Read out loud everyday and increase your Faith and let Holy Spirit speak to you!


There are SIGNS that King Jesus told us would happen at the End of Times.  Church, We are IN THE LAST DAYS.  This is not a religious “phrase” that I am writing you about.  Jesus on purpose had some of the description listed for us in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13 of what the Last Days would look like.  When you are really “looking” around you in this TIME, you know that this is the birthing pains stage.

“But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.” Matthew 24:8 (NLT) 


God gave us a prophetic and specific Word that He wants His Church to know and we’ve spoke at length about it.  Just to begin this Month, a very short watering or reminder will be wrote about to keep it before our hearts.  On 24 June 2020, The Lord woke me up and said“Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  

When this Word was given, The Lord was communicating to us Church that WE ENTERED INTO A NEW ERA OF TIME THAT GOD CALLED, “CHANGE.”   This TIME God calls “CHANGE” is NOT LIKE ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY!  It’s A Set TIME Of His!  The Word “CHANGE” that the Lord has given us is A TIME that The Lord MARKED in OUR TIME Of History that day!  So, can we find in The Bible this TIME of Change?  We sure can!  The Rapture Of The Church IS The TIME Of CHANGE According To The LORD!


“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised  imperishable, and we will be changed.  1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (NIV)


And Then There Is This!


The Word says there is a TIME when CHANGE is what is happening and we are within this block of TIME.  And we are heading for that one moment, that one that is so fast it is described in The Word of God as fast as the “twinkling of an eye!”  That moment when CHANGE is happening and transfers into  “CHANGED!” 


And yet, God Said“Change is Coming,  Change Is Here!”  The TIME PERIOD Of CHANGE Has Begun Church!  (Please read Online March 2024’s  JCM Teaching or contact JCM and we will send your this Teaching for Free.)



So, let’s talk about it.  The Solar Eclipse that is on 08 April, now has it’s own Title, “Great North American Eclipse.”  There are many saying many things about this major Event.  One of the largest things about this Event is that it is clearly and SO PROPHETICALLY CALLING OUT TO AMERICA A HUGE MESSAGE!  LISTEN! 



The Eclipse will be “entering” the United States at the approximate location of Eagle Pass, Texas which is where there is such a battle between the Federal Government and the State of Texas.  This is where massive amounts of illegal aliens have crossed over the border unlawfully.  This is one of the largest border Entries in the US, along with many other points of Entry that are being illegally used in the United States.  This is also where people and drugs are being smuggled in.  These drugs are literally killing Americans.  This is where children are being brought through and PAID FOR by very evil people as sexual slaves and used for horrendous things!This is where women are also being sold off for human trafficking and to make evil people money and to be raped and tortured along with the children. 


This is the One Place, Eagle Pass, that has been talked about NIGHTLY ON THE TELEVISION and fought over SO MUCH in the Courts to stop what’s happening there.  Eagle Pass, Texas has been the One Place that has been endlessly trying to CLOSE THIS BORDER and stop the Fentanyl from coming across the border and going into the United States.  This is the ONE PLACE that has continually fought TO STOP THE HUMAN SUFFERING that is coming from THIS BORDER!  


And this is the ONE PLACE that The Lord has chosen for the Total Solar Eclipse TO ENTER the United States of America!  The SIGN Of The Sun From The Lord WILL ENTER EAGLE PASS!  America’s “Ground Zero” Of Human Trafficking, Sexual Slavery and Human Suffering Will Have Entered Into It A SIGN OF THE LORD From The Heavens!


“And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars;” Luke 21:25 (AMPC)

Distinct Cities Will Be In The Path Of This Total Eclipse that will be Across The United states of America.  And because these Cities HAVE SOMETHING VERY MUCH IN COMMON, we must look at what the similarities are!


                 Nineveh, Texas             Nineveh, Missouri

          Nineveh, Indiana         Nineveh, Ohio

                    Nineveh, Pennsylvania     

                   Nineveh, Virginia        Nineveh, New York


The Lord is telling ALL OF America . . REPENT!  The EVIL that is operating in our Land IS HORRENDOUS and ABOMINABLE!  The sin that was going on in Nineveh was THE SAME!  And God sent a Prophet to tell them to REPENT!  Now, GOD IS SENDING MANY PROPHETS TO SAY TO AMERICA THE SAME HE TOLD NINEVEH!







God is sending A SIGN to America and it is Purposely speaking to us all by giving us THE SIGN OF JONAH!  THE SIGN and PLACE that was GIVEN TO JONAH!  NINEVEH!  The Sign Is Being Given AGAIN!  GOD WANTS TO SAVE OUR NATION!  God is speaking to us through His Sun, Moon and Stars!  And that is exactly what the Sun, Moon and Stars were to be used for!  Yes, for light, heat and yet they are for even MORE!  For SIGNS AND SEASONS Too!  GOD IS SPEAKING TO AMERICA!  HUGELY, Speaking To America!


America, Listen to The Lord!


There are so many other things that are given to us in The Word for us to think upon, REPENT ABOUT and CHANGE IN OUR LIVES!  LET US ALL REPENT And PRAY FOR AMERICA!

“Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights In the firmament of the heavens to give light on the Earth”; and it was so.” Genesis 1:14-15 (NKJV)



Something that The Lord is repeatedly speaking to Dewayne and I about in this TIME of our lives is about John the Baptist.  The Lord has been bringing out for us the consecrated life of John the Baptist.  He set himself apart so that he could live a life to minister and to be prepared TO minister to people.  He wasn’t living the way he did in camel’s hair and eating things off the land FOR HIMSELF.   No, it was for God and the people.  To be totally devoted, 


John was known for living a set apart life so he could minister, evangelize, teach and counter the attacks of the ones who came against him in The Ministry.  John had demands on him.  He discipled people, had Public Meetings of Preaching, Altar Times and Baptismals constantly and came against the wicked Culture and Officials of it and the crooked Religious System of his day.  The “Government” came against him and put him in prison because he spoke the truth with no compromise about a leader.  And it literally cost him his life!  He was beheaded for it.


The Anointing of God is how he did these things and The Anointing of God had to be protected and preserved in order for him to minister like he did!  He lived a set apart life, that did not look like others, to be who he was to be FOR OTHERS.  He guarded The Anointing by being set apart.

John The Baptist, even before he was born, it was prophesied that he would be set apart for The Lord and His Work.  There was a high sacrifice he paid in living and preparing and offering his life to minister to many people that would hear The Word from him and would continually bring people to Repent. 


God would use John to be the one who would Baptize The Lamb of God!  John was the one that was chosen to have a Ministry that was to PREPARE PEOPLE for the Coming Of The Lord!  Father made sure that the Ministry of Jesus would have an atmosphere that was already prepared for Him so that Jesus could reach many people.


So, The Father put a whole Ministry in motion to GO BEFORE Jesus!  The hearts of the people were prepared and primed to hear what Jesus Said!  People were already in a “place” of repentance and READY for Jesus!  John was THE FORERUNNER in the RACE of his time.  This is the SAME RACE that John, Jesus and we ALL are in, for THE RACE is still being run! 


“He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him!” Mark 1:3 (NLT)



John decided to do whatever The Lord had called him to do.  John SACRIFICED.  He did not live in comfort.  He lived in the Wilderness and ate locust and honey.  He gave his all for the Lord Jesus and then gave up his own Ministry to Jesus.  John chose God’s PLAN and not the one he could have chosen on his own.  He chose God’s Will for his life and not his own will.  John consecrated himself from many things, people and the average life of his day.  He Did Not Look Like Everyone Else and He Set Himself Apart.  Everyone who could see and hear John knew he was set apart.  He preached under The Anointing of God, The Holy Spirit!  

There had not been anyone who preached The Word like him or carried himself and ministered like him for 400 years!  To carry this Anointing in this TIME of God and TIME of CHANGE in this TIME of History, one would have to be fully consecrated IN THEMSELVES to do this.  The Price one must pay and consecrate themselves is a High Price, yet it places that person to be freely used by God.  John’s Ministry was Anointed.  He was Anointed.  The Anointing was FREE TO FLOW through him and The Anointing CHANGED people’s lives BECAUSE of the Price that John was paying everyday with living a consecrated, set apart, different, spending his time constantly with God . . . life.  John refused living in the FLOW of everyone else that was around him.


“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”  John 1:29


Many people were led by his words and the Anointing to which he consecrated himself to live under.  Again, he announced by the Holy Spirit, The Words of Father and announced, Who Jesus Was!  The Lamb of God That Takes Away The Sin Of The World! Hallelujah!  

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30

The TIME that we are now in Church, as said before, is like none other.  A GREAT CHANGE was happening in John the Baptist’s TIME.  For over 400 years there had not been a Prophet and Minister to come to the people.  CHANGE had arrived and Jesus was coming!  The PREPARING for JESUS had to be done and a PATH, some Translations call it a HIGHWAY, had to made for Jesus’ Arrival!


Well, it is TIME for Jesus to come AGAIN!  And, it is TIME for CHANGE AGAIN!  It is TIME to MAKE STRAIGHT the PATH, the HIGHWAY, for our God!  And THIS PATH or HIGHWAY will have to be made by CONSECRATED MEN and WOMEN!  Ones that will not compromise and will sacrifice themselves and not look like the World.  Living separate and set apart lives to preserve, protect and operate in The Anointing of The Lord.  Those who will refuse the FLOW of the world, the culture and what is around them.  And the Highway will need to be a big one for all to join The Kingdom of God and get in on the RACE that is happening right now!  The RACE that is set before us!


Right In The Center


 While writing this Teaching to you, we had something happen in Hico, WV.  We had a few tornadoes to happen!  So, I am writing to you on generator power.  We are praying for so many people who were affected by these storms.  


As we talked about last Month, Jesus said that there would be these things happening in the End of Days to which we are in.  Jesus said that there would be wars, rumors of wars, storms, pestilences, Earthquakes, fear of the roaring and tossing of the seas.  AND LAST NIGHT, an Earthquake happened in Taiwan and Japan has tsunami warnings out!  All of this is happening at one TIME!  Truly SEE we are IN The End Times Before Jesus Comes!  The Earth is reacting to all of the sin that is happening all over this World!  The Days Of Noah are again.  “Violence” was over all the Earth.  In Genesis 6:11, the word, “violence” there is the word, hamas.  SO MUCH VIOLENCE in SO MANY WAYS are happening all over this Earth!  And, the Earth is reacting to it all.  Let’s look at this again.


“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert A highway for our God.”  Isaiah 40:3 (NKJV)


“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” John 10:10 (AMPC) 


The devil and his cohorts are the ones that are behind all acts of stealing, killing, and destroying things, places and people.  The devil has always used his influences and people to get his mission of stealing, killing, and destroying done.  He needs cooperation from people.  The devil needed that in the Garden of Eden and he still needs it, for Jesus stripped him of all his power and authority and now the Born Again Believers have it all.  So, the enemy needs people to go along with him and his “devices” to get his mission done. 


We are not fighting in this War with flesh and blood, we are fighting against rulers and powers that we cannot see Beloved!  These rankings of demonic forces have been around a long time.  They know mankind and they hate mankind.  They are a part of the mission of the devil, “ . . . Order to steal and kill and destroy.”


