The Light, The Key & The Door!
Let me begin by saying, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Dewayne and I and All Of The Ministry Bless You and Our Prayer Is That You Have A Wonderful Time Celebrating, Pondering On and Having THE LOVE OF GOD FLOOD YOUR HEART As You See What Father God and Jesus and Holy Spirit Has Done For Us In This Season IN JESUS NAME! The Love Of Our Lord Is Amazing! GOD HIMSELF CAME TO EARTH TO SAVE US! That Is How Much We Are Loved and Valued By Our Father and King! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord!
Next, THANK YOU COVENANT PARTNERS AND FRIENDS OF JAMIE CARTE MINISTRIES! YOU Love Others With The Love Of God! You Unselfishly Give Of Yourselves Through Your Prayers and Financial Support To This Ministry and WE TOGETHER WITH YOU Are Reaching People, Teaching People and Giving Them The Uncompromised TRUTH! God Has Divinely Put Us Together As A Family, To Reach Out To Others In These LAST DAYS And Give Them Truth and Show Them The Love Of God. WE ARE GRATEFUL TO YOU FOR BEING A PART OF THIS MINISTRY and OUR LIVES! We Dearly Love You and Are So Grateful For You! THANK YOU LORD FOR OUR PARTNERS! Merry Christmas Family!
As we begin this Teaching for this Month of December 2023, we must start with that we have already begun a brand New Year in the Hebrew Calendar which is the Calendar that God is on! At the Feast Of God called Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets, the New Year of The Lord began. Church, we are now in the Year and TIME of 5784 on God’s Calendar. The New Year of God began on 15 September 2023 and will extend to 2024’s Feast of Trumpets. That’s right! We have, with God, already begun a New Prophetic Year in HIM! There is a literal number that each year has been given and within that number there is a meaning and “identity” that has been given by The Lord and it has been taught first to the Hebrew People in History, and now we in The Church can have this prophetic insight too! Thank You Lord.
“I am the Door; anyone who enters in through Me will be saved (will live). He will come in and he will go out [freely], and will find pasture.” John 10:9 (AMPC)
At the beginning of every New Year on the Gregorian Calendar, (that’s the calendar that we use here in America) I always do much research into what that New Year that we moved into means prophetically. I seek The Lord to hear what HE has to say of what that Year and Number of that New Year has been given the identity of means. What The Lord wants to tell us in The Body of Christ through THE TIME OF GOD and that TIME OF GOD’S IDENTITY through it having a Number IS HUGE! It is, if you will, like the Year of God has a “REFERENCE NUMBER” so that one who wants to know what the meaning of that Year, The TIME Of God means and is . . . has the “REFERENCE NUMBER” OF WHAT YEAR IT IS to begin to seek it out! For The Lord Himself Said that if we seek Him, we will find Him. With the Prophetic Number or what I like to call, the REFERENCE NUMBER of this Year of 5784, that’s already begun, let’s begin a search!
If you are new to JCM and haven’t been receiving the Monthly Teachings then we need to establish a Teaching that has been repeated many times and that is that numbers mean words. Numbers mean words TO GOD AND HIS PEOPLE! When you and I see Numbers in The Word of God we are also seeing WORDS, Beloved! The Hebrew People have always known this and they still practice this Truth today! NUMBERS ARE A WAY OF COMMUNICATION between God and His People! That is why you see so many Numbers in The Bible! God is speaking to us through the Numbers too! Praise The Lord! When one looks at the Book of Revelation for example, you see the Number “12” many times, don’t you? Well, the Number “12” has many Word meanings to it; just some are Divine Government, Order, Divine Power, New Jerusalem and Apostle.
So what does the Year, 5784 mean? Since we will get into so much of this Year next Month in January and connect the Year of “24” also, I’d like to bring forth the “4” of the Year of Our Lord of 5784.
After establishing that Numbers mean Words and Words mean Numbers previously, when we look into the number “4” that we are now in we find some good news. The number of “4” is the Hebrew number of “dalet.” Now what we need also to know is that the 4th letter in the Hebrew alphabet is “dalet” also. And the letter of “dalet” looks like this.
And the meaning of this number and letter is A DOOR. There is SO MUCH within this meaning! To begin with, Jesus SAID HE WAS THE DOOR. Not, A DOOR. Jesus Is THE DOOR. The Greek Strong’s Number for the Word, “DOOR” is S.N.#2374 which is thura which means a door, a gate, an entrance, a passage through, a PORTAL, the door of The Kingdom of Heaven.