“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”  Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)


Most of the time we are seeing THE RESULTS of the devil’s work and influencing and long attended projects that he and his “kingdom” has been working on and through for quite some time!  These “rulers,” “powers,” “evil spirits” and “authorities” that we cannot see are doing MUCH IN REALMS THAT ARE UNSEEN.  Their mission again, is to steal, kill and destroy.  So when we see these three (steal, kill and destroy) in any way, know that THIS IS WHO IS BEHIND IT ALL!  This is who you’re dealing with!  Yet, as stated earlier, the enemy needs the cooperation of the people of this Earth to be successful.  Let’s look.


“The land and the Earth mourn and wither, the world languishes and withers, the high ones of the people [and the heavens with the Earth] languish. 5 The land and the Earth also are defiled by their inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, disregarded the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant.” Isaiah 24:4-5 (AMPC)


The Earth is reacting, behaving or responding.  You may ask, “Reacting to what?”   The Earth is reacting to what’s going on inside of her.  Isaiah 24:4-5 tells us plainly that the Earth and the land mourn (actually a sound) and wither.  The World (Earth) and the heavens are languishing (in a miserable and disheartening condition.)  


And WHY is all of this happening to the Earth?  “The land and the Earth also are defiled by their inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, disregarded the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant.” Isaiah 24:4-5 (AMPC)  


The “inhabitants” that are living inside of the Earth are making choices to “transgress” (disobey), disregard” (ignore and close their eyes to) The Word of God (The Laws and Statutes of God)!  The enemy has been working overtime in his influences of the people and it is working.  This truly IS A WAR between God, His Word, Life and Salvation verses the devil, his lies, death and destruction . . . OF THE PEOPLE, OF EARTH’S INHABITANTS!


When people make the choice to NOT DO what God has said TO DO and TO DO what God has said NOT TO DO they are transgressing or sinning.  They are choosing to break God’s Laws in His Word.  So then The Bible tells what The RESULTS of these “inhabitants” of Earth’s  actions and choices are . . . THE EARTH BEGINS TO “MOURN,” “WITHER” and “LANGUISHES.”  The Earth is literally convulsing (Online Definition – to suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs.)  The Earth is shaking and is mourning and miserable.  The World is reacting to her inhabitant’s actions!  She is convulsing because of what is happening inside of Her! 


She is manifesting “violent” Contractions!  And Jesus SAID IT WAS BIRTH PAINS! Matthew 24:8!  And Jesus told us what the Birth Pains would be!  The storms (tornadoes, hailing) roaring and tossing of the sea (tsunamis), earthquakes, violence, wars are all what Jesus called Birth Pains!  And the Earth, the womb is contracting due to what’s going on inside of Her.




If you are a man or woman of FAITH, You Trust In God, You Believe By Faith For Your Life, and You Walk By Faith and Not By Sight THEN . . . You Believe The Word of God, RIGHT?  And Jesus, The Word, TOLD US WHAT WE WOULD BE SEEING IN THESE DAYS . . . THEN BELIEVE HIM, THE WORD!  Then, once you are in a place of belief, then the next thing a Person Of Faith Must Do Is Have an Action To GO WITH THEIR FAITH!  


“In the same way, faith by itself—that does nothing—is dead.” James 2:17 (NCV)


“That does nothing,” is some powerful words right there.  Having FAITH inside of yourself only and doing nothing, “is dead” according to The Word.  So, what would be ONE OF the FAITH ACTIONS to The WORD given by Jesus of earthquakes, storms, tornadoes, etc?  PREPARE!


Do You Believe Jesus?  Do You Believe What He Said Would Be Happening?  Do You Believe His Word On What The End Times Would Be Like?  Then BY FAITH, PREPARE FOR THAT WORD!  PREPARE In Peace, In Love and IN NO FEAR.  Our King wanted us to KNOW what it would look like AND He wanted us to know so that we could prepare.

PREPARE Our Hearts.

PREPARE Our Minds.

PREPARE Our Faith.

PREPARE In The Natural.


If you believe what Jesus Said, that these things would come, and you KNOW that you’re living in those Days He spoke of, then see this Beloved . . . FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD.  To PREPARE IS AN ACT TO GO WITH YOUR FAITH!  He also said don’t panic, don’t fear!


Get some candles, something to light them, a flashlight, a few batteries, some water, some extra food, some extra toiletries, whatever you need for your budget and DON’T FEAR!  Jesus said not to fear and panic.  So, have FAITH in that WORD and let’s just REST and TRUST in HIM!  JUST TRUST IN GOD TO SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS.  SPEAK TO THE STORMS AND TELL THEM TO DISSIPATE and TRUST GOD!  TRUST GOD!  HAVE FAITH IN GOD


What TIME Is It?

Lastly, I know that we just walked through Resurrection Sunday, didn’t we?  Yet, I must explain that here in America we go by a different calendar INSTEAD OF going by the Hebraic Calendar.  And because the Universal Church goes by a whole other “system” in evaluating WHEN JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS AND ROSE FROM THE DEAD, The Universal Church is incorrect in the TIME to truly Celebrate and Remember when Jesus died and rose from the dead.


So, Let’s Get This Right Shall We?  The Feast of Passover (When Jesus died on the cross) begins at Sundown on 22 April 2024 this year and continues until 29 April 2024.  The Word tells us that The Passover Feast is to be remembered from generation to generation.  Other Translations says, “This is a law for all time, This Festival will be a permanent law, observe this day throughout your generations as an ordinance forever.”   We are to remember Jesus was The Last Passover Lamb and Lamb of God.  So all of the sacrifices of animals are of no need now.   HE Is our Passover Lamb and we will never need another,  Praise The Lord! 


While doing and receiving The Passover, Seder Meal, Jesus said WITHIN IT to continue doing this, IN REMEMBRANCE OF HIM.  Think about this Beloved of The Lord,  Jesus told us to REMEMBER Him while taking part of The Passover, The Seder Meal.  You and I are partaking of Passover whenever we are taking “Communion.” 


At The Feast of Passover on that VERY SPECIAL first night, the Seder Meal is taken just like Jesus partook of.  The entire Seder is about Jesus!  The Whole Feast Is About Jesus!  And yet, Our Bridegroom told us when you do this, do it in Remembrance of Me!  HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD WE OBSERVE WHAT JESUS DID FOR US and partake of The Passover Meal, The Seder Meal ON The Feast of Passover!  What Jesus did on The Feast of Passover changed our lives forever! 


The TIME Of CHANGE, The Sign and the Warning to America in the Solar Eclipse, the tornadoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and all that is happening, and yet, God knew EXACTLY WHERE TO PLACE YOU IN TIME.  He put you in the End of TIME.  Now, it’s your choice to choose to do something with this TIME.  Why not go with Him ALL the way?  And, join in with us in PREPARING THE WAY for Jesus’ return!  It Is TIME To PREPARE!  Believe with all your heart and confess with your mouth this prayer and say to Jesus,


“Lord Jesus, You and I both know that I am away from You.  I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  I ask You to forgive me of my sins.  I believe that You rose from the dead for me.  Please come into my life and change it and do something with my life.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  Let us know here at JCM.  We want to celebrate with you and send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your new life and destiny in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible we’ll send it for FREE.  Welcome to the Family!  Welcome HOME!


God LOVES YOU!  We Love You and Bless You and Are Praying For You! Until Next Time . . . 

                                                                                                              Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming!




Thank You Very Much!

We Love You! 

Dewayne & Jamie




The Shepherd's Corner


                                                     April  & May 2024                                                 

                        Discipleship Schedules                       


Wednesday, 10 APRIL 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 17 APRIL 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 08 MAY 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 15 MAY 2024—7:00 PM

Wednesday, 22 MAY 2024—7:00 PM

Contact JCM or Shepherd Donna Legg at  donna@jamiecarte.org For More Information!  And When You Have Watched A Class, To Get Credit, Please Contact Shepherd Donna!



Hello Disciples,

We have so much to be Thankful for Disciples.  As we look at all we have learned about our wonderful Inheritance Package we can see the love of the Father.  Just think, God absolutely loves you!  I know that is hard to get our minds around, but it is true!  This is what we want you to know here at Discipleship.  THE TRUTH.

 Truth is a very valuable thing to know, and God’s Word tells us in John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  We are looking forward to spending more time in the coming Months with our Disciples teaching them The Truth and in turn them going out and telling more people THE TRUTH!  

People being made into Disciples!  Multiplying JESUS! Remember, it’s all about The GREAT COMMISSION.  Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” 


Have a Blessed April!  Disciples, let’s keep seeking The Lord and Learning of our wonderful Inheritance Package!  There’s more than we imagined!  If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/


May God Bless You & Keep You!  

Shepherd Donna Legg 





Prayer Needs Or A Praise Report, It Is Always A Blessing! 

 Deborah Legg, Shepherd Of Administration


Hello Partners and Friends!

What a blessing it is for me to have the opportunity to always share with you from the Ministry Office as we so appreciate the interaction with you.  And this Month has been no exception.  As we have prayed over your prayer needs, we have also been blessed to rejoice with you over those Praise Reports!  Hallelujah!  Along with you, we praise God for His faithfulness and give Him the Glory for those Praise Reports!  


So let me encourage each of you to always feel free to reach out to us here in the Ministry so that we can come into agreement with you for those precious prayer needs!  As you already know, prayer changes things!  As we go through this upcoming Month, may you be greatly blessed and highly favored Family as you are loved and appreciated!  


Shepherd Deborah

Shepherd of Administration





Through April You Can Get Signed Copies of “The Bride & The Blood Covenant  Ceremony”  For 20% Off and FREE SHIPPING!


FOR 20% OFF!  Normal Cost of Book is $15.00. 

Discounted Price: 20% OFF = $12.00! & FREE SHIPPING! 

   Visit Our Webpage at https://www.jamiecarte.org/contact-us/products/

or Call JCM’s Office To Order!


On The Feast of Passover We Are To

 “Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover), the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) and the Feast of Tabernacles. No man should appear before the LORD empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.”  (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)


If God Desires For You To Send Your Passover Offering to JCM, Please Identify Your Offering By Writing On It The Word, “PASSOVER.”  If Giving Online, Just Type “PASSOVER” In The Notes Area.  


We Will Bring Your Special Passover Offering To The Lord Along With Ours During Passover and Pray Over You, Your Family & Offering During This Exceptional Time of the Passover Feast!  Thank You, So Much!


You Show God’s LOVE Every Day!

For God So Loved The World That He GAVE.  

You Love, So You Give. 

Thank You Covenant Partners and Friends of this Ministry.  

We Love You and Are Praying Over You Daily! - Dewayne & Jamie


                                                                         Need Prayer?                                                                                     

Write Us At




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Type “GIVE” to (833) 605-7180. 

 Follow One Time Instructions To Set Up Your Account!  

Thank You For Giving Into The Kingdom!



                                           JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  


 Watch Us On

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM


Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”



Through JCM’S WebPage! 



Go To The Webpage For Times and Dates of 

Services & Classes!


Pray about Partnering with us

We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If  You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name! 


If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You! 

Thank You! In Advance!  



Listen To Podcasts, Watch JCM TV & Discipleship Classes, Read Prophetic and Right Now Word Teachings, SIGN UP For Daily Teachings and the Monthly 

Teaching Letter!  Send In Prayer Requests and Contact the Ministry All From The Webpage!  It’s Our Gift To You and For You!  We Love You!



MONDAY, 22 APRIL 2024—7:00 PM

 GO DEEP Into Your Hebraic Roots! 

Also Online!  FREE EVENT

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                                         The Mission Of Mahanaim! "2 Camps, 2 Armies"                                         Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission


Discipleship, Building, Construction, Ministering, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama Ministry, Serving, Media, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding & Distribution. 

Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim? 

Is This Part Of Your Future? 


On 24 June 2020, The Lord woke me up and said, 

“Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  


Hello Everyone!  We have got a few areas that The Lord is directing in this Teaching and we are going to begin in this Prophetic Word that was given to us that began in 2020.  When this Word was given, The Lord was communicating to The Bride of Christ that WE ENTERED INTO A NEW ERA OF TIME THAT GOD CALLED, “CHANGE.”


The Word, “CHANGE” that the Lord has given us is A TIME that The Lord MARKED in OUR TIME Of History that day!  That day, THE LORD wanted it to be told that things were not only changing,  The TIME Of CHANGE Had Begun and this New TIME we had now entered was GOING TO CONTINUE.  The TIME, God calls CHANGE was NOW The Identity of where we are at!  

Last Month’s Teaching gave us such Truth of this TIME that we are in.  The Lord wants us to begin this Teaching by feeding on this Word to REALLY SEE and be watered on what this TIME of CHANGE MEANS for us who are living in this New TIME.  (If you did not read or you do not receive these Teachings, please contact The Ministry and we will get you signed up to receive these Teachings for FREE.  They are also posted on the JCM Website at https://www.jamiecarte.org/ministries/2024-partner-letters/

All of these means and all that comes to the people from JCM is provided by the Holy Spirit and the Covenant Partners and Friends of this Ministry.  We and all the Partners love you and want you to have The Word of God.  You matter so much to the Partners of JCM! God’s Truth with No Compromise is what we all want for you!  Of course, Dewayne and I are Partners along with others and TOGETHER WE BLESS YOU!  


If you are being called to be a part of this Family of Partners who give of themselves for others, we invite you to join us.  Together we can minister to more and let more know that they are Loved By God and Tell More People The Truth!  


Like I said before, when The Lord spoke the words, “CHANGE Is Coming!” “CHANGE Is Here!” it was not a peaceful and pleasant waking for me that morning!  Not only was this a “shaking” Word, I was shaking in my body from it!  I knew then and have continually known and sensed with all of me, that this is SO SIGNIFICANT! 



Change Means
* To become different, The act or instance to become different
  *To undergo Transformation or Transition


 TRANSITION means to move from place, location or position to another.  

Webster’s Dictionary 

defines TRANSITION as a “passage from one place or state to another:”


Webster’s Thesaurus explains to us that 


  Alteration, change, changeover, convert, 

conversion, development, metamorphosis, passage, passing, progress, 

progression, shift, transformation, transit.


This TIME that again, the Lord calls CHANGE is and was to tell us that we have arrived at the TIME that is one that we will be walking through and experiencing in many different ways.  The World will be inside of this new Era of CHANGE.  We will be experiencing it in our Country and also in the mental and physical arenas.  And then there is the experience that The Bible tells us and defines for us VERY CLEARLY that there is a TIME that has been talked and preached about for many, many, many years!  And that TIME that will be in the World and Biblical History would be THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!


Many songs have been written about it.  Movies have been written and produced about what it will be like for the ones right before they leave Earth and are Raptured.  And also in the movies it shows the lives of those who are left behind and not Raptured.  The horror for those who are not Raptured is awful.  The desperation of them and then if the movie extends it, it then goes into how the “government” will be in charge and how the anti-christ will emerge on the scene and how the system to buy or sell will then be put in place to control everyone and how those who are Born Again after the Rapture will become the public enemy of the “government.”  Marshall Law will be put in place, again to control all the people left.  Mass hysteria will be World Wide as people are looking for their loved ones.  And people will be looking for hope.  Very terrible TIMES these will be for many. 


Yes, most of us have heard a song or watched a movie or heard a Sermon on these TIMES that The Bible speaks of.  And The Bible tells us that before the Rapture and after The Rapture there’s going to be some very hard things to happen in the Earth.  Jesus explained to those First Disciples that He had with Him and also to us His Disciples now what the TIME before The Rapture would look like.  We are told of what HARD CHANGES that would take place and would look like in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 and other references in THE WORD OF GOD.  


Church, we are IN THOSE TIMES RIGHT NOW!  The very descriptions that Jesus spoke about are going on RIGHT NOW!  Jesus also told us that these hard things in these specific TIMES are the “Birth Pains” and then the end would come.

 “But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.” Matthew 24:8 (NLT) 


There is a Biblical TIME that Jesus listed specific things that would occur and they were to all happen all at one TIME within this period of TIME that Jesus is answering the questions of the Disciples. “Tell us, When will these things happen?  What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3)


These lists of the ANSWERS of these questions of the First Disciples that are found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 AND Luke 21, tell us that these are the beginning of the “Birth Pains.”  Which tells us that there will be Birth Pains and then there, like a woman in the natural has, will be more and more and closer and closer.  There would be Birth Pains and more to come.


“Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  


With The Word that God has given us it ALSO shows us that there is a period of TIME when CHANGE has happened and still yet, there will be CHANGE to come.  


The Bible Is CLEAR That There is A TIME That God calls CHANGE!

 “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised  imperishable, and we will be changed.”  1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (NIV)

There is A TIME, that The Lord has told us in The Word, that is called CHANGE!  It is when it is described to us that PEOPLE WILL BE CHANGED!  Those who have already left Earth will be CHANGED.  And then the ones left here, we will be CHANGED!  It’s the TIME OF THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!  The Rapture Of The Church IS The TIME Of CHANGE According To The LORD!


There’s A SET TIME that this CHANGE is within!  1 Corinthians 15:51-52 tells us that People will become CHANGED!  That’s PAST TENSE!  There is a CLIMAX within this TIME of CHANGE, that moves FROM CHANGE into the TIME of “CHANGED!” (Past Tense).  So, when The Lord told us this Word, “CHANGE Is Coming!” “CHANGE Is Here!”  He let us KNOW that we had entered this TIME.  And, He let us know that “CHANGED” TIME was also ahead of us too.


The Lord tells us that the “CHANGE” TIME will have within it, a MOMENT that is described as, “in the twinkling of an eye.”  This moment WITHIN the TIME of “CHANGE” that’s in The Bible is very clear that a CHANGE WILL HAPPEN WITHIN IT that will specifically be a CHANGE of the People who have already left Earth and went to Heaven and their bodies are in the ground or in other parts of the Earth.  THEN, we who remain and are still here . . . ALL OF US WILL BE CHANGED.


CLEARLY, The Rapture Is A TIME That The Lord Calls, “CHANGE.” 


No one knows the day or hour of the Rapture, yet, Jesus wanted His People to know the Season and what it would look like in that TIME.  That is WHY He listed in great detail for us in The Bible of what would be happening before He Returns.  And He made sure that it would be in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and in Mark 13, not just once but three times so we would have witnesses from Him as the hardness of those specific Days in History that were many years ahead of Jesus.  Again, He was answering questions from the Disciples of when Jesus would return and when the end would be.  Jesus was not answering about HIS TIME while He was on Earth.  No, He was answering the questions for OUR TIME in History!


And, what is at a MOMENT, that is SO FAST, THAT Jesus described it as, “a FLASH” or as, “a twinkling of an Eye?”  IT’S THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!  And, what happened to the People who had already left Earth once and would be coming back with Him to get their bodies and then we get to go too?  They and We Will BE CHANGED!  And, what did The Lord say The Identity Of The TIME That We Are Now In Is?  It Is The TIME Called CHANGE!  “Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  




“Take notice! I tell you a mystery (a secret truth, an event decreed by the hidden purpose or counsel of God). We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed (transformed.) 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the [sound of the] last trumpet call. For a trumpet will sound, and the dead [in Christ] will be raised imperishable (free and immune from decay), and we shall be changed (transformed).” 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (AMPC)


Now that we have established that this TIME OF CHANGE that The Lord has told us that we are in is the End TIMES that the Bible refers to, we can KNOW that we are in the TIMES OF “CHANGE!”


Of The Rapture Of The Church and Into The TIME, called, “CHANGED!”  Hallelujah!


Now Knowing That This TIME OF CHANGE That The Lord has told us we are in is heading for the Rapture, let’s look again at what Change means.  Here’s a Hint.  It means to Undergo A TRANSFORMATION!  And that is how the Amplified Translation says it, “. . . We shall all be changed (transformed.)”  (Read this NOW through the LENS of being Raptured!)

Change Means

  * To become different, The act or instance to become different   *To undergo Transformation or Transition


 TRANSITION means to move from a place, location or position to another.  

Webster’s Dictionary defines TRANSITION as a “passage from one place or state to another:”


TRANSITION Is Alteration, change, changeover, convert, conversion, development, metamorphosis, 

passage, passing, progress, progression, shift, transformation, transit.

Does these words and definitions describe The Rapture of The Church, or what?!  The metamorphosis, alteration, transformation, moving from one place to another, all of these define what is going to happen to us who have received and made Jesus their Lord and Savior!  And what is the very ROOT WORD for all of this?  It Is CHANGE!  “Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  


“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised  imperishable, and we will be changed.”  1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (NIV)


In The CHANGE, Before The ChangED

 And yet, the word, CHANGE also means the word, “Upheaval.”   WOW!  How can such an enormously wonderful thing like the Rapture of The Church and the TIME of “CHANGED” have such a hard thing ALSO?  Because during this Time of CHANGE, there will be BOTH!  Again, we are told that things will be hard or “Birth Pains” in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.


“Upheaval” also means, disturbance, turmoil, disorder, confusion, commotion, mayhem and disruption.  These words describe things going on all over the Earth now.  That is EXACTLY what Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 all tell us the Last Days will be like!  With ALL of the hardness that is listed in the above Chapters in The Bible, the one thing that Jesus told us to do IS DON’T FEAR!  DON’T PANIC Yet, in Luke 21:26 it tells us that, “People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth . . .“  So with all of the WARS and RUMORS of WARS that are going on, Let’s Do Something Together!  Join Us! 



 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)


 WHO is the spirit of fear?  That would be God’s and our arch enemy, the devil.  The devil is the spirit of fear and is behind FEAR.   And 2 Timothy tells us that God DOES NOT give us a spirit of FEAR. God gives us a SPIRIT OF POWER, of LOVE and a SOUND MIND.  That is The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of God, God Himself.  The Spirit that is inside of a Born Again Son or Daughter of God and they have THE GREATER SPIRIT INSIDE OF THEM!  The Holy Spirit is GREATER than the spirit of fear!


“ . . . because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (KJV)


The Power of God, the Love of God and the Sound Mind of God is in you and I with The Holy Spirit in us.  The spirit of fear, who is the devil and who is fear, is the author of the fear attacks on the World, the Nation, the States, families and especially in your own mind. 