When we surrender our life to Jesus and ask Him to be The Lord of our life, WE ENTER INTO HIM; WE ENTER INTO,THE DOOR, HIMSELF! And when we enter into THE DOOR we go through HIM . . . The DOOR and THE GATE. And, we enter into The Kingdom of GOD! So, we are entering THROUGH The DOOR or GATE that allows us access into The Kingdom of God! Really, really think about this, Church!
There’s ONE ENTRANCE, One DOOR, that a person has to go through to get to the Kingdom of God and into Heaven. JUST ONE. And it is through The DOOR, The GATE, Who Is Jesus! HE IS The DOOR! HE Is The ONLY WAY Into A Whole Kingdom! And This Kingdom has Only One Door Into It! That is why He Said He Was, THE WAY!
“I am the Door; anyone who enters in through Me will be saved (will live). He will come in and he will go out [freely], and will find pasture.” John 10:9 (AMPC)
In other Translations of John 10:9 we find that “Door” also means, “Gate.”
“Yes, I am the Gate. Those who come in by way of the Gate will be saved and will go in and out and find green pastures.” John 10:9 (TLB)
And when someone makes Jesus their Lord, HE, The DOOR goes THROUGH and IN that New Born Again Person. And when The Door, Jesus, goes THROUGH that New Born Again person, Jesus then is going through a door! You and I are a door also. We enter into Jesus and He enters into us! Jesus Is THE DOOR. And we are just like Him!
The Lord is going to show us and reveal to us much more about this very Prophetic Year that we have already entered, Beloved! This New Year Is A BIG DEAL!
“. . . Because As He Is, So Are We In This World!” 1 John 4:17
The Key To The first
When everything was created by God as we read about it in Genesis Chapter 1, we see that there were some really BIG THINGS that God spoke into existence. On day 4 God believed in His Heart and confessed with His Mouth that a great light to light the Day would happen and then a light to light up the night would happen. We know these LIGHTS to be the sun and moon.
Yet, there was ANOTHER LIGHT that God created and He spoke it out of His Mouth and it WAS ON DAY ONE!
This is NOT the lights of the Sun and the Moon and the Stars! Genesis 1:3, “LIGHT Be, LIGHT Was!” The LIGHT of verse 3 is VERY DIFFERENT than what we know to be the LIGHTS of the Sun and Moon on Day 4. The LIGHT that was spoken into existence on Day 1 is a force, an energy, a creative power that was released into the atmosphere of this World!
“For it was in Him that all things were created, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [by His service, intervention] and in and for Him.” Colossians 1:16 (AMPC)
The Heavens, Time, the Galaxies, and everything that we have any knowledge of now and forever came from that Power released from God, that HE calls, LIGHT! God released HIMSELF, HIS LIGHT from HIS BELLY into the atmospheres of the Heavens, the Earth and to the cosmic places of the Galaxies! And His Light, which is His Power, was the “matter” to which everything was and is made!
The POWER of CREATION was released and SENT OUT OF GOD HIMSELF and IT HAS NEVER STOPPED IT’S POWER! And, WHAT DOES GOD CALL THIS CREATED POWER? LIGHT! EVERYTHING that was created AFTER The LIGHT Of God Was Released Out Of Him In Verse 3 Of Genesis 1 Was Done So By The LIGHT Of God! When God released “LIGHT,” HIS LIGHT, that is when everything began being created! The LIGHT of God which is His creative POWER was released and that is what the rest of creation was implemented and come to pass with!
God SAW in His imagination, in His Belly, in His Spirit what He would create and then when He released HIS LIGHT-POWER in verse 3 and put His Faith with His LIGHT, creation began forming in the Earth and beyond in Space and TIME! TIME was created for Earth. TIME was created in God’s LIGHT-POWER too!
The Earth, Seas, trees, vegetation, seeds, the Unseen Realm, the Heavens, the Sun, Moon and the Stars . . . All of these things and more all came forth AFTER, the words, “LIGHT BE, LIGHT WAS!” It all started WITHIN GOD! HE IS LIGHT! HIS KINGDOM IS LIGHT!
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” James 1:17 (NKJV)
And when the LIGHT-POWER of God was spoken and released . . . ALL POWER, CREATED LIGHT-POWER WAS RELEASED INTO THE ALL PLACES, TIMES AND ATMOSPHERES, EVERYWHERE and IN ALL TIME! When LIGHT-POWER is spoken the “All THINGS Are Possible” creation began! And, many THINGS that were NOT were created! And, yet things are STILL BEING CREATED IN TIME . . . Through LIGHT, LIGHT-POWER! Hallelujah!