Fear is the devil’s strategy and it is his end game.  He needs the population to fear and follow his lead.  When people are following fear and reacting and making decisions and living their lives in fear, the spirit of fear is their guide and leader.  Satan, who is the spirit of fear, has many other fallen angels (spirits) that are under his command.  We see those “ranks” of fear and control in Ephesians Chapter 6.These “locations,” “realms” and “spheres” that are told to us in The Word are the locations where the devil, the spirit of fear has ranking spirits under him.  He has them stationed in the “unseen realm” and in the World and also in the “heavenly places.”  These rankings under satan are working fear and all of its forms now.


We see here in Ephesians 6 that we are told to be strong in The Lord and IN HIS MIGHTY POWER.  Let’s look at 2 Timothy 1:7 again and about this power.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)


“A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:10-12 (NLT)


The Holy Spirit Who Is God, lives in us.  We are given THE SPIRIT OF POWER!  And, we are told that we are to be “strong in the Lord AND in His Mighty Power.”  We get STRONG in The Lord by reading, studying and doing The Word of God!  You CANNOT be strong in The Lord and not be strong in The Word!  For The Lord IS THE WORD!  Faith COMES when I am Full of The Word!  And HOW I increase in Faith is by hearing The Word of God and hearing and hearing and hearing and still yet, hearing The Word!  

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (KJV) 


Next we see that ANOTHER strategy to fight against the spirit of fear is found also in Ephesians 6.  There is Warfare Apparel that has been provided for us to wear and carry as we are living on this Earth.  We will not need this Warfare Apparel when we are in Heaven.  It is only for here.  We know it to be by The Word as the “Full Armor Of God.”  


“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God.” Ephesians 6:13-17 (NLT)

Look at this again, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)  


The Spirit that lives inside of us is The Spirit of Power and Love and The Mind of Christ.  And HE Is Greater In Us, than he (the devil) that is in the world.  The devil is the spirit of fear!  The Spirit inside of us KNOWS HOW TO UTILIZE every piece of God’s Armor . . . BECAUSE IT IS JESUS’ ARMOR!  It Is HIS WARFARE APPAREL!  So, Not Only Is God IN US . . . He Is On Us Too, When We Put On His Full Armor!  The Spirit that is LIVING INSIDE OF YOU uses The Word of God to fight and do Warfare with the devil and his dominion WITH The Sword of The Spirit which is The Word of God. 


The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND that is within you and I uses His Own Sword (Sword of The Spirit) which is The Word to fight the enemy through us!  In defeating the spirit of fear, the devil, we also see a HUGE WEAPON for the Believer and that is found in verse 18 following the directions of what is and how to wear the Warfare Apparel of God.


Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)


Praying in The Spirit 

So, not only do we have The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and THE MIND OF CHRIST, SOUND MIND, we also have God’s, The Spirit’s, Armor AND we are TO PRAY IN THE SPIRIT of Power, Love and His Sound Mind!  This is not praying in our OWN mental capacity.  No, this is praying IN THE SPIRIT that is living inside of us!


Praying In The Spirit IS ANOTHER WEAPON and true PRIVILEGE of God!  We LET HIM PRAY THROUGH US!  We pray IN The Spirit, not in our own UNDERSTANDING.  We pray in The Spirit, not in the Soul Realm.  The Soul Realm is your MIND, your WILL and your EMOTIONS.  The Word is telling us TO PRAY IN THE SPIRIT and not only to PRAY IN THE SPIRIT . . . . The Word is telling us to PRAY IN THE SPIRIT AT ALL TIMES!  All the time, Pray in The Spirit.


Why would this be so important?  The Spirit in you KNOWS what to pray; truly knows what is needed for EVERY SITUATION and TIME and PERSON!  The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and God’s Mind KNOWS EVERYTHING!  And He can GET IT DONE!  Whatever it is . . . Or things you and I don’t even know that is going on or is urgently needing a voice applied to His Prayers.  HE Needs Us!  

Yes!  Holy Spirit needs YOUR VOICE TO PRAY!


Really read that sentence.  The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND, GOD’S MIND . . . NEEDS YOUR VOICE!  And He needs you to operate WITH HIM!  He Is In You.  You are the one that has the voice.  And if you will yield to Him and let Him pray THROUGH YOU, then He Is Speaking and Praying on your behalf and it may be for the World’s behalf!  And this warfare of Praying In The Spirit, in Tongues, is a language that the spirit of fear cannot understand!  


For one who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to people but to God; for no one understands him or catches his meaning, but by the Spirit he speaks mysteries [secret truths, hidden things].” 1 Corinthians 14:2 (AMP)

It is a GOD LANGUAGE and the devil is not privileged to it!  It is the Language Of Warfare Against him.  It is the Warfare Language FOR YOU and AGAINST THE DEVIL!  And another benefit of Praying In The Spirit of POWER, LOVE and THE MIND OF CHRIST that’s in you and I is that STRENGTH COMES TO YOU!  Yes, strength comes to YOU when you Pray in The Spirit!  YOU are built up!  As we are living in The Last Days, HOW MUCH we need The Strength Of The Lord!  Praying in tongues, in The Holy Spirit, brings us Kingdom STRENGTH!  THANK YOU LORD!


“A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally,” 1 Corinthians 14:4 (NLT)

 “The person who speaks in a tongue builds himself up,” (CSB)


It’s TIME For CHANGE, Prophetically!  Yet, it is TIME For CHANGE, Personally!  Making Jesus The Lord of your life is crucial!  We NEED JESUS!  Make Him The Lord Of Your Life!  Give Him All Of Your Life!


“Jesus, I am away from You.  I am stopping everything and I am making the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  I leave my past, my present and my sins and I ask You to forgive me of them.  I believe that You rose from the dead for me.  I receive Your free gift Jesus! Please come into my life and CHANGE IT and do something with it.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  We want to send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your New Life in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know!  We will send you one FREE and Postage Paid.  It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry.  We and They Love You Very Much!   We Love & Bless You & Are Praying For You! 

                                                                                                             Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming! 

                                                                                                             Pastor Jamie


Remember!  WAR ON FEAR!



KEEP PRAYING For Israel Church! 



The Shepherd's Corner


We will soon be entering into the Season of Spring, and The Bible tells us that Spring Rains bring the Blessings of God (Deuteronomy 11:13-15) and brings His Presence among His People (Hosea 6:3).  And in this New Season we are expecting all that He has promised.  This Spring we expect to see The Goodness of God move in our lives and in our Mahanaim Mission that He has given us.

 Also, in this New Season we will be discovering what it truly means to be the Children of God and what The Light, The Love, The Power, and The Time of God means to the Sons and Daughters of God.  Together we will continue to uncover the Mysteries of the meaning of all this and more and look forward to what God will reveal in March Discipleship.  

If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/

You Are Blessed and Highly Favored!

Shepherd Donna, Shepherd of Discipleship


Hello Partners and Friends!

Well, we’re about three weeks away from it being officially Spring!  I know that is probably just as exciting for you as it is for us here at the Ministry!  Of course, Spring represents a Time of “Newness!”  It’s a Time of things reproducing or 

growing, a time of cleaning up the old and refreshing the new and a Time to think about Pressing Forward with the planning and construction on these two Campuses in WV and NC we’ve all been called to be a part of! 


We here at the Ministry have diligently been seeking God’s Direction on the next steps of progress and as always, we trust Him to allow us to “hear” what He has in store for us.  And as we go Forward, we are so thankful to be doing this with all of you! 


I pray March is a special time of the year for each of you as you, along with us, also enter a Time of “Newness” with The King!  As with us, may you also “hear” His Leading for what part you are to play in this time of Spring in the process of the Mahanaim Mission!  And we’re excited to hear from you about that!  Have a wonderfully blessed Month Partners and Friends! 

Shepherd Deborah

Shepherd of Administration



MARCH 2024 Discipleship Schedule 


               ON JCM’S Webpage & JCM’S Facebook Page!                 

                                           Wednesday, 06 MARCH 2024                                            

                                Wednesday, 13 MARCH 2024                                 

Wednesday, 20 MARCH 2024 

Contact JCM Through The Discipleship Page at 


      Shepherd Donna Legg is waiting to hear from you 

                                            at  donna@jamiecarte.org!                                        

Go To The Webpage For More Information At


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  Daily Bringing You Faith, Prophecy, Hope & 

Instruction From The Word! Contact Us For DAILY WORD!



                                                                         Need Prayer?                                                                                     

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                                        The Mission Of Mahanaim! "2 Camps, 2 Armies"                                         Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission


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Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim? 

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    The Offering Of The LORD!    


Whenever there was a Place of God that was to be built for Him an Announcement was made to God’s People that the opportunity to GIVE was at hand.  The Word of Life Centers are being built for The King and His People! 

  “And they came, each one whose heart stirred him up and whose spirit made him willing, and brought the Lord’s offering to be used for the [new] Tent of  Meeting, for all its service, . . .” Ex. 35:21 (AMPC)


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19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854





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the door to accelerate!


WHAT A TIME THAT WE ARE IN, CHURCH!  The Lord Is SO FAITHFUL!  HE wants His Precious Bride TO KNOW the TIME that she is in and He Is So Faithful to illuminate and speak to His Church!  Let’s go over briefly about the Prophetic TIME that we are all in and then we will GO FURTHER in the Prophetic within this Month’s Teaching.  I will write it again, we are in unprecedented TIMES, Beloved Of The Lord!  Let’s do a quick review to build on for this Month’s VERY IMPORTANT WORD!


 Last Month we began in the Teaching by bringing forth that THE TIME THAT WE WERE IN and that we had already crossed into the New Year of The Lord on HIS CALENDAR, which is the Hebrew Calendar.  This is the Calendar that The Lord and His People are on and have been “on” for hundreds and hundreds of years!  The Hebrew Calendar does not begin on January 01, like the Gregorian Calendar that we follow here in the United States.  The Hebrew Calendar began its New Year at the Feast Of God called Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets.  We have been in the New Year of the Lord of 5784 since 15 September 2023 and this year will extend to 2024’s Feast of Trumpets.  And of course, we know that the New Year on the Gregorian Calendar began on 01 January 2024.

 We also explained last Month that the numbers of the Hebraic also have a meaning and “identity” that has been given by The Lord to each number.  The numbers in the Hebraic are NOT just for counting and numerical usage.  The numbers of the Hebraic, of The Lord mean WORDS and have been used to speak to God’s People throughout History. 


The Hebraic People have always understood that a number has a Prophetic Meaning and is speaking to them just like a word does! And the LETTERS of the Hebraic ALSO have meaning!  A letter means words and meanings to God’s People also!  Numbers and letters are not only used to count and to spell words, in the Hebraic both numbers and letters mean so much more!  They BOTH mean WORDS and MEANINGS!  DEEP and VERY IMPORTANT MEANINGS!



The Hebraic Year on God’s Calendar that we are in is 5784, and what a Year Of The Lord it is!  What does the Year 5784 mean?  We went over great things that have to do with this Prophetic Year of 5784, and I invite you to go on the Website and read it.  Or, if you’re like me and you like to hold things in your hand and highlight it and keep it for research purposes, then please contact the JCM Office and we would be happy to send you last Month’s Teaching, absolutely for FREE.  The number that changed in this Year of the Hebraic was the “4” of the Year of Our Lord of 5784.


The number of “4” is the Hebrew number that has the identity of “dalet.”  Also, the 4th letter in the Hebrew alphabet is “dalet” also.  And the letter of “dalet” looks like this.




And the meaning of this number “4” and letter is “DOOR.”  The Greek Strong’s Number for the Word, “DOOR” is S.N. #2374 which is thura which means a Door, a Gate, an Entrance, a Passage Through, a PORTAL, the Door of The Kingdom of Heaven.




Last Month we had talked about that the same number of “4” changed also when the Gregorian Calendar changed for us here in the US.  And this information is needed for this Month’s Teaching, so let’s look at that information again.  So again, both in the Hebrew Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar, one number changed.  That number that changed is the number “4” in the Hebrew and “24” on the Gregorian.  BOTH “TIMES” On Two Calendars of TIME, both have changed into a “4!”  Both are showing us that “dalet” is HERE!  The TIME Of The DOOR Is Here and we are given this TIME and understanding prophetically to receive ALL that this TIME of “dalet” gives us!


This IS SO IMPORTANT to write again, and that is that there’s another word that also is within the meaning of the number “4” and that is the word, OPPORTUNITY.


Opportunity - means a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something.


This TIME that we have been given from The Lord IS A GIFT.  This TIME is an OPPORTUNITY given by Him!  What is it that you are believing for?  What is it that is your heart’s desires from The Lord?  God has gifted us with a TIME of the “dalet” of The Door, the TIME of Opportunity that is ESPECIALLY DESIGNED for those who will follow The Lord and go and do and give and enter in when, where and how He leads.  


“The GIFT Of The TIME Of The DOOR Is A SPECIAL TIME IN HISTORY For Those Who Will Believe To Have Much Done, Accomplished and Manifested . . . ALL COMING THROUGH Those Thresholds In This TIME!” - Jamie


“The TIME of The DOOR (Dalet) which we are in, has strategically put The Church in a Position that is providing the Best Place and Conditions in this Prophetic TIME FOR GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN and MANIFEST!  This TIME of (Dalet) is PRIME to assist The Bride of Christ to receive Her Victories!” - Jamie



The Lord spoke to me A Message to share with The Body of Christ years ago on 24 June 2020 and He is asking me to tell it again and remind ourselves NOW!  On 24 June 2020, The Lord woke me up and said, “Change is Coming, Change Is Here!”  We have already began in and are moving within the TIME of Change that The Lord told us would be happening.  The TIME OF CHANGE that The Lord spoke to me and all of us about in 2020 BEGAN right then, that day, and He said again, “CHANGE Is Coming!”  “CHANGE Is Here!”   


The Lord was CLEAR that The TIME of CHANGE had arrived and there would be more on the way.  In 2020 the whole World was shaking!  The biological attack that was unleashed on the World called Covid19 truly was like nothing we had ever seen!  And without a doubt, it was a biological war attack that came from the Nation of China.  Even the US and Global Agencies that were covering for it’s origination at the time, is now saying that it is probable that it all DID come from a biological laboratory from China that creates diseases.


Now, when The Lord spoke the words, “CHANGE Is Coming!” “CHANGE Is Here!” it was not a peaceful and pleasant waking for me that morning!  Not only was this a “shaking” Word, I was shaking in my body from it!  I knew then and have continually known and sensed with all of me, that this is SO SIGNIFICANT!  The Bible Is CLEAR That There is A TIME That He calls CHANGE!

In an INSTANT, in the  twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”  1 Corinthians 15:52


Don’t Miss This Bride Of Christ!  There is A TIME, that The Lord has told in The Word, that is called CHANGE!  It is when it is described  to us that PEOPLE WILL BE CHANGED!  Those who have already left Earth will be CHANGED.  And then the ones left here, we will be CHANGED!  There’s  A SEASON that this CHANGE is within!  Because in 1 Corinthians 15:52, it speaks that there is a time within this TIME that will become PAST TENSE!  There is a CLIMAX within this TIME of CHANGE, that moves into the TIME of “CHANGED!” (Past Tense).


So, when The Lord told us this Word, “CHANGE Is Coming!” “CHANGE Is Here!”   He let us KNOW that we had entered into this TIME. And, He let us know that “CHANGE” TIME was also ahead of us too.  Then, The Lord tells us that the “CHANGE” TIME will have a MOMENT that is described as “in the twinkling of an eye.” (Also, a description of a TIME within a TIME.)  This moment WITHIN the TIME of “CHANGE” that’s in The Bible is very clear that a CHANGE WILL HAPPEN WITHIN IT that will specifically be a CHANGE of the people who have already left Earth and went to Heaven and their bodies are in the ground or in other parts of the Earth.  THEN, we who remain and are still here . . . ALL OF US WILL BE CHANGED.  CLEARLY, It Is A TIME That The Lord Calls, “CHANGE.”  CLEARLY, It is A CONDITION Within THE TIME OF CHANGE That God Is Calling His People, “CHANGED.”


It is A TIME when things become DIFFERENT (“CHANGE”) than any other TIME in human history.  It will be A TIME that was talked about specifically by Jesus, Himself.  No one knows the day or hour, yet, Jesus wanted His People to know the Season and what it would look like in the TIME that would begin and usher in the TIME OF CHANGE . . . That would lead for His People to experience and know that they were INSIDE of the TIME OF CHANGE.  And that those living in the TIME OF CHANGE . . . Would Themselves BE CHANGED!


Jesus explained to those First Disciples that day and also to us now what the TIME of CHANGE would look like before His People would be CHANGED within the TIME of CHANGE.  We are told of what CHANGE is going to look like in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 and other references in THE WORD OF GOD.  When we read these Chapters we can see with such great precision of what Jesus Said and DESCRIBED, that we are living INSIDE of this TIME of CHANGE and are moving within.  The Bible calls it, “The Last Days.”  Let’s look at what the word, “Change” means. 


Change Means


* To become different, The act or instance to become different
  *To undergo Transformation or Transition


 TRANSITION means to move from place, location or position to another.


Webster’s Dictionary defines TRANSITION as a “passage from one place or state to another:”


Webster’s Thesaurus explains to us that TRANSITION is Alteration, change, changeover, convert, conversion, development, metamorphosis, passage, passing, progress, progression, shift, transformation, transit.


In an INSTANT, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”  1 Corinthians 15:52


Does these words that describe CHANGE not describe what  1 Corinthians 15:52 tells us?  We will go through a transformation, a metamorphosis, a conversion that will be astonishing!  Now that we have seen that this TIME that is referred to as “The Last Days” is also referred to by The Lord as the TIME of CHANGE,  “CHANGE Is Coming!” “CHANGE Is Here!”  

let’s see how the TIME of DOOR (Dalet) fits within it all also.  The word, CHANGE means TRANSITION which also means, to move from place, location or position to another, a “passage from one place or state to another:”  And that, Beloved of The Lord, describes one going through A DOOR!

Greek Strong’s Number for the Word, “DOOR” is S.N. #2374 which is thura which means a door, a gate, an entrance, a passage through, a PORTAL, the door of The Kingdom of Heaven.


And yet, the word, CHANGE also means the word, “Upheaval.”   WOW!  How can such an enormously wonderful thing like the Rapture of The Church and the TIME of “CHANGED” have such a hard thing ALSO?  Because during this Time of CHANGE, there will be BOTH!  “Upheaval” also means, disturbance, turmoil, disorder, confusion, commotion, mayhem and disruption.  And that is EXACTLY what Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 all tell us the Last Days will be like!

It really is clear that the TIME of CHANGE . . . IS The Last Days.  Yet, let us not forget that this TIME of the DOOR is happening right in it too!  And, what did we begin this Teaching in bringing out what else DOOR means?  The number “4” (Dalet) also means the word, OPPORTUNITY.


Opportunity - means a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something.  God has gifted us with a TIME of the “dalet” of The Door, the TIME of Opportunity that is ESPECIALLY DESIGNED by God for us to have DOORS of OPPORTUNITY and our lives be CHANGED with GRAND CHANGES!  And these DOORS will CHANGE Everything!


“The TIME of The DOOR (Dalet) which we are in, has strategically put The Church in a Position that is providing the Best Place and Conditions in this Prophetic TIME, FOR GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN and MANIFEST!  This TIME of (Dalet) is PRIME to assist The Bride of Christ to receive Her Victories!” - Jamie


GOD LOVES JUSTICE!  Really get this Church, GOD LOVES JUSTICE!  


“For the Lord is righteous, He loves justice; the upright will see his face.” PSALM 11:7 (NIV)

And out of God’s Great Love for JUSTICE HE HAS TO ADMINISTER JUSTICE!  The Strong’s Number for JUSTICE is #6664 which is the word, tsedeq.  It means the right, righteous cause, what is right.  It’s when what is RIGHT is done.  When people choose to do and say and act for and on behalf of what IS RIGHT, not wrong.  


What is another word for God’s Justice?  VENGEANCE. (SEE  Hebrews 10:30-31.)  When The Bible speaks of Vengeance, it’s NOT MEANING REVENGE!  Vengeance of The Lord Has Nothing to do with hate or resentment (bitterness, hatred, offense or retaliation.)  Retribution is also within Hebrews 10:30-31.  Retribution means recompense, repay to one who has suffered.  Reward, compensate, reimburse, to make amend.  


The word, “Vengeance” in Hebrews 10:30 is “Strong’s #1557 ekdikésis.  It means a defense, avenging, vindication, vengeance, full (complete) punishment, justice.  The root word is Strong’s #1556 ekdikeó meaning,  I give justice over, to dispense justice, carrying a judgment completely through, with all that is appropriate to it.


“For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine [retribution and the deliverance of justice rest with Me], I will repay [the wrongdoer].” And again, “The Lord will judge His people. 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” 

Hebrews 10:30-31 (AMP)

The JUSTICE or VENGEANCE of The Lord is THE SAME JUSTICE!  If one is due JUSTICE for the wrong they have done, they receive.  If one is due JUSTICE to repay for what has been done TO them, they receive.  WITH GOD,  JUSTICE IS PERFECT.  And He Is The Judge!  And because of His Love, He is Righteous to execute His Justice.  

The TIME Of Vengeance, Of JUSTICE 

There is a TIME that is shown to us in the Word of God of the Vengeance of God.  Jesus is beginning His Public Ministry and He goes to His Hometown, to the synagogue where He grew up in Nazareth and they handed Him the scroll of the reading of that day and He opened it up to Isaiah 61:1-2, we would read about this in the New Testament of Luke 4:16-21.  

Jesus begins to read and He read Isaiah 61:1-2, but something happened before He finished verse 2.  Jesus reads, Isaiah 61:1-2 (NASB) "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Because the Lord has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners; 2 To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord . . .”  


He does not finish the sentence!  WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?  BECAUSE IT WAS NOT TIME for Him To Proclaim THE TIME of the next words!  It was ONLY TIME for Him to do what He spoke in verses 1 and half of verse 2!  What Was The Rest Of Verse 2 That Jesus Stopped At and Wouldn’t Say?