How Do We Know That The LIGHT that was released in Genesis 1:3 by God is still in motion and occurring and creating? We know that it has been discovered by the scientist and math experts of this World that LIGHT is moving and traveling at the “speed” of 186,000 miles a second. LIGHT is still creating all the Galaxies out there! The Galaxies are being created RIGHT NOW in our TIME at 45.55 MILES PER SECOND! The LIGHT-POWER Of God is still creating right now!
Think about this Beloved of The Lord. Why would LIGHT have to move and “travel” anyway? Why does LIGHT have to be so aggressively in Motion, in Moving and Traveling? It is due to when God spoke “LIGHT BE” HE HAS NEVER TOOK IT BACK OR STOPPED IT! And God IS STILL CREATING . . . Literally at 45.55 miles per second! LIGHT-POWER is still doing exactly what it was meant to do when it left God as told us about in Genesis 1:3! LIGHT-POWER is “BEING!” LIGHT-POWER is creating things TO BE, even in our TME, right NOW!
“Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.” John 8:12 (AMPC)
Jesus made it clear that He was The Light and that we who are followers of Jesus, The Word, will not be in the darkness but that we will have the LIGHT! That is huge! WE have the LIGHT! We have the LIGHT of God which is the LIGHT-POWER of Him! The Creative LIGHT-POWER of Genesis 1:3!
Then Jesus tells us in The Word that, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14 (NIV)
GOD IS SAYING WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT Of Verse 3 of Genesis 1, Beloved! We are the CHILDREN of The LIGHT–POWER! We have been given this LIGHT-POWER now through Jesus that was released by God in Genesis 1:3!
Pastor Dewayne and I want to share something that The Lord gave Pastor Dewayne a while back. First, Our King Jesus loves us and He will speak to us about things and our lives so that we can “see” what is ahead of us or something in our lives that He wants to warn us about or if there is something that we need to correct and pay attention to. The Lord gave Dewayne a dream that truly is changing us and I am sure will continue changing our lives because of the meaning and ongoing meaning of this dream. Yet, we believe that the dream was for Dewayne and myself and also for The Body of Christ. I will not share all of the specifics of the dream, just the highlights and it will show you, and again me, what God wanted to show us and now others.
Dewayne knew that there was a Christmas Play that we were doing in the Ministry and he was looking for something that he needed. He had someone with him that he called, “The Technician.” What they were looking for, Dewayne and “The Technician” assisting him, went to another house to try and find it. When they arrived to the house to look for what Dewayne needed, Dewayne started thinking, “Do I have the keys to open the DOOR?” Dewayne found in his pocket a large and big key. He looked at the small key and it had written and even raised up on the small key, the numbers 157. The number 157 was not placed on the normal place that numbers are on a key. The numbers 157 were written on the shaft of the key. Dewayne kept thinking, “Will this key even work with these numbers on it?” The key opened the DOOR to the house.
When Dewayne opened the DOOR he found the house trashed! Trash and things were lying every where on the floor. It was a mess! Later in the dream Dewayne looked at the TIME and it was 6:38. Then he realized that the TIME was not adjusted to the Daylight Savings TIME and IT WAS LATER THAN WHAT HE THOUGHT. So, Dewayne and “The Technician” had to leave and hurry for the Christmas Program was about to begin.
There are things that The Lord was and is ministering to Dewayne and now to us all through this dream. When we looked up the number in the Hebrew of 157 it is Aheb and the definition Strong’s Number #157 is TO LOVE. Dewayne knew that The Lord was specifically speaking to him about his Love Walk and how he had not been paying attention to it and “his house” was a mess. Dewayne knew that The Lord was correcting him. And yet, Dewayne knew that he was truly being Loved By God, Himself. No condemnation. Just The Love Of God to be so specific with him.
We also knew that The One Who was with Dewayne the whole TIME in the dream was “The Technician” Who was there to assist Dewayne in every way. We understand that “The Technician” in the dream was The Holy Spirit. He was always present with Dewayne. And Holy Spirit was there to assist as Dewayne was finding the condition of “his house” “with the KEY 157.
“Where’s Number 157?”
Dewayne, since this dream, has been talking to The Lord about all that was revealed to him in it. Soon after this dream happened, Dewayne was at his job and had just walked into a colleague’s Office and sat down. The phone rings and it was his Boss. His colleague put the call on speaker phone and the first words from Dewayne’s Boss was the words, “Where’s Number 157?” Just WOW! His Boss was asking the location of something in the Plant, but Dewayne knew that The Lord was speaking and asking him, “Where’s Number 157?” Or, where is your LOVE?
Talk about a confirmation! God was telling Dewayne and now all of us that we have to pay attention to how we are walking, talking, thinking and how we treat others. In these Last Days in The TIME that we are all in, it will take MORE EFFORT THAN EVER to walk and speak IN LOVE! There is so much coming against GOD and HIS KINGDOM! GOD’S KINGDOM Is THE KINGDOM OF LOVE and LIGHT! And the kingdom of darkness and fear IS AT AN ALL OUT ASSAULT AGAINST God’s Kingdom of Love and Light! And THE ONLY THING THAT CAN DEFEAT FEAR IS LOVE!
So, our walking, acting, speaking and living in LOVE WILL clean out our “houses” and where we live AND will make the way for us to live victoriously AND DEFEAT THE ENEMY and HIS KINGDOM! The Lord spoke to me earlier this year the Word, “WAR.” The Lord was letting me know that we were now in THE TIME of WAR with the enemy! The TIME has now arrived at what God Himself is calling, “WAR!”
And as we are walking, talking and acting in LOVE, God’s Love (1 Corinthians 13) this Love Walk will enable our FAITH TO WORK! “. . . faith which worketh by love.” Galatians 5:6
“. . . faith which worketh by love.” Galatians 5:6
LOVE IS THE KEY TO THE DOORS! What Doors? ALL THE ONES THAT ARE NEEDING OPENED! All The DOORS that have behind them things that need yours and mine attention to clean out! All The DOORS that we have now and have for a long time desired to OPEN! DOORS Of God and the Doors of The Desires From God IN OUR HEARTS!
The YEAR OF THE DOOR HAS ALREADY BEGUN! And THE LORD Gave Dewayne A Dream To Confirm It! KING JESUS Wants Us All To Open The Doors Of Our Lives and BEGIN SEEING and THEN CLEANING UP Where We Live, Our House! And WHAT KEY WILL OPEN THE DOOR? It’s THE KEY God Calls 157!
“So what do I do now Pastor Jamie?” Get things right with God. Confess your sins to Him and come to HIM! Whether you are away from HIM or you’ve never surrendered. Surrender! Surrender! Surrender To The King! And keep in check of where you are with Him and His Word! Pray this prayer, believe it with all your heart and confess it with your mouth,
“Lord Jesus, I am not where I need to be with You. I stop right now and I make the decision to give You my life entirely. I surrender to You Lord! I leave my past and my sins and I ask You to forgive me of them. I believe that You died on a cross and rose from the dead for me. Please come into my life and change it and do something with my life. I am ready to follow Your Plan that You have for me. I make You, Jesus, The Lord of my life. I will follow You all the days of my life. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Power in Jesus Name! Amen!”
And, Happy Hanukkah!

Hanukkah Is The Feast Of God that is About LIGHT,
Keep Praying for ISRAEL, Church!
She Shall Be Victorious IN JESUS NAME!
The Shepherd's Corner
Hello Disciples,
We come to you at one of the most precious Seasons of the Year, as we anticipate the Celebration of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ! There are many things that we plan in order to bless those around us during this time, not only our family but our Church family, our friends, our co-workers, and our Community. It’s a blessed time!
It’s also a time to consider the needs of others, all those for whom Christ came. And because of His Birth, the World has never been the same. It’s a time to reflect on God’s Goodness and all He has done and will do. And as we progress in our study of our Inheritance, we learn that we have our Inheritance because He chose to come into this World. How blessed we are Disciples!
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Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Shepherd Donna
Donna Legg, Shepherd of Discipleship
Hello Partners & Friends!
Here we are in the last Month of 2023! This is one of the busiest times of the year for Administration as we begin closing out the current year and preparing for the upcoming New Year. And as we do so, we get to reflect on what an exciting and fruitful 2023 it has been for us here in the Ministry. Yet as we will soon be in 2024, we can foresee the Goodness of what God has in store for us and for you in this upcoming New Year as our precious Partners and Friends!
As we prepare here in the Office of the Ministry to close out another wonderful year, we just want to take the time to Thank You for everything that you have done, Partners and Friends, to make this a successful year for the work of the Kingdom! We couldn’t have done it without you! And we want to wish all of you a Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! We Love You All!
Shepherd Deborah
Shepherd of Administration
JANUARY 2024 Discipleship Schedule
Wednesday, 03 January 2024
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Wednesday, 31 January 2024
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“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life.” John 3:16
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