“. . . And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn,” Isaiah 61:2 


The TIME of Vengeance was what was next to be said and Jesus would not say it because there was a TIME for that to come in the future, not during His Earthly Ministry.  YET, THIS TIME OF VENGEANCE HAS TO COME BEFORE THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!  As stated, we are in the TIME of CHANGE which is also called The Last Days.  And have stated that CHANGE is going to look like what’s told to us in Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 and other references in THE WORD OF GOD.  And, since we are in the TIME when all of this is going to be happening around us, we must also see that being at the TIME before Jesus returns to get us in the Rapture, The Justice of The Lord, the Vengeance of The Lord must be carried out!  


“And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”  Galatians 6:9 (AMPC)  


In this TIME of CHANGE and the JUSTICE of The Lord in these Days right before the Rapture of The Church Jesus will carry out and finish THE REST OF HIS CALLING THAT HE DID NOT READ THAT DAY IN HIS HOMETOWN SYNAGOGUE!  It wasn’t TIME YET to carry out His Vengeance, His Justice.  Oh, but NOW IT IS, CHURCH!  JUSTICE for right and JUSTICE for wrong!  


Church, Galatians 6:9 is telling us some very important things!  If we don’t grow weary and lose heart and give up on doing what’s right THERE IS A TIME IN GOD, there is A DUE TIME that will come to that person of God.  There is A JUSTICE that comes to that person.  And, one of the words that “Due Time” and “Appointed Season” of God is a HARVEST WORD OF, “WE SHALL REAP.” 


Vengeance of The Lord comes from God’s Love of Justice


WE SHALL REAP has a Strong’s Number of #2325 which is the word, (therizó) which means as a man has acted (on earth) he be requited (AVENGE, JUSTICE), either with reward or penalty (his deeds will determine his doom), to receive a thing by way of reward or punishment




There is a TIME that MUCH will be happening.  The side of the enemy will do all that they can to stop The Will of God in these Last Hours and Days before the Rapture.  The devil can see what TIME it is, just like all of us Kingdom Children can.  Yet, The Bible tells us that there is going to be a HUGE OUTPOURING OF GOD ALSO BEFORE THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH! (Joel 2)  The Bible also tells us that the Gospel will be preached ALL OVER THE WORLD and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14).  Jesus IS The LORD OF THE HARVEST!  And He will GIVE and RECEIVE HARVEST!  We are NOT the only ones who are DUE!  Jesus is DUE also!  All that this Teaching has been talking to us about is all going to be happening at the same TIME!




The days are coming,” declares the Lord, when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes.  New wine will drip from the  mountains and flow from all the hills.” AMOS 9:13


In an INSTANT, in the    twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”  1 Corinthians 15:52


What is the one thing that these two Scriptures have in common?  ACCELERATION!  


The Bible says that there is a TIME that “is coming” that there will be such a HARVEST that the ones that are in “Reaping” will be overtaken by the one who is just beginning his sowing and preparing his ground to do so, the “Plowman.”  The “Planter” who is just beginning in planting seed will be overtaken by the one who is “Treading Grapes,” the one who is also in their time of HARVEST.


What is this?  It’s ACCELERATION!  A TIME that will be, that THE TIME is ACCELERATED at such a rate that one who is just plowing will overtake the one who has already been through all the stages of HARVEST and is REAPING!  Which means that there will be such SPEED in these Days that EVERYONE WILL HARVEST IF THEY SOW!  And it will be HARVEST AT AN ACCELERATED SPEED LIKE NEVER IN HISTORY!  And THIS HAS TO HAPPEN BEFORE THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH!


I want you to think about when the Hebrew Children were leaving Egypt; God was sending them out.  If you will, God was Rapturing them out of Egypt, the World of that day.  What happened?  They experienced a supernatural HARVEST!  They left Egypt and was given all that the Generations before them had worked for and was slaves and never received!  The Bible tells us that they left Egypt ABSOLUTELY RICH!  A Supernatural Wealth was transferred into them!  A Great ACCELERATION happened in their TIME.


And NOW IT IS TIME AGAIN!  You and I can see clearly that ACCELERATION is in the Word and it is all at a CERTAIN TIME!  And, what TIME will it be in?  It has to be in the TIME of CHANGE which The Lord says we are in!  And wouldn’t a GREAT HARVEST be NEEDED to pay for The Gospel to be preached all over the World? (Matthew 24:14).  Of Course It Would Be NEEDED to do so!  It will happen in our TIME of CHANGE, in our DUE TIME, in our APPOINTED TIME, which is the TIME of ACCELERATION!  The TIME Of CHANGE IS THE TIME OF ACCELERATION!

“Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity (SPEED) of an object with  respect to time.”

(Definition of Acceleration)

What Do You See Beloved?  Acceleration operates at the rate of CHANGE with the respect to TIME!  Acceleration is IN the TIME and the rate of CHANGE!  Church, this is happening and it is our TIME!  Keep looking at what God Is Doing!  WE WIN!  WE HARVEST!  WE ARE The Children Of God and We Are The Raptured!  Let’s FINISH ALL OF THIS . . . STRONG!

"CHANGE Is Coming! CHANGE Is Here!"

So, are you ready for your CHANGE?  Are you ready to make sure that you are in the Right KINGDOM, The Kingdom of King Jesus?  Believe with all your heart and confess with your mouth these words, and say out loud,


“Lord Jesus, You and I both know that I am away from You.  I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely.  I surrender to You Lord!  I leave my past and my sins and I ask You to forgive me of them.  I believe that You rose from the dead for me.  I receive Your free gift Jesus!  Please come into my life and CHANGE IT and do something with it.  I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life.  Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name!”


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  Welcome To The Family!  We want to celebrate with you and send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your new life in The Lord Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know!  We would also send you one FREE and Postage Paid.  It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry.  We and They Love You Very Much!


 It’s TIME!  The Doors Are Opening, The TIME Of Change IS HERE!  Let’s Partner With Jesus To Finish His Mission!  We Invite You To Join Us and Let’s Do Jesus’ Mission Together!  And, THANK YOU Partners & Friends Already Doing So!  We Love & Bless You & Are Praying For You!  

                                                                                                                   Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming! 

                                                                                                                   Pastor Jamie

“For the Lord is righteous, He loves justice; the upright will see his face.” PSALM 11:7 (NIV)


We Stand With You For Israel! ISRAEL, You Are Whole, Strong And Victorious IN JESUS NAME!


The Shepherd's Corner


Greetings To All!

Here we are Disciples, stepping through the Doors of 2024.  God is revealing to us the things we need to know so that we will be prepared to do life successfully throughout 2024.


Let’s go through the Doors of 2024 TOGETHER and gain some much needed Knowledge from God!


If you are not a part of Discipleship, we would love to have you join us!  Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/


You Are Blessed and Highly Favored!

Shepherd Donna

Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship



Hello To All Our Wonderful Partners And Friends!

It is such a blessing to be able to reach out to you each Month through this avenue of the Monthly Teaching Letter!  We want to share with you that it’s been a great start to the New Year here at Jamie Carte Ministries (JCM) and The Word Of Life Center (TWLC) in Hico, WV! And as we keep going forward with the Mahanaim Mission (Two Camps, Two Armies).

we have been blessed to have connected with more people again this Month and even with some from the North Carolina region!  Which Is WHERE The Second “CAMP Of Soldiers For The Kingdom Of God”  Will Be!  The Second Property is in Leland, NC right on I74, right outside of Wilmington, NC!

 God is definitely working here in WV at TWLC and we just give Him all the Praise for what He is doing now and for what He is going to be doing in the future!  And as always, it’s a great time to share with you all the busyness we have experienced as things progress.  

May your February be blessed and we will be looking forward to sharing with you next Month! 


Shepherd Deborah

Shepherd of Administration

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                                        The Mission Of Mahanaim! "2 Camps, 2 Armies"                                         Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission


Discipleship, Building, Construction, Ministering, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama Ministry, Serving, Media, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding & Distribution. 

Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim? Is This Part Of Your Future? 


We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name!

If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You!

Thank You! In Advance!



JCM'S Office Hours are Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM (EST.)

Please Feel Free To Contact JCM at 1-304-658-4720

Also Reach Us


Email - contact@jamiecarte.org

Email - prayer@jamiecarte.org



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with The Lord, it’s time to truly consider it.  

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19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854


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JCM’S FREE Bible & FREE DVD and CD Ministry!

Because Of The Wonderful Partners & Friends of This Ministry & Their Love For Others & Their Financial Support, JCM is Able To Send Out Free Bibles & Free DVD & CD Bible Teachings To People With No Expense.  If You’d Like To Join Others In Being, “A WORD SENDER,” OR Would Like To Receive Biblical Teachings, Please Contact JCM!

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Get Ready! Jesus Is Coming!

the Door AND 24!



First, THANK YOU JCM PARTNERS & FRIENDS FOR ALL THAT YOU DID FOR THIS MINISTRY In 2023!  Thank You For Being With Us In The Work Of The King!  We Are So GRATEFUL For Your Love For Us and For The Work Of The Kingdom That We Get To Do With You!  We Have Felt Your Love, And Your Precious Prayers And Seen Your Support!  We Are With You Too!  We Again, Are So Grateful For You!  Let’s Do Some Great Things Together in this New Year and Let’s See The King Do Some Marvelous Things As We Move Forward.  Together, We Are Building Last Day’s Warriors For This Uncommon TIME That We Are In and Building With You Places For The Training Of The Warriors.  It’s Like No Other TIME In History!  And, We With You Are Preparing and Having Our Hands On The Plow WITH YOU Preparing Others!


Let’s Get Started With Saying, “HELLO 2024!”  What a TIME that we are in Beloved Of The Lord!  There Are HUGE Things In This Prophetic TIME and The Lord Wants Us To Know That He Is With Us!  This TIME Is An Extraordinary TIME To Be Living, Church!  Let’s Journey Together To SEE What The King would have us to SEE in this New Year!  Thank You Lord!  We PRAISE YOU KING JESUS!  We Trust You Lord!  We Choose To WALK WITH YOU In Jesus Name!



We have much to get to so here we go!  This Teaching will be a very ENCOURAGING and PROPHETIC Teaching.  And, my prayer is that you will CARRY THIS WORD IN YOU and a GREAT BIRTHING will happen from your womb, your heart in Jesus Name!


Last Month we began in the Teaching by bringing forth that we had already crossed into the New Year of The Lord on HIS CALENDAR, which is the Hebrew Calendar.  This is the Calendar that The Lord and His People are on and have been “on” for hundreds and hundreds of years!  The Hebrew Calendar does not begin on January 01 like the Gregorian Calendar that we follow here in the United States.  The Hebrew Calendar began its New Year at the Feast Of God called Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets.   We have been in the New Year of the Lord of 5784 since 15 September 2023 and this year it will extend to 2024’s Feast of Trumpets.


We have, with God, already began a New Prophetic Year in HIM!  There is a literal number that each year has been given and within that number there is a meaning and “identity” that has been given by The Lord and it has been taught first to the Hebrew People throughout History.  See, the Hebraic People know that the numbering of the years have been going on for many years and that is how HISTORY, GOD’S HISTORY, IS MARKED.  They also know something that we, The Church now know and will continue to grow in knowing and that is that, NUMBERS MEAN WORDS and WORDS MEAN NUMBERS.  Numbers mean words TO GOD AND HIS PEOPLE!  God speaks through Words and He also is communicating through numbers also.  And now we in The Church can have this prophetic insight too!  Thank You Lord!

When you and I see Numbers in The Word of God we are also seeing WORDS.  NUMBERS ARE A WAY OF COMMUNICATION between God and His People!  That is why you see so many Numbers in The Bible!  God is speaking to us through the Numbers too!  Praise The Lord!  The example that I commonly use to explain this is when one looks at the Book of Revelation, for example you see the Number “12” many times, don’t you?  Well, the Number “12” has many Word meanings to it; just some are Divine Government, Order, Divine Power, New Jerusalem and Apostle.  Everything that is in The Word of God and when God is communicating to us is a part of HIM Communicating.  He Communicates through dreams and visions and Rhema Words from Him.  He uses numbers, “scenes,” and pictures.  

 Our Lord and King IS The Communicator!  

He Is Amazing how He Communicates with His People!  And, in the LAST DAYS that we are living in, there is a Prophecy that says that in these LAST DAYS that He will have an especial amount (An Outpouring) of Communication, Visions, Dreams and Experiences of HIMSELF with His People!  Dreams and Visions are to be interpreted!  The symbols, the things in the Dreams and Visions, the Numbers . . . ALL that is within them will need interpreted and understanding and the meaning taking place.  And so, in THE TIME that we see ourselves in, in these LAST DAYS we shall SEE more when we SEEK HIM in the TIME that we are right now and that is in The TIME OF GOD IN THE YEAR OF 5784.  When we seek Him, we will find Him!  Hallelujah! 


Upon researching the Hebraic Numbers and Meanings of The TIME Of The Lord, each year I seek The Lord to hear what HE has to Say to us about the Year and Numbers of that New Year. This year of 5784 is so wonderful for God’s People!  So what does the Year, 5784 mean?  Let’s begin with the number that changed in this Year and that is the “4” of the Year of Our Lord of 5784.


The number of “4” is the Hebrew number of “dalet.”  Also, the 4th letter in the Hebrew alphabet is “dalet.”  And the letter of “dalet” looks like this.


And the meaning of this number “4” and letter is A DOOR.  Jesus SAID HE WAS THE DOOR.  Not, A DOOR.  Jesus Is THE DOOR.  The Greek Strong’s Number for the Word, “DOOR” is S.N.#2374 which is thura which means a door, a gate, an entrance, a passage through, a PORTAL, the door of The Kingdom of Heaven.



“And afterward I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.” Joel 2:28 (AMPC)


One Entry 

When we surrender our life to Jesus and ask Him to be The Lord of our life, WE ENTER INTO HIM, WE ENTER INTO,THE DOOR, HIMSELF!  And when we enter into THE DOOR we go through HIM . . . The DOOR and THE GATE, HIMSELF!  And, we enter into The DOOR Of The Kingdom of GOD!  So, we are entering THROUGH The DOOR or GATE that allows us access into The Kingdom of God!  All Healing, all Salvation, all Freedom is IN JESUS, THE DOOR!  Really, really think about this, Church!  As we stated last Month,

There’s ONE ENTRANCE, One DOOR that a person has to go through to get to the Kingdom of God and into Heaven.  JUST ONE.  And it is through The DOOR, The GATE, Who Is Jesus!  HE IS The DOOR!  HE Is The ONLY WAY Into A Whole Kingdom!  And This Kingdom has Only One Door Into It!  That is why He Said He Was, THE WAY!


In other Translations of John10:9 we find that “Door” also means, “Gate.”   “Yes, I am the Gate. Those who come in by way of the Gate will be saved and will go in and out and find green pastures.” John 10:9 (TLB)


And when someone makes Jesus their Lord, HE, The DOOR goes THROUGH and IN that New Born Again Person!  WE ENTER HIM, The DOOR, and HE ENTERS THROUGH US!  And when The Door, Jesus, goes THROUGH and TO that New Born Again person, Jesus The Door, The Gate lives IN US!  Our King and His Kingdom, is again, AMAZING!


Jesus goes THROUGH that New Born Again person.  Jesus then is going through a door!  You and I are a door also.  We enter into Jesus and He enters into us!  Jesus Is THE DOOR. And we are just like Him!  We are made in God’s Image, in the Image of Jesus.  He is The Head, WE are His Body.  If HE IS THE DOOR . . . HIS BODY IS TOO!   He Is The DOOR; we are a Door too!  And that means that we have access to THE DOOR Of The Kingdom Of Heaven!  Our knowledge of our Inheritance In Christ Jesus is getting bigger and bigger as we keep seeing more and more and more in The Word of God!  Thank YOU Jesus!

“Because As He Is, So Are We In This World!” 1 John 4:17


We’ve Got A DOUBLE!

What is SO BIG is that NOW we also have a TIME that has just happened in this New Year that we are in on the Gregorian Calendar, here in the US and on this Calendar, one number changed.  That number that changed is the number “4” of  “24.”  We have TWO TIMES at the same TIME and yet both (5784 and ‘24’) have in common a number that changed and that is the number, “4.”


BOTH “TIMES” On Two Calendars of TIME, both have changed into a “4!”  Both are showing us that “dalet” is HERE!  The TIME Of The DOOR Is Here and we are given this TIME and understanding prophetically to receive ALL that this TIME of “dalet” gives us!


One of the things within my research that I have found is that another word that also is within the meaning of the number “4” is the word, OPPORTUNITY.  I don’t know how when you read that word it made you feel . . . Yet, it sure is an encouraging and exciting word to me!  Opportunity means a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something.


This TIME that we have been given from The Lord IS A GIFT.  This TIME is an OPPORTUNITY given by Him!  What is it that you are believing for?  What is it that is your heart’s desires from The Lord?  God has gifted us with a TIME of the “dalet,” of The Door, the TIME of Opportunity that is specialized for those who will follow The Lord and go and do and give and enter in when, where and how He leads.  The GIFT Of The TIME Of The DOOR!

Greek Strong’s Number for the Word, “DOOR” is S.N. #2374 which is thura which means a door, a gate, an entrance, a passage through, a PORTAL, the door of The Kingdom of Heaven.


Let’s go back to a word that describes this TIME of The DOOR which is OPPORTUNITY.  And again, that Opportunity means a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something.  And that is exactly what God has set up this TIME to be for His Children!  The TIME is conducive to assist in the Success and Breakthrough that we are believing God for!  The word conducive means providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist.  Hallelujah!


God has made a TIME for us, a TIME of an Open Door that is providing the right conditions and an envelope of the perfect TIME for the Breakthroughs of The Lord TO COME THROUGH THOSE OPEN DOORS for us!  Oh say it with me,  Hallelujah!


Now, there is a part that we play in this TIME God has given us to PARTNER WITH THE LORD in receiving all that we are believing to happen and “come through” those DOORS!  As stated before, WE ARE A DOOR, like Jesus!  And in the TIME of The Door that we are in, how can we participate and PARTNER WITH THE LORD in this Special and Specific TIME? 

 (Some of these writings are from JCM former writings.)


The TIME Of The Door and My Own Door



Not only are we Doors like Jesus is The DOOR, we also HAVE A DOOR The Door that we HAVE is one that opens from one realm to another.  From the SEEN Realm to the UNSEEN Realm.


“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”  Ephesians 6:11-12 (NLT)


The UNSEEN Realm is REAL!  It’s MORE REAL than what this “SEEN Realm” that we live in is!  This Unseen World is a Place that is amongst us, Church!  It's where our Angels are.  It's where there is great war going on between our Angels and the demons that try to affect us.  It's a Place that the enemies of The Church in the spirit realm are trying to KEEP THE THINGS THAT WE ARE HAVING FAITH FOR to stay IN THAT UNSEEN REALM and trying to PREVENT the things we are believing for FROM MANIFESTING INTO THE SEEN REALM!  It's a Place that when you and I speak "the Word of God" by faith (Hebrews 11:3), our words go into that Unseen World or Realm and go to work for us! 


"So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 (AMPC)


“. . . Because As He Is, So Are We In This World!” 1 John 4:17


 The Unseen Realm is a Place, and it is a Place that is around us.  There is MUCH going on around us in the spirit Realm in this Unseen "World."  And one of the most  IMPORTANT things to know about this Unseen Realm is that there is A DOOR FROM ONE REALM TO THE OTHER!  THERE IS A "DOOR" FROM THE SEEN REALM TO THE UNSEEN REALM!  Yes Church, what is the opening from the Seen Realm to the Unseen Realm?  Our mouths or our lips!  And let’s call them what they are . . . DOORS!  So, in case you really wasn't sure if what you believe and are saying really matters . . . read Psalm 141:3 CHURCH!  


“Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:3 (NIV)


Each time you speak, your "DOOR" is opening up from ONE REALM TO ANOTHER REALM and affecting what is going on in BOTH REALMS!  Born Again Believers are the ones who have the Authority here on Earth.  Jesus gave us His Authority before He left and then sent His Holy Spirit and Power to us.  Whether we agree or believe it or not . . . WE are creating here.  WE ARE IN CHARGE OF OUR DOORS NOW!  All authority and power has been given to us (Luke 10:19) and we are the ones who are in charge!  In the New Covenant the same SPIRIT that raised Christ from the dead lives in us!  (Romans 8:11)  The Holy Spirit, God, Himself lives in us and we are fully capable to control our words!


The DOOR of our mouths are opening and producing.  The DOOR of our mouths are in one Realm of the Seen, yet our mouths or DOORS open up in the Realm called UNSEEN and our words are going into the Realm of the Unseen too.  Remember, A DOOR is a GATE, an  ENTRANCE, a PASSAGE THROUGH, a PORTAL, The DOOR OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!  


Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.” Luke 10:19 (AMPC)




The definition of a Door Frame is: Door Frame — The entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building; the space that a door can close; the frame that supports a door.  The FRAME is what “supports a Door.”  The FRAME is what brings “structure” to the Door that is within it.  The FRAME is what is BUILT AROUND the Door.  It is also known as a THRESHOLD or a PORTAL to which ones goes through to arrive to another place.  And when one looks at the mouth, the lips make us think of a FRAME around that DOOR too!

 “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are SEEN were NOT MADE of things which DO APPEAR.”  Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) 

BOTH the DOOR and the FRAME on the Door that is used for an ENTRANCE, a PASSAGE THROUGH, a PORTAL allows someone to enter and exit into one place and into another . . . AND THE LIPS on a MOUTH or DOOR have great similarities.  And what does The Word say about a FRAME?  The Word tells us that, “the worldS” were framed BY FAITH and by THE WORDS THAT GOD SPOKE!  

The DOOR SPOKE and A FRAMING PROCESS BEGAN Of What HE Was Believing For!  His Words, His Faith, By The Lord’s FAITH, Began FRAMING!  Our World and the worlds beyond (it is plural in Hebrews 11:3) were framed by the words that came out of God, the DOOR of His Mouth!  THE DOOR, HIMSELF!  You were created to create!  You are made in His Image and you are a Door and HAVE A DOOR, which is your mouth.  


So, we have to go back to what is FAITH!  For The Door spoke WORDS by HIS FAITH and created worlds into existence!  And we have been made in His Image!  Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) reminds us, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  And Habakkuk 2:4 and Romans 1:17 (NIV) shows us, "The righteous will live by faith."  If you are a Born Again person, which means you have given your life to Jesus Christ and are living for Him, you are the “Righteous” that The Bible talks about.  And The Lord is telling us here that He wants His Righteous, Born Again, Believers and Followers of Him to live by Faith!  

Faith is hoping and believing that something IS, when you cannot see it YET!  Faith is when we are SURE and CERTAIN that what we are Believing God to do, He WILL!  That means that you are IN NO DOUBT, you are TOTALLY PERSUADED, you are WHOLEHEARTEDLY CONVINCED, WITHOUT A DOUBT that what you BELIEVE has manifested by Faith!  Even though your eyes cannot see it, your ears can’t hear it, your mouth cannot taste it and your hands cannot touch it! 


The ONLY WAY to get Faith is by hearing The Word of God, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  (Romans 10:17)  That means that you have to literally hear The Word of God and the preaching and teaching of The Word of God to get Faith!  Now, I want you to notice something in Romans 10:17.  God did NOT say Faith comes by what you hear one time. God did NOT say Faith comes by what you hear one time a week.  He did NOT say Faith will come when you hear The Word once a month or just the one time you heard the Good News when you got saved.  NO!  Faith comes by hearing and hearing!  “Hearing” is present tense!  “Hearing” is a continual and ongoing word!  


You can’t live by Faith on only what you heard last Sunday or last Month!  Faith comes by hearing and still hearing and again hearing The Word of God!  You MUST be reading The Word daily!  Why?  Because of the Times and the Last Days that we are living in, you will use all the Faith you received that morning by reading The Word of God by the end of your day!  When you read your Bible, read it out loud so that you can hear it with your ears.  When you are in your car, listen to the preaching and teaching of The Word.  When you are house cleaning, have the Word going in your ears through the radio or TV.  When you are doing work outside, cutting the grass, getting ready for work . . . find ways to get The Word in your ears!  Read Christian articles and publications that will help you grow up in your Faith!  Reading devotionals and a Teaching Letter just like this and even reading it out loud will increase your Faith!  


Our Lord FRAMED everything that we know and see in our World BY HIS FAITH and out of HIS MOUTH BY WORDS!  And that is what The LORD wants us to remember in this GIFT OF TIME that we have been given in this TIME of The DOOR (5784 and 2024)!  Our OPPORTUNITIES are HERE!  It’s the literal and prophetic TIME OF THE LORD, The DOOR!  

And it is OUR TIME to PARTNER with The Door, Himself and GET HIS NEEDS and WANTS ACCOMPLISHED in this World!  The Lord, Jesus wants to do EXTRAORDINARY things with you!  He wants to FRAME your World WITH YOU!  He wants to give you His Thoughts and for them to come out of your DOOR, your Mouth and help you FRAME YOUR WORLD!  He wants you to have a BEAUTIFUL FRAMED LIFE!  Yet, it will take YOU  controlling your DOOR and only letting come out of your DOOR the things and words of God and The Words Of Life!  Your DOOR, your mouth is crucial in the FRAMING OF YOUR LIFE!  And, THE FRAMING OF YOUR  WORLD!  And in the TIME OF THE DOOR, Your Framing IS PRIMED to happen!


Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are SEEN were NOT MADE of things which DO APPEAR.”  Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) 


So, SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD and use YOUR FAITH and begin the FRAMING and finish the FRAMING of the things of your life and the things that God desires in this life.  We get to walk through this life ONE TIME.  How we spend our lives is so  important!  Without FAITH it is  impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)  Will we choose to only have spent our lives on things that satisfied us or the things we wanted to do?  Or, will we spend our lives  BELIEVING IN GOD and Having FAITH IN HIM and TRUSTING HIM and SPEAKING HIS WORD By FAITH?  Will we take hold of this Year of The Door and WALK THROUGH THEM and pull by OUR FAITH what we are  BELIEVING FOR . . . THROUGH THOSE DOORS?


The DOORS will be on your PATHS, Church.  You will be walking by FAITH and in Fellowship with The LORD and then before you, there will be an OPPORTUNITY, an OPEN DOOR in this Year of The Door.  And inquiring of The Lord and hearing His Direction WILL BE CRUCIAL!  The Lord’s Doors will NEVER GO AGAINST HIS WORD!  Don’t allow the  enemy, the devil, to trick you or deceive you into things of his doors!  Never let the enemy make you think that his way or door is the way to go.  Remember, the devil is always a counterfeit to God’s Way and God’s Doors!

The Door, Himself was at the door Of Heaven.  And what the  Apostle John was shown on that amazing day was not for his TIME.  It was for many years in the future.  HE WAS SHOWN OUR TIME!  Beloved, what was connected to the future and the TIME that John was shown by The Lord?  It began with AN OPENED DOOR!  The TIME of The DOOR was for the FUTURE in John’s TIME.  And in the PRESENT of our TIME!  


Revelation 4:1 (WMB)   “After these things I looked and saw a door opened in  heaven; and the first voice that I heard, like a shofar speaking with me, was one saying, “Come up here, and I will show you the things which must happen after this.”


Jesus is WITH YOU!  Jesus IS WANTING TO WORK THROUGH YOU!  YOU and I HAVE BEEN PLACED IN THIS TIME OF  HISTORY, ON PURPOSE and we have been given PURPOSE!  Your DOORS in this Year are attached to your Purpose, Church!  PARTNER with The Lord and BELIEVE for THE BIG this Year!  Why?  Because It’s TIME!  This is the Greatest Time of the Church and HE WANTS YOU TO BE A PART OF IT ALL!  He wants to fight this fight of faith RIGHT BESIDE YOU If you know that you need to give your life to Jesus and  surrender ALL OF YOUR LIFE TO HIM, then pray and speak this prayer and mean it with all of YOU!  

"Lord, I have been running from You and You and I both know it.  Jesus I believe You died on a cross and rose from the dead for me.  I confess, I am a sinner and I need a Savior.  I need You, Jesus.  Please come into my life and save me.  Please fill me with The Holy Spirit and Power and use my life, use me.  I make You, Jesus The Lord of my life.  I will follow You all the days of my life in Jesus Name!"


If you said that prayer and meant it with all your heart, you are now Born Again and in right standing with God!  Welcome To The Family!  We want to celebrate with you and send you some FREE RESOURCES to help you get started in your new life in The Lord   Jesus!  And, if you are in need of a Bible, please let us know!  We would also send you one FREE and Postage Paid.  It’s a gift from JCM & the Partners of this Ministry. 


 It’s TIME!  The Doors Are Opening!  Let’s Help Jesus Finish His Mission!  Join Us!  We Love & Bless You & Are Praying For You! 

                                                                                                                        Keep Getting Ready, Jesus Is Coming! 

                                                                                                                        Pastor Jamie

                                                     HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR!


The Shepherd's Corner

Welcome to 2024 Disciples!


As we enter the year 2024, we look forward to what God has for us.  This is a new year that brings new Enlightenment and Blessings.  Here at The Word of Life Center Discipleship we look forward to All Things New and we are expecting great things!


We will be continuing to learn about our Inheritance that God has given His Children.  He has so much for us, and we have so much to learn about this subject.  Be sure to stay connected as The Lord continues to reveal the abundance of His Inheritance.


If you are not a part of our Discipleship Class, we would love to have you join us.  Contact us at https://www.jamiecarte.org/discipleship/

You Are Blessed and Highly Favored!

Shepherd Donna

Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship

JANUARY 2024 Discipleship Schedule  IN PERSON AND ONLINE

                         Wednesday, 03 January 2024              

                                Wednesday, 10 January 2024                     

                             Wednesday, 17 January 2024                   

            Wednesday, 31 January 2024  


FEBRUARY 2024 Discipleship Schedule IN PERSON AND ONLINE

                      Wednesday, 07 February 2024        

                               Wednesday, 21 February 2024                   

                                                              Wednesday, 18 February 2024                                                                                                                                                                                 

Contact JCM Through The Discipleship Page at https://jamiecarte.org/discipleship/ OR Shepherd Donna Legg would love to hear from you at donna@jamiecarte.org! 

Contact Us For More Information!  


 Happy & Blessed New Year Partners and Friends!

We have certainly quickly rolled into another year and are so excited to see what God has in store for us here at the Ministry as well as what He is doing in your lives!  We’re excited to see what the upcoming plans are for the furthering of the Campus here at Hico and for the development of the Campus in NC this year!  As always, during this time of beginning a New Year, there will be a lot of busyness, or like we like to call it, “fruitfulness” in the Office as we prepare to close out 2023 and move forward into 2024. 


And as we do move forward, we pray that you and your family will be greatly blessed, very prosperous and highly favored this year as you go forward with us and the Mission of Mahanaim!  

And we want to hear from you!  Please reach out to us here in the Office if you need Prayer, or if you just want to share a Praise Report of what God is doing in your lives!  We will be waiting to hear from you!


May God Bless each of you!

Shepherd Deborah

Shepherd of Administration


                                                                          Need Prayer?                                                                                     

Write Us At




Call us!  304-658-4720


Sow Safely On Line 


                                        The Mission Of Mahanaim! "2 Camps, 2 Armies"                                         Is Your Destiny Tied to The Mahanaim Mission


Discipleship, Building, Construction, Ministering, Praise and Worship, Music, Drama Ministry, Serving, Media, TV Ministry, Funding, Prayer, Intercession, Feeding & Distribution. 

Is Your Destiny Tied To The Mission Of Mahanaim? Is This Part Of Your Future? 


We Invite You To Pray and Ask The Father If You Are To Be A Part Of This Ministry!  And We Pray That God Will Show You, If Not JCM, Which Field Ministry You Are To Be Linked To In Jesus Name!

If God Is Leading You, Your Ministry or Business to Become A Covenant Partner or Friend With JCM, It Would Be Our Honor To Unite In Ministry With You!

Thank You! In Advance!


We Have the Best Partners 

In The World! Thank You!



JCM'S Office Hours are Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM (EST.)

Please Feel Free To Contact JCM at 1-304-658-4720

Also Reach Us


Email - contact@jamiecarte.org

Email - prayer@jamiecarte.org



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Are You Ready To Have Your Life Changed?

Have You Ever Been Discipled?


If you have never committed to this deeper walk and learning 

with The Lord, it’s time to truly consider it.  

Contact JCM to get signed up!  It Will Change Your Life  Forever!  

In Person and If Out of State, Online Classes Are Available.



Sign Up For JCM’S Daily Devotions


  Daily Devotions Will Bring You Faith, Prophecy, Hope and

 Instruction From The Word!  Contact Us Through E-Mail, Facebook 

or Go to Our WebPage and Sign Up There!


Join Us On Live Stream!

 Sundays & Discipleship Classes @jamiecarte.org Or 



The Word Of Life Center

19 Mahanaim Place Hico, WV 25854


                                       JCM Television                                         

JCM TV Programs Are Airing On WWAY TV in North Carolina!  


 Watch Us On

WWAY2 - CBS – Channel 4 or 1004 HD at 7:00 AM

 WWAY - ABC – Channel 3 or  1003 HD at 7:30 AM

  WWAY3 – CW – Channel 7 at 11:30 AM


Watch JCM TV  Programs On “YouTube!”


 frame your world